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Messages - AeropostaleWolf

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
Game Discussion / Closest FeralHeart friend
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:04:12 am »
So I did some late night thinking last night and realized how far I've come with friends on FH. I have this one friend that I text everyday about almost anything and I've come to realize that we are basically the same person but in different bodies and locations. We met in the most strangest spot, Mate Center (we were noobs). I've had a group of friends (originally all met on WQ) that I talked to everyday for 2 straight years. We lost contact, but it's the memories that count, right?

I wonder if anyone else has friends like this that they've met off FH and they slowly become part of your daily life to talk to them (either on FH or IMing)? How did you guys meet? How long you've been friends for? I'd really like to know  :D

Ask Me / Re: ask 'em
« on: May 20, 2014, 04:07:03 am »
1. Would you rather have your mouse die or your keyboard die?
2. Would you rather be paper or plastic?
3. Eat a salad or go to school?
4. Favorite song?
5. Favorite food?
6. How full is your trashcan? In real life and / or computer
7. If you got to pick, what eye color would you want?
8. Google, Yahoo, or Bing?
9. What do you like better? Forums, or in-game?

Ask Me /
« on: May 20, 2014, 04:02:50 am »
1. Would you rather have your mouse die, or your keyboard die?
2. What were you doing/playng before FeralHeart?
3. Which do you like better? Forums or in-game?
4. Favorite food?
5. Google, Yahoo, or Bing?
6. Would you rather eat a salad or go to school?
7. Favorite anime? (if you've seen one :D)
8. Would you rather be a tree or a rock?

Leaving / Re: uh..
« on: May 20, 2014, 03:55:28 am »
To be honest, I agree with what you say about bullies and literate groups populating the game. FeralHeart is suppose to be a fun game for all, but with the new people who have been joining recently, the game is staring to go downhill. I find myself often looking up words online for their definition and such, and I also am finding myself not as attached to the game as I once was.

As of people "hating" you, I have to disagree. I'm reassure you everyone isn't annoyed at you one bit, I mean, you help so many people around here. Who would be annoyed at that? Anyway, I hope you move on to bigger and better things. Good luck to ya. :)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: My "Black Butler" Mod
« on: May 18, 2014, 07:52:25 pm »
Brilliant job! I, myself, LOVE Black Butler, so this mod completely satisfies me. The loading screen pictures are very HD, and the icon buttons are fabulous as well. :3 I'm sure your FH is amazing! :D

Forum Games / Re: Most annoying song
« on: May 18, 2014, 03:56:56 pm »
You have not heard "annoying songs" until you hear this one-

and this one-

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: My Floofy Ideas
« on: May 18, 2014, 04:54:08 am »
This sound like a great idea, especially, like you said, if there is an urgent message to be told. However, I am wondering... If the other member is inactive / offline where will the message go? To their phone or email perhaps?

Viewing Friends List of other members & viewing bios of members from groups
I like this idea, mostly because what I do 90% of the time in FH is stalk people's bios. I am rather curious what who has who as a friend though. I also like the idea of viewing people's bios when you're not in the group as well. Although, I think that would cause more of a chance of people copying bios / bio formats... Other than that, this idea has a full support. :D

MM for Public
Yes, I agree with this idea as well. You have no idea how many times people came up to me and said:
"My markings are amazing!".... and they were really white marshmallows to me. It will help people who cannot download them, or don't know how to, see them and visualize a character more (for an RP, that is).[/color]

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Chat Word Restrictions
« on: May 18, 2014, 04:43:10 am »
To be honest, the reason why I left WolfQuest (the previous game I played before FH) was because of the chat filters. I mean, you couldn't even say miss. One reason why I love FeralHeart is because you can say whatever, no matter how random or odd. The fact that your idea to filter the chats just does not sound like a good idea for me. However, I do understand why due to the cursing. I apologize, but I am against this idea.   :-\

Forum Discussion / What is your total time logged in?
« on: May 17, 2014, 03:14:11 pm »
If you drift your eyes upward and see the words "Total time logged in:" you'll know what I'm talking about. So, what I want to know is how long have you been logged in? My time is as of when I am posting this thread is 1 day, 18 hours and 32 minutes.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Prey - No dropping item
« on: May 17, 2014, 04:17:26 am »
Ah, I see what you're thinking here. I bet you got the idea from Last Moon, Dragon's Den, or something. I agree, having prey would be very helpful for those who are hunters in a wolf pack -- Instead of just killing.... air? Honestly, this a great idea, just another addition to this amazing game. Although, the only downfall I see here is, if there is prey, the prey must have a strength bar to know whether how strong the prey is. So, my point is, killing something requires strength, if this idea were added, would strength bars for our characters be included as well? Our characters would die, or get wounded for quite some time, I'm not really a fan of that... Other than that, fabulous idea. ^_^

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