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Messages - Birchsucks

Pages: [1]
Forum Discussion / Re: A Message
« on: July 21, 2020, 10:19:57 pm »
The fh staff dont seem to understand that they have lost their power over the community. Here's a tip: you guys are no longer in charge here. You have 0 right to be making demands. Better atone now, before the community decides that they'll never forgive you. To be honest, it might be too late.

Forum Discussion / Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« on: July 20, 2020, 02:29:36 am »
I'm curious why some of these topics couldn't be discussed in DMs with Admins??

I'm asking myself about it sińce this post was created, lmao.

It would be better, then I wouldn't teach newcomers and old players who returned about this.

Everyone enough with the drama PLEASE!!

Shouldn't you three be asking why half a dozen people were banned? How about you step into the shoes of those who were banned. Imagine being barred from a game YOU spent days putting work and effort into and got banned for simply being apart of FHU because they supposedly have a vandetta against FH. (Note I am NOT an FHU staff member posting this.)

I cannot imagine what is going through your minds to think it is totally okay to just be numb to everything that happens just because it doesn't effect you. This game has no future given the immaturity of some of its staff, and I cannot believe people still ignorantly sit aside and let a rogue staff member (without even notifying the ENTIRE staff team, ex.: SpicyDirt) ban some of its most active players because of a goddamn post asking about a deleted thread. Absolutely ridiculous.

If you three actually care about the future of this game, take action and realize the staff team you know and love has some serious administrative bias and deep-rooted problems. Don't tell people on a board dedicated to discussion to stop discussing something just because you do not agree with it. Birdie has been MOTS and has worked with staff quite a bit, I think they know what they can/cannot bring to the public. There is absolutely no reason this shouldn't be discussed publically.

Suragaha, I previously respected you, but this is absolutely disgusting behavior. If you care as much about this community as you say, RESIGN. If Raz is such a problem, let someone else handle it. I hope you realize how large of a mistake this is. You can always use TOS as an excuse, but you will not have a game to moderate if you continue treating your active members like this, especially if those members have a connection to more of the community via Discord than you do via forum. Reckless, you are no better for not even reading your fellow admin's reply to this thread before replying yourself. An absolute embarrassment in regards to how staff communicates.

If this account gets banned, I will be wholly disappointed. Silencing people will only cause more retaliation. Plus, side accounts are disposable on a dead game.

Forum Discussion / Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« on: July 20, 2020, 01:04:19 am »
So when are the staff going to unban the people that they banned on their streak? Are they even going to apologize? Nobody on this thread has broken the game rules... It's pathetic that the staff banned people just for associating with fhu. Why? Because you're afraid that people will jump ship? Who blames them?

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