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Messages - awesomeness4ever

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
Well, if it crashes as soon as you click Map Maker, then I'd suggest reinstalling the game:

Save your maps(not WaterMill)and presets(Not preset 1 and 2).

This means, you need to copy your map's folder to somewhere outside the FH folder, it's .map file, and object files it uses. (you don't need to copy those if they are the default ones)

Once you copy all things, uninstall FH, delete the folder, and then reinstall.
ill try it out and see what happens. And thanks, your amazing! <3

It was working fine for like, two months, but then one day i was editing a map in GIMP and then i went to feral heart, then when i clicked on 'map maker' a pop up thing said "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working" and obviously i must have done something wrong cuz it was working fine for the two months ive had it, i dont know what i did wrong though, cuz i have about 3 different maps, there are all different names and all have the .png thing, and its 512 x 512 tall or whatever, and its a gray height map... i dont know what happened :( PLEASE HELP, THIS MAP IS AWESOME AND IVE BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR LIKE, A MONTH! XD HELP THE UNFORTUNATE PLEZ! haha, i would love you the rest of my little life

Unless you send the file to people, nobody will be able to see it! It is the same as when you make maps, only people who have uploaded your map can see it or go on it. It isn't possible for every member to see your preset, only those you have sent it to by following Gem's and Jazzz's instructions.

There is no way to make it so every single member can see your preset in game. If you want a larger number to see your hard work though, try to display your preset here in the forums, and some people may download it to see it in game.
oh i get it now, thank you so much i <3 all you guyz' help

Tell me your username and what the .fhp file is named.

and also, im having the same problem with my other preset: preset_1

^ Adding on.
Go to Tools>Preset Maker>Find Preset>Export and then do what Jazzz said.
i know, i did that, but then i logged in, and it showed my preset and all, but when i went in bonfire island other people couldnt see it, but i could

No worries. Just send the preset file to your friends. You can do that by uploading them to Mediafire and giving your friends the link.
thanks, but what i meant was: i want to let other people see my preset when i play online (like in bonfire island, or anywhere else), just like when you see other people's presets online. I dont exactly want
to show it to just my friends

I made this awesome, really hot, cool looking, beautiful, pretty, preset with cool markings that i made by myself, (everything done by me) and it took me several days to make, BUT only I can see it in online play, no other people can. PLEASE HELP!!! IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO MAKE!! im sure other people have this problem too.

If you help me, I will give you some kind of reward

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