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Topics - Midgetsc

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Introduction / Nostalgia Brought Me
« on: January 05, 2021, 08:02:53 am »
I can't remember the last time I played this game, but the nostalgia suddenly hit me like a wave. It was a huge part of my childhood... crazy how much things have changed. I used to race my friends to the top of Ascension Island, and I RPed. I was also huge on making custom maps. My life dulled out a lot when the game started to lose activity. It was sort of the end of an era for me. Now I'm in college, much older. World's different now.

Request/Find Meshes / Need an airplane mesh
« on: September 06, 2014, 05:40:25 am »
All of a sudden I absolutely had to make this one map, and one of the features of the area is a crashed airplane. I've used the search feature and gone on google but I've yet to find an airplane mesh to use. Any other time I'd just wave it off and find some sort of replacement, but the airplane is actually a pretty prominent feature and it won't really... Work... without it. So I need an airplane ;-;

So anyways, if anyone knows where to find one, could they please tell me? Thanks!

Request/Find Meshes / Castle/Fort thingy?
« on: March 09, 2013, 12:23:22 pm »
My RP, Initium Novum, has one area that has a bunch of towns and stuff, and I wanted to put a castle/fort thing in the largest town. Just to add to the affect and all. I would prefer if it was possible to enter, but it doesn't really matter~

Thanks in advance xD

Game Help / >_< Preset error
« on: March 02, 2013, 07:18:27 am »
I was on a thread with a bunch of preset codes, and decided to use the transparent one for my preset. I used the opacity thingy on Gimp to make a semi-transparent texture, and it worked for the head and eye. However, as soon as I uploaded the body, the tail and body became invisible.

If anyone knows how to fix this, I'd appreciate the help. And, if needed, I can copy and paste the material thingy.

Request/Find Meshes / Guilletine? x3
« on: February 26, 2013, 03:47:36 pm »
I'm making a RP that includes Humanoid villages, and I thought it might be a cool idea to put Guilletines in some of the towns. (It's definitely not because I wanna creep people out... >:3) I remember seeing one before, but I can't remember who's it was...

If anyone can link me to someone with a Guilletine mesh, I'd be thankful. ;)

Yeah... The title kinda explains it. I spent a LOT of time making this awesome map for my RP, Kingdoms of Animalia. The map pack has 4 maps, and the first three (Lifehold Plains, a dungeon map, and Swiftwind Shore) all seem to be working. The fourth one, however, is called Darkshroud Forest, and every time you enter it, your character "breaks" and doesn't work any more. No matter how many times you try to get on it, it gives you a message that says "Failed to connect to map server". It has a lot of meshes, but they're mostly trees. In terms of big/laggier meshes, Lifehold Plains is worse, but it works fine. I have no idea what's causing the map to mess up, but according to my members, it's not just my character that broke from it. If anyone could help me fix this, I'd love them forever, because I can't ever seem to get Character Reset to work, and instead no matter how many times I put my login info it just (basically) refreshes the page. :P

PLEASE, if you know a solution please tell me. Darkshroud Forest is my favorite map in the pack. <3

Request/Find Meshes / Need a castle mesh for my map pack! <3
« on: December 25, 2012, 09:09:01 pm »

I need a castle mesh for a map pack. I'm making this RP called Kingdoms of Animalia, and it's nearly done. I've gotten pretty much everything done, except the towns. So I start making them and I realize... I don't have any castle meshes xD I need ones that you can enter, so we can have royals living in the castle who throw people in dungeons and stuff. I've looked around, but I haven't seen any. I'd also like it if they were made of stone or rocks, as there aren't things like purple and pink paint cans that you can buy at the store.

Anyways, I'd love it if someone could find one!

Game Help / Need to know some things about map making!
« on: November 02, 2012, 09:01:31 am »
Hello! I've got a few questions, all map related.

1) Although I've made many maps before, I've never tried creating my own ground textures. I finally made a map that needed a texture to make the grass red and bloody and stuff. But where are users supposed to put this, exactly? I haven't downloaded any custom texture maps recently and don't remember exactly where it goes.
2) About the custom textures, I think I know where to save the texture, but just to be sure, it goes in Feralheart>Media>Terrains>Textures, right? Then you edit the defaultTerrain.cfg to have the file's name with the others?
3) I've got this thing called magma_tex inside my Feralheart>Media>Textures. I remember downloading it and using it in the past, but then my FeralHeart got destroyed and I had to reinstall, thus losing it. I downloaded a map that used it, and now I'd like to know how I can get magma_tex to stop being a white blob when I use it as the Ocean Texture. Anyone know how?

Game Help / Height Map Issue [SOLVED]
« on: September 04, 2012, 04:35:12 pm »
Hello. :3

I was working on a map for my RP- I've made 3 beautiful height maps. However, when I load them into the game, it says the game can't find them, but I've made sure that I spelled the name right. Anybody know how to fix this? The problem only occurs when I make a new height map- the old ones work properly.

Game Help / Well... Blurp.
« on: July 27, 2012, 10:12:23 am »
Okay... I have a version of Naturalistic. At least, I think it is. It looks like it, but I dunno. Anyways, that's not the point. I got tired of the pack, and decided I would save my copy of the Feralheart folder so I could still use the pack, but get the FHSetup again and run it. It replaced the folder- fixed a bunch of my problems that I currently have. However, what it didn't do, is remove the texture pack! Dx The textures remain how they were- most of the other pictures in "textures" were replaced. Well, pretty much everything except the terrain textures! I don't want this pack anymore... Anything I might be able to do to remove it?

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