Author Topic: Eragon Roleplay Accepting any and all players :D  (Read 2636 times)

Offline 1lilduck

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Eragon Roleplay Accepting any and all players :D
« on: April 22, 2017, 07:12:16 pm »
You inhabit the land of Alagaesia, Were dwarfs, Humans, Elves, and Dragons live, along with other species.
The peace has been shattered in the usually quiet land. The Riders have fallen, and now the Mad-king Galabotrix rules.
Who is the responsible for the downfall of the Dragons and their Riders. As far as Galabotrix knows, only one dragon egg remains unhatched, an emerald-green egg, which he holds in his possession. But, he is unaware of the several other eggs, that the elves sent off, In hope that More Riders will rise to defend Alagaesia, Now, you must prepare to defend Alagaesia from the clutches of Galabotrix, and his Black Dragon. And save the last egg, you may never meet the other Riders, and may even side with Galabotrix, but the up-coming battle will change Alagaesia's future forever. . . .

Here is a list of what you may RP as. You may RP as just a dragon or just a rider. As long as you have someone else RP as whatever is needed for you character it's fine.

Human Rider. (Do I need to explain this?)
Elf Rider. (Elves look like humans, Only they have slanted faces and pointy ears, they live much longer and are far more poweful in phsycial strengt, and magical strengt.)
Wild Dragon.
Normal Elf.
Normal Human.
Dude with Galabortrix
Dude with the Varden
Ra'zac. (Bird-like creatures with huge eyes and slanted beaks)
Forsworn. (People with Galabotrix, that are riders)
Werecat. (Massive Cats that can transform into human beings, they have ragged, wild fur and something that looks a tinge like mane.)

Please don't rp as someone from the book. I feel it's better we use our own characters.

1. PLEASE, keep the offensive language down.
2. NO Powerplaying, Murtagh is like immortal but He's STILL Beatable.
3.Please, just, don't kill someone character without permission -_-
6. Picture must be real life or anime
7. Riders MUST start with the egg, same with Dragons. your an egg, unless your wild. You HAVE to PM for special permission to do so other wise.
8. Drama is ok if it helps the RP get going then go ahead but please don't make it insufferable XD.
9. If your werecat has kids, or you dragon lays an egg or something else. Please, DON'T go into detail. Please just say "She lays an egg or She gives birth to (however many kits/eggs)."

(if your not a rider or dragon just replace the dragon name and Rider name with Name)

What I'm RPing as (species):
Dragon's Name:
Rider's Name:
Description (optional if you have a pic):
Who you support (Varden, no one, or Galbotrix):
« Last Edit: April 22, 2017, 07:31:49 pm by 1lilduck »

Offline 1lilduck

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Re: Eragon Roleplay Accepting any and all players :D
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2017, 07:31:18 pm »
What I'm RPing as (species): Elf
Dragon's Name: Silver shadow
Rider's Name: Amara
Gender: Rider: Female Dragon: Male
Egg (just cause i feel like it XD):
Baby dragon:
Description (optional if you have a pic):
History: A young she elf who dreams of nothing but peace. She helped distribute eggs to humans and dwarvin alike to find riders for the eggs they had. On one of her trips the egg she carried started to move. It belonged to her. Now she helps the Varden secure supplies and helps keep near by towns safe as best she can until her dragon hatches and they can work together to help the Varden.
Age: Rider: 117 Dragon: Egg
Who you support (Varden, no one, or Galbotrix): Varden
(elf's life long lives making her look younger then she actually is. Just to clarify for those you aren't as big of nerds as some of us)
« Last Edit: April 22, 2017, 07:44:41 pm by 1lilduck »