Author Topic: >Leo the Cursed Chapter 4<  (Read 1263 times)

Offline chowfur

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>Leo the Cursed Chapter 4<
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:47:50 pm »
                                                                   Chapter 4
               The sickness in Leo's stomach was still there. Maybe if I go for a swim it'll go away he thought. Pain was also starting up in his paws. Leo headed for Sandy Cove. He jumped into the water and swam around, his little paws beating at the water. Leo got out. Nothing, in fact the pain in his paws was getting worse. The sun began to set and Leo's scars stung like crazy. Then he pain became unbearable and Leo collapsed. He closed his eyes very tightly. Then when leo opened them he got up and starred in horror at his reflection in the water. He was getting bigger and his fur was getting darker.  Leo's mane had its normal look was black fur from it was growing down his stomach and back. Leo looked down at the water a little more then looked back at the hollow. He growled as he remembered the negativity his parents gave him. Leo got up, walked back to the hollow and thought They'll see....they'll all see. When he got there snoring came from all the caves in the hollow. He walked towards the biggest his claws out. There he saw his parents talking about Ursa and how she beat a whole group of cubs at battle. "It's a sign" said Jinx.Ethan nodded his head in agreement. Then the two lions saw Leo. Jinx rolled her ears bak and drooped her tail while Ethan snarled at him"Who are you?" "Your son" Leo growled back. Ethan looked at Leo and said "What-" but before he could finish Leo felt all the anger and sadness he felt about his pride and family and launched him self at Ethan. Leo pinned him. "Bye father" he hissed and then Leo slashed his claws at Ethan's throat. The light in his fathers eyes died away. Leo turned towards Jinx. A new energy coursed threw him. A craving for blood and madness. He looked at Jinx threw his mad eyes. Jinx looked back at him and begged "Leo please". Leo laughed evilly back and said  "Why should I? Look at all you've done". Then with out any time for his mother to breath Leo dashed forward and clashed him long thick claws into Jinx's throat. Jinx fell back dead on the floor. Leo smiled in satisfaction. Then a voice came to Leo's ear and his smile turned into a shocked and surprised look. "Leo? Leo?" it said scared and sadly. Leo spun around and saw his sister Ursa in tears. Leo said "Ursa....." before pain swept through his whole body. Then Leo collapsed and changed back. Leo looked at her. "Ursa I didn't mean to kill them...... honestly.... it just I felt" no more words could escape Leo's mouth. Ursa looked at him half understanding and half sad. "Leo I were just jealous of knew I was going to be the next queen.......i'll keep this secret....under one condition" she said in a weird way. "What" Leo said. "You do this every night" Ursa said. "What? Why?" asked Leo. "Because it would b  e only fair if you live with this...our parents died because of need to live with the shame and misery of it" Usra explained. Leo nodded and then said "I'm gonna leave...some where far away from here......I may come back" he said. Ursa nodded and said "Oh yay Leo one more thing i need to tell you...I gave you your scars on purpose." "WHAT?!" said Leo.

Authors note: Boy things are really srewing up in Leo's world. I wonder where leo's gonna go. ill have xhp 5 out tomorrow. and about the cronical series........Im still doing it.....just wanna do this then that. Well keep reading and also post in the replys how you like it.