Author Topic: Radii's Beastie's~ :: wip ::  (Read 2182 times)

Offline Acyd

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Radii's Beastie's~ :: wip ::
« on: March 14, 2011, 04:45:35 am »

Name; Acyd
Nick(s); Radiation Fox, #7932, Radii
Age; n/a
Gender; Female
Species; Mutant Fox; Arctic Fox
Orientation; Straight
Preference; Males


Free-willed and energetic, it takes a lot just to even begin to get on Acyd's nerves. She has her own little set of rules which seem to be permanently etched into her mind, making it very hard for her to follow any orders given to her that she might just dislike. Once she has her sights set on something, it is extremely hard to persuade her to head in an opposite direction thanks to her great determination and even greater stubbornness. She's quite the happy individual. Rather upbeat and always baring either a sadistic little grin or mischievous smirk on her muzzle.

Unfortunately, Acyd is truly what most would consider insane and entirely off-balanced. Her mind is one that thinks far out of the box, it's extremely creative and tends to give her problems on deciding just what road to go down. Whenever distressed, she could become quite rash and even lash out and attack even her closest friends. Thanks to her past, she has uncontrollable spurts in which her body begins to break down and she becomes an entirely different creature that's willing to destroy anything within her path. Originally, she's quite the mischievous being and adores giving anyone problems. She can't help but to taunt and pick and she never is one to back down from a challenge.


Acyd was originally nothing more than an average Arctic Fox, originating from the deep snowy mountains of an unknown land. Along with quite a few other subjects, she was captured and cooped up in the back of a truck for countless hours whenever humans had begun to invade the mountain ranges. Instead of being relocated like normal captured critters were, she had the luck to wind up deep within an underground facility in which conducted experiments to try and create biological weapons. Many animals far larger than she could ever grow, including moose and bears, were tested on and all were killed during the experiments. Among the whispers and whimpers of those who returned from testing, she had quickly learned that the testing process was quite painful and it had soon become the only thing she and her cellmates feared.

For the first two weeks, Acyd was lucky enoguh to somehow avoid being picked for testing, but as the numbers in her cell decreased... she begun to stick out like a sore thumb. Death was all around her, and those who weren't strong enough to survive the process of experimentation were put out of their misery and had their bodies destroyed. Soon, she had been removed and undergone the experiments. Much unlike the others, she was a success. The experiments were still as painful as ever, however she was able to live and thrive like so few before her had. For seven years, day in and day out radiation was pumped into her body and her entire structure and body composition had begun to shift. She grew larger, and gained incredible powers in which revolved around acidic abilities, radiation, and the ability to shift between a small white fox with neon green markings, and a much larger version. Her white fur began to radiate green in certain places, and a green line that moved each time her heart beat had even appeared along her flank. She was far more deadly than any man-made or natural radiation, far deadlier than any bomb, and the scientists marveled her for this.

Much to the scientists disdain, however... Acyd had a will of her own. Even with a collar that had wires seeping into her brain, they had a terrible time controlling her, especially as she grew stronger and stronger. Her body structure also occasionally went haywire, and she began to have minor meltdowns where her body would slowly decay unless the scientists placed her in a special tube to reverse the effects. They wanted something that would actually listen to them, and thus they gathered a new test subject and based it off her own design. The counterpart was a success, and whenever word got around that she was going to be disposed of eventually, she was shocked.

With rage, and confusion flooding through her body. Acyd had blacked out, her entire body had poured out so much acid and radiation that it obliterated the entire lab and, to her belief, everyone inside. By the time she awoke, she was weak and tired and ended up having to take shelter within the destruction she had caused, though with no idea of how she had done it, or even that it was her. When her strength finally did return to her, she escaped into the world to live her life as she pleased.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 03:13:26 am by Acyd »