Author Topic: Twi's Character Bios.  (Read 2993 times)


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Twi's Character Bios.
« on: January 28, 2011, 12:44:23 am »

[P.reset download]


[N.ame] Deimos Alega.
[M.eaning] Deimos, Demonic. Aledga, Greek Goddess of Sorrow and Grief.
[G.ender] Female.
[] Ancient, Millions' of years old.
[A.ppearance] As her name suggest, she carries the very worlds' sorrow and grief on her shoulders. Through her stricken eyes, one could see the sorrow and grief she carries. A mixture of pain, regret and out right anger could be sensed.  She is never, cheerful as others' might think of her. However, as solemn and quiet she maybe, there is a another side the Gods' would never dear to anger so. For she would only leave death, destruction, and utter pain in her wake, the worlds would suffer and in turn so would they. [Was rewritten due to the game deleting her bio.]
[C.lan] --
[R.ank] --
[B.lood] Goddess.
[L.ove] --
[] --
[H.istory] "With so much time that has passed, not even I can remember my scattered and tattered memories..."
[U.ser-Name] Twiliac.

[N.ame] Denya, Bloodbane.
[G.ender] Female.
[] Four Years.
[A.ppearance] Body. Head. [Will change]
[C.lan] --
[R.ank] --
[B.lood] Stripped Hyena.
[L.ove] --
[] --
[H.istory] --

[N.ame] Dezyre.
[G.ender] Female.
[] Four Years.
[A.ppearance] Body. Head.
[P.ersonality] Hateful, spiteful, she is a monster. The creature hell -- Lucifer himself even refused to embed a home upon. Uncaring, unforgiving -- nothing but the shallowness of eternal darkness looms upon this woman. She belittles, she intimidates she is the neighborhood bully. She is the ass of the politics, that cold, heartless witch that will enjoy seeing the suffering of your pain slowly deteriorate upon this earth and will refuse to help. She is bi-polar with the mixture of emotions. Sadness and Rage, but the rage is a common genetic personality that expresses itself while the timidness of fear and anguish sob at the door step of the deaths unanswered calls.
[C.lan] --
[R.ank] --
[B.lood] Demonic Feline.
[L.ove] --
[] --
[T.heme] Eye of the storm - Bullet for my valentine.
Meaning of Life - Disturbed.
[H.istory] --
[U.ser-Name] Twiliac.

[N.ame] Alouwai.
[M.eaning] Night-Star.
[G.ender] Female.
[] Three years, Roughly. Or at lest she appeasers to be.
[A.ppearance] With a black as night it self, it's adored with odd luminous blue markings. With a diamond shaped marking between her eyes, a luminous streak goes up and down along her face. Just covering her brows and part of he cheeks, two smaller steaks set beside her eyes on either side of her head. Two smaller dots just set before the markings, while a single dot sits just below the diamond markings on her snout.  

Three thick markings branch out on the top of her head, ending out in a star-like marking which does down along her back. While two curvy markings make their way down to about just above her shoulders, A wing like marking rest on her shoulders, with a tear-drop resting in the middle. A question like mark further down along her upper leg rest, with a dot in the middle of it.

A smaller dot rest below it, leaving a curve marking behind. Down along her back  the markings branch out into a large star like-marking lining out long her lower back. One point just before the under part of her back legs, while the other settles on just the middle part of her leg. As for the third, it'd further down along the back of leg. Last but not least, three tear like gems set on her tail. The first the smallest, the second being the bigger of the three, the last being about mid sized.
[P.ersonality] Naturally calm in intense situations, one not to take things too lightly but she never takes them too seriously. A healer by heart, she will help any she comes across. Being as she is, she normally isn't one for fighting or war, but if need be, she will defend her self or others.
[P.ack] --
[R.ank] --
[B.lood] This is unknown, but she has been told she was a Ancient Wolf. Is it true?
[L.ove] --
[] --
[T.heme] Evanescence - Going Under.
[H.istory] --
[U.ser-Name] Twiliac.

[N.ame] Alscace.
[G.ender] Female.
[] Three Years.
[A.ppearance] Head, I.T version. Front View. Side view
[P.ersonality] Shes calm and quiet normally, but very strong willed and stubborn as ever. She can be quiet determined when she wishes to be. She can fight, but she normally avoid conflict where ever it may arise. Rather to settle thing by politics if anything, but she will shed blood if the need arise.
[C.lan] --
[R.ank] --
[B.lood] Lioness.
[L.ove] Poseidon.
[] --
[H.istory] --
[U.ser-Name] Twiliac.

[N.ame] Angelus.
[G.ender] Female.
[] Four Years.
[A.ppearance] Front View.
[P.ersonality] Aneglus is a clam yet sly wolf. She'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants, whoever gets' in her way won't last long one way or another. Under this Angel-like appearance is a true mask of what she truly is. Like her appearance, she is elegant, and quite deceptive, when she wants to be. Combined with her looks, she is a hard one to refuse, with her strong willed personality.  
[C.lan] --
[R.ank] --
[B.lood] Gray Wolf.
[L.ove] --
[] --
[H.istory] --
[U.ser-Name] Twiliac.

Codding (c) Twiliac. Ask before using.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 12:33:56 am by Twilia »


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Re: Twi's Character Bios.
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 12:45:07 am »

Offline Avani

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Re: Twi's Character Bios.
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2011, 02:04:20 pm »
Really nice bio! :]


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Re: Twi's Character Bios.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 05:22:33 am »
Thanks. owo. Was wondering where this went.