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Messages - Werewolvesunite1

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Introduction / Re: Hiya *this is a bit late heh heh*
« on: November 18, 2013, 02:16:26 pm »
Hi. I hope you have fun here :D

Species / Gray Tigers.
« on: November 03, 2013, 04:23:34 pm »
Appearance-Gray Tigers are very skinny but strong. Female Gray Tigers are much bigger than the males. Their eye color ranges from Amber, Bright Yellow, Blue and Bright green. Female Gray Tigers have light silvery colored pelts While males have dark Gray pelts. Gray Tigers stripes are darker shades of their pelts.

Cubs- Female Gray Tigers usually have around 3 litters of cubs. There are usually 2-3 cubs in each litter but sometimes more and sometimes less. Female Gray Tigers will protect their cubs from any foe even if they are bigger and stronger.

Habitat- Gray Tigers love warm wet climates such as a rain forest *side note: I will work on a map for the Gray Tigers* Gray Tigers usually stick close to water sources like rivers or lakes. They usually stay in trees or makeshift dens.

Groups- Gray Tigers usually stay in large grouos of up to 9-10 Gray Tigers. The group's consist of two Alphas. Two deltas. Hunters and Warriors. Cubs. And Omegas (or the outcasts).

Extra- Gray Tigers are very fierce in a battle but once they are not in a battle they are kinda like huge kittens. Gray Tigers often battle for territory.

How to make a Gray Tiger:

Male- leave everything normal on the size. Make it as skinny as possible make the chin and nose as small as possible. Make them have slit eyes. Males do not have manes but they have tufts. Give them tiger stripes. Put their pelt color as a dark Gray. Their under fur should be a lighter color. Around their eyes should be their pelt color. Their eyes should be either: Yellow Green Blue or Amber. They have a rounded tail. They should have black tiger stripes.

Females- Make them a little bit bigger than the default size.Make it as skinny as possible make the chin and nose as small as possible. Make them have slit eyes.  Females have manes but no tufts. Give them tiger stripes that are dark  gray. They have rounded tails.

Game Discussion / Re: Its more than a pack..why do this to us? Near tears
« on: November 02, 2013, 09:45:41 pm »
Fell the people copying your group is probably a spoiled child thinking if they copy your group then theyll get they're way and get to join. Just hold your ground and don't back down. Prove to those copiers you won't sit back and watch them get away with this. Do everything in your power to make them stop. 'Cause if you don't more fake Palomino Pelt Pack's may show up.

Community Activities Hub / Re: Freeze Tag!!!!!
« on: November 02, 2013, 08:19:19 pm »
OMG!!! So sorry for all the delays on freeze tag!!!! I've been so busy plus FH game issues D: tonight it SHOULD go as planned.

I may be late my computer is acting up.

Community Activities Hub / Re: Freeze Tag!!!!!
« on: September 24, 2013, 02:17:45 am »
I hope you can make it :3 I hope everyone who wants to come can make it.

Community Activities Hub / Re: Freeze Tag!!!!!
« on: September 24, 2013, 12:51:26 am »
Oh Hugrf I'm not sure what time zone but I live in Ohio. *I'm not sure if that helps XD *

Community Activities Hub / Re: Freeze Tag!!!!!
« on: September 23, 2013, 10:15:20 pm »
Oh my time zone... America? Uh I'll get a time zone guide up here.

Forum Games / Re: Make up Exuses
« on: September 23, 2013, 07:39:26 pm »
I... got hit by a bus

You didn't buy me the plane you promised!

Stories / Teal and Phantom Kitsune.
« on: September 23, 2013, 01:35:57 am »
Chapter 1
The sad sad story Of Phantom Kitsune.
Long, long ago in a land very distant from ours called Feral Heart in part of the land which was a tunnel Called Ficho lived two wolves who were brother and sister. The brother's name was Kane. The sisters name is lost to us. So we'll just call her Phantom. Phantom was pure white with bright blue eyes. Her brother was pure black with red eyes. Phantom's brother Sat next to a group of his friends one day when they were teens. "It's not fair!"Kane complained to his friends. "What isn't fair Kane?" Asked a tall lean Red wolf named Braken. "That I'm stuck with this ugly black fur and red eyes while my sister gets to have the white fur and blue eyes!"Kane said. "Not this again!"mumbled one of Kane's friends under his breath. "But! I have a plan to make My sister feel how I feel!"Kane said. Oh boy, thought Braken. "Well see ya guys."Kane yipped getting up and padding away to his den he shared with his sister. ((To be continued))

Community Activities Hub / Freeze Tag!!!!!
« on: September 22, 2013, 10:50:13 pm »
Ok so Im sure we all know what Freeze tag is :3 But this is gonna be a bit different from normal Freeze tag.

So here is how its gonna work. One player is "It" you start out in the maze part of the map. The "it" player has to wait until I say for them to start just so everyone else has a chance to get away. Once the "IT" player starts to find players if they bump into your character you must STAY In that spot. The last person unfrozen is the next tagger. Other players that are not frozen yet can unfreeze frozen people but if the "IT" person tags you while your trying to unfreeze someone you are both frozen again. When the game starts everyone needs to be in a party with me.

The map download: To Install just move everything in the file into Exports folder in Feralheart folder.

Date and time: Every Saturday at 6:00 PM until 8:00 Pm A guide to time zones

I will not show map images just so no one can memorize the Maze and escape easily.

           There is no flying in this map And if I ever learn to live stream I will livestream custom music for the game.

                            happy playing when we start next Saturday :3

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