Author Topic: ... Well, you see...  (Read 16427 times)


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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2011, 01:38:33 am »
I kinda disagree with you, but I agree with you to a certain extent. I didn't really play IT in the later days at all. Do you know why? Because of the items! I hated the items! Yes they were very cool looking, but they started so much drama. I loved them at first. You have no idea how excited I was when the very first item, the Santa hat came out.
Later in IT, everyone was crammed into default where you could hardly have a proper discussion or different dimensions. When I tried looking in other maps, there was no one there, or they were just in another dimension. It was impossible to find my friends! And sometimes they wouldn't tell me what dimension they were in, so I was alone and left out. I could have made friends with other people, but most of them were mate begging, item begging idiots who just capslocked in your character's face asking if you have a KT Helmet or some other rare item :/
I joined IT sometime just after Version 4 came out. There were no items, no markings, even the character's shading looked all blockish and strange. (if this was IT at this point, imagine what FH will be like in a year) At that time there was more or less 100 or so players. But I found someone online almost every time I logged on, in some map or another.

Yes, I was excited to be able to play a winged character and to be able to fly whenever, and wherever I wanted. There are no wings in FH but I can live with that. My characters don't need wings. In fact, I never draw them with wings. I just added them to be able to fly. I'm accepting to Kov's choice to not have wings.

That's why I like FH. Because it reminds me of IT in its early days, just with more players.

There probably won't be any items either, but you know what you can look forward to? Arokai.
I probably sound like a bad FH mod by encouraging you to go play another game, but FH and Arokai are friends aren't they? In fact, I heard that Kov helped Superfeesh code the game at some point.
Come on, you get to play seven different species. Seven!!. And the customization is very similar to IT as well, where you get to change the proportions and such. (keep in mind you'll only get to play owls in the first release of the game).
AND there will be items in the character customization screen!! There's also gonna be these lemur merchant NPCs which can explain where the items came from in the first place.
I can safely say that I'm really looking forward to Arokai. Srsly, just look at that eyecandy. I can just tell it's going to be an amazing game.


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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2011, 01:44:48 am »
You know I love you Gem xD

It's just I've seen games like Weeping Envy... Wolf Generations.... Stray....Aeon Phase...Defying Gravity...Furzeon Realms.... probably more I can't remember just totally getting to the modeling part then stop and die >.<

It's not the idea's that isn't a good thing.. its just Money, Time and Knowledge that starts to suck, I mean look at how hard FH is struggling with these 3 issues.. Servers cost over 2k buck, Kov's and how ever else is working on updates have real life to worry about too, and can't work on making maps/systems. And Knowledge, yikes.. good luck with coding if you haven't taken classes for it...

This is the reason why I haven't bothered even trying to work on Unoriginal myself xD
.. the dream still lives on though but my hopes are shot til I marry a rich guy and go to college >.>

/too honest..
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 01:46:34 am by Slycan »

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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2011, 01:51:28 am »
Aro'kai is one of those games I seriously can't wait for, I'm looking forward to it. And yeah, I know all that about Aro'kai. I've been following the progress.
And I remember that, I joined in 0.4 too. Then when items were added I went ballistic, and decided to get a bit more creative with my characters.
I can live without these things, but I kinda miss the customization we had in IT. The items and wings just added even more to my creativity with characters, and well.. yeah.

And lol Sly, sorry I kinda snapped. I'm not in the best mood, I have a lot of stuff going on.
And I've already passed the modelling. All the models are pretty much done, it's coming along quite nicely.. And for the coding, I (luckily) have enough money to hire a mentor and pay for everything. So this isn't gonna be one of the unfinished projects.

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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2011, 06:07:30 am »
Agreed. I am a little surprised the troll-brigade hasn't arrived yet though. XD But i agree, this needed to be said. By any means... We aren't saying to put items or wings back in the game. We're just saying how the little things we had in I.T were what made it fun. That being said, I too, personally, am more excited for Arokai than anything. It looks simply AMAZING. FH will never be I.T., true. But the problem is, FH itself is rather boring at the moment, because it's fairly new. And new games start off boring, but get better. Alot of old I.T. players came here, like me. But i'm fairly disappointed with FH. I understand Kov has many things on his shoulders in life, But FH just wasn't what i expected. I didn't expect too much, however, i DID expect at least SOME aspects of I.T. In this. Alot of things back in I.T. were taken away in FH. Thus making it a boring game, To me, It feels ALOT like WQ, Just without all the fail-roleplaying kiddies, grammar failasaurs, and so on. There isn't much to do. When it came out, it was exciting, then it got old. I just feel like too much of the cartoony-aspect was taken away. No one likes an ENTIRELY REALISTIC game. That's just boring in itself. Whatever Kov does is his decision, correct, but we, as the people, have the right to voice our opinions, even if it doesn't do anything. We don't CARE if it doesn't make a change, it NEEDED to be said. That about sums this up. /goes back to drawing stuff on sai


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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2011, 07:05:10 am »
I didn't read any other responses before posting this :/
But I nuzzled you.

You are so right. Although I love FH it's for different reasons. I loved IT for all the reasons you named. Customization, items.. And as much as I love the new models... I still miss the old ones. I like the removal of the item drama, but I miss my claws and my antlers.. and my skeleton back pieces.

Unfortunately, FeralHeart will never live up to what Impressive Title was.. even if all of those things were added imo. It's just not the same... :C

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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2011, 02:06:30 pm »
And here, I wasn't expecting too many people to agree.. .w.;

Tyki Mikk

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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2011, 02:08:28 pm »
Silly Gem. xD I too was expecting tons of people by now to be saying "Get over it! Kovu will make his game how he wants! Blah blah blah rant!" I get on my soapbox sometimes but some people.... >.<

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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2011, 02:16:46 pm »
I was expecting more trolls than anything. xD

The thing is with FH is that.. I know more will  be added, but honestly, taking wings and items away just took customization power away to me.

Tyki Mikk

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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2011, 02:29:39 pm »
Yeah I see what your saying. I miss wings too. Items more though. Items showed you really were involved with the game. Hunting with my friends was the most fun I ever had besides rp'ing with them. World exploration was exciting too. We have worlds now, its just that none of them have that... Castle or Playground feel. I'd love it if they brought some of the IT maps back.

But yeah, Items wasnt the only reason I played, like some people say. I played to be with my friends, to talk and chat, meet new people, or just sit around and watch other people rp. I sat in default alot. And thats how I found some of my good friends believe it or not. I cant do that in FH without being forcefully dragged into a childishly done rp. Nothin but little kids playing FH now. Immature brats, Lion and wolfaboos, and rude people.

Honestly... Its not the game that makes FH boring. Its the community. In FH's Flourite plains and Bonefire Island, you cant move one paw step without "getting your throat ripped out" or being yelled at because you have a canine character, being called a "stupid dog" or a "filthy cat". I mean really?

Like someone said, all this came about with the addition of canines. Lions and Canines (player wise) dont always get along and this brings about the childish Lion vs Canines war. Which of most, little brats participate in.

Im really disappointed at how ugly the community in game has gotten. I stay out of public maps because the community is so unwelcoming to a fellow player. And what makes me angry is that the mods, and people with SANITY like us cant do a thing about it. Nothing accept blocking them, which I find pointless because theres still millions of idiots out there.

/End rant @_@
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 02:32:15 pm by Tyki_Mikk »

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Re: ... Well, you see...
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2011, 02:49:52 pm »
That, I completely agree with. There used to be such a nice community in IT, what happened?
I kinda wish this game wasn't so popular. It has about... 30,000 members now? A bit less? Am I wrong in saying so? I know people with groups of 2,000+ people who just recently found out about this game (On one site, a few groups of 1000+, all Warrior Cat Clans.) Sure, more publicity for Kovu's game, I just don't like the user size limit. And we have people under  the age of 13 here, who aren't mature at all. Not saying all people are under 13 are immature, but most I know are.

./End of community rant.

I miss the variety, I miss the community, and overall, I miss IT. I know that most likely, none of this will get to Kovu. I highly doubt he even checks the forums. But it's still something I feel needed to be said.
I know IT is never coming back. I know that wings and items will probably never be added. But it was something worth speaking about, in my opinion.