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Topics - AeropostaleWolf

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Closest FeralHeart friend
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:04:12 am »
So I did some late night thinking last night and realized how far I've come with friends on FH. I have this one friend that I text everyday about almost anything and I've come to realize that we are basically the same person but in different bodies and locations. We met in the most strangest spot, Mate Center (we were noobs). I've had a group of friends (originally all met on WQ) that I talked to everyday for 2 straight years. We lost contact, but it's the memories that count, right?

I wonder if anyone else has friends like this that they've met off FH and they slowly become part of your daily life to talk to them (either on FH or IMing)? How did you guys meet? How long you've been friends for? I'd really like to know  :D

Forum Discussion / What is your total time logged in?
« on: May 17, 2014, 03:14:11 pm »
If you drift your eyes upward and see the words "Total time logged in:" you'll know what I'm talking about. So, what I want to know is how long have you been logged in? My time is as of when I am posting this thread is 1 day, 18 hours and 32 minutes.

Game Help / [Character name] is online . ?
« on: May 11, 2014, 06:07:04 pm »
Alright, so I apologize if this is in the wrong category, feel free to move it if necessary.

Lately, for about 9 months now in the chat box there would be a green texted
(like this) message saying-

Monarch has joined the group .
Monarch is online .
Monarch is offline .

Something like that, and the name changes each time.
I know it's not just me because a friend and I were RPing in a private map and it said
Max is online . and my RP partner spotted it out as well.
So, I don't know if it's just a glitch or what. It's not something that gets on my nerves, but I'm just wondering.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / [Username Here] is in Character Creator
« on: March 03, 2014, 07:52:02 am »
Alright, so title basically says it all. Have you ever clicked the Find button to know where your friends are and it said Fluorite Plainsor Ficho Tunnel? Of course we all have some point. Well, this thought has been in my head for the past few days now. Imagine clicking the find button for one of your friends and it said [Username Here] is in Character Creator.

I do think this should happen, because FeralHeart requires internet connection and when you log on you're basically online on FeralHeart (Request accepted, sending log in), not offline, obviously. Plus, this isn't really a contribution to this idea, but at times there will be a ditcher who says:

Oh, okay. I'm going to go make a character
Let me edit my character, brb.

And they never come back. Don't you think it would be helpful to know that they are actually editing or making a character instead of going of somewhere else?

I am usually an active member in-game, for example, about everyday I would see at least 5 Warrior cat clans, 4 prides, and 2 packs all at Stone Bridge around 4:00p.m (MT Time). Throughout this entire week, I've seen only 1 clan, 2 prides, and 1 pack at the most at Stone Bridge every hour or so. Did I miss something? I figured maybe the members would like to play Feral Tales, but once I got onto Feral Tales, no one was there. So, I was just wondering where the members went?

Also, another example: I've got many friends on my friend list, and usually I would see about 10-15 on at a time. Throughout the week, the most that was on at one time was 6. Seriously, did I miss something here? @_@

Discussion Board / What is your favorite anime?
« on: February 08, 2014, 11:37:49 pm »
I LOVE anime (especially rom-coms) and I am curious which anime is your favorite. :3 My favorite has to be Please Teacher / Onegai Teacher.

I also love:
-The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

(Haven't watched very many that I liked, so yeah...

Site/Forum Help / I can't STAY logged in.
« on: January 30, 2014, 05:48:23 am »
All right, everyday I come to the Forum section of FeralHeart and it asks me to log in. I resume, and I press the check mark to STAY logged in. There is a box at the bottom asking me how long I want to stay logged in for. I say 9999(The highest amount of minutes, I think). Not even 4 hours later, I get logged out? Why? I am the only one who uses this computer, and I understand it will probably help my account from getting messed around with by my siblings, but they respect my space and stay away from this computer.

Is there a method of actually staying logged in? :/

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