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Messages - RedRedRose

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I cannot even explain how long it took me to complete this app- I swear I was just... Idontevenknow]]

Willow Eden

"I don't trust you. But I didn't trust anyone, so don't take it personally."

Nickname; None- open to suggestions. 
Age; Twenty years old [20]
Side ; Light.
Gender; Female
Specie; Elf

Occupation; Scout- she's one of the best.

Appearance; Willow would be very beautiful with her long white hair and bright blue eyes if it weren't for the long scar stretching down from just below her eyebrow to the corner of her lip. She stands at around 5'7, relatively small for an elf, and her physique is slender yet lightly toned. She has pale skin littered with small, insignificant scars and a light dusting of freckles across her nose. She often wears light, summery dresses even in the middle of winter because she finds them more comfortable.

Personality; Willow is a very quiet, reserved girl. She will not speak unless spoken to and avoids conversations with strangers. She has very significant trust issues, who could blame her, but is not afraid to be her usual self around people. She has a sweet nature, slightly rough around the edges with her dry humour and sarasm. She loves to smile but one will have to be very close to her to see her really laugh. Her guarded, withdrawn self will slowly where away as she gets to know someone and the fun-loving, daring side of her with soon shine through. Thanks to her scar, she is very self-conscious and tends to not talk about herself often. Her determination, though, is not something many forget as she is stubborn and loyal beyond rationality.

- Running her thumb over the palm of her hand.
- Singing quietly to herself- only when alone.
- Climbing things seemingly impossible to climb.

- Trust issues
- Stubborness & Loyalty
- Her self-consciousness
- She must wear gloves all of the time.

- Ability to blend in almost anywhere
- She has a power she has named 'Tailoring'. She can perfect any imperfections on one's skin such as dark circles, scars ect. She basically has the gift of beauty, although she cannot use it on herself.
- She has a 'cold touch' in which she can chill anything she touches, so therefore has to wear gloves [#elsa]

- Pew-Pew!



Selene took her time collecting the things she needed, checking the kitchen was clear before she let her wings stretch out. At the sound of doors slamming open, she snapped her wings shut and tried to look busy. It took the brunette a second to realise that she still had her hand cupped to her cheek and she brought it down sharply on the counter. She turned around with the neatly folded napkins in her hand and gave a start. She had expected another servant, maybe even Greta, but she did not expect him.

"Master Ruben?" Her voice, as always, dipped with a slight accent buried so deep that it was barely noticeable. Her brows, before raised in surprise, furrowed in concern at the clear look of agony on his face. Stepping forward and reaching out, her fingers gently brushed his clenched fist before she snatched them back. Idiot. "A-are you alright?" She stuttered, glancing around the room and dropping her voice to a low tone. "Should I call for Miss Klania?" Selene's mind wandered back to earlier in the day when he had stumbled into the room with her and Klania. She had tried not to think about it for most of the day, but she couldn't help but worry now.

-So sorry, short-



With a gleaming tray held balanced in her right hand and her left holding up the skirts of her dress, Selene hurried through the corridor without even stumbling. Whenever she had a tray in her hand, she noticed, her usual clumsy self seemed to slip away. Glancing in one of the many mirrors decorating the walls, she sighed. Her hair was lovely, twisted into a messy bun-like shape and weaved into a French braid just above. Greta had lended her one of her old dresses, one that was reserved as a servant's should be but still was quite eye-catching, bringing out the blue in her eyes. She would have looked kind of nice if it wasn't for the red line across her cheek; she looked like she has been in some sort of fight. But you were. The angry, vengeful part of her mind was pushed aside as she quickened her pace down the last corridor.

Joining the line of servants outside the double doors of the dining hall, the brunette adjusted the crystal wine beaker on her tray, taking a second to marvel at the beauty of the design. She could hear snickers behind her back, but instead of turning around she merely set back her shoulders and raised her head. The cut on her cheek burned, but she acted as if it was not there. Advancing forward as the doors opened, Selene hurried along and slipped into her usual routine of setting the table. She was normally the lead girl for serving the Royal Family at meal times so often did the majority of the work. She poured half a glass of the finest wine in each of the set out glasses except one in which she filled with grape juice enhanced with glitter to make it 'sparkle'. She smiled at the thought of young Princess Valencia's reaction towards this concoction and turned to leave the now-set table.

Unlike the other servants, she was permitted to stay during the meal in case the family needed anything. She had been the only one allowed to do this because, they said, she was small and easy to ignore. Deep down, Selene knew the real reason was that she had no one close to tell of the secrets she learned. Standing by her usual post next to the door, she kept her eyes down on her shoes and her wings tight agaisnt her back as the Royals entered. The demands given to Selene were never that hard to see to; if someone asked for a napkin, she would provide plenty. If someone wanted a new plate, she would slide over gracefully and silently, as she had been taught, collect the used plate and replace it with a shining new one. She couldn't help but linger her curious gaze over Prince Ruben's empty seat every so often, but each time she told herself not to get involved or worried.

She was refilling the Queen's glass of wine when the doors opened suddenly, causing her to jump and spill a tiny splash of the dark red liquid. Whispering sincere apologies, she scurried away to retrieve more napkins to clean up her mess. Selene did not dare look up, although she could already guess who had entered. Picking up the lace-trimmed cloth, a voice hissed at her from a tiny gap in the door. "It's been ten years since you've spilled a single drop of wine. What's wrong with you, girl?" It was, unmistakably, Greta's voice. A dark flush crept across Selene's cheeks as she sub-consciously touched the sore spot on her cheekbone. She was sick of lying. "Sorry, ma'am. I just don't know."



Despite her exhaustion Selene still had a maid's duty to fulfill so, after cleaning the cut on her cheekbone, she exited her room and made her way to the kitchens. Every time she caught sight of one of the other maids, her guts twisted but she held her head up high. As she entered the kitchens, the familiar scent of baking settled her nerves as she slipped into line at her usual working table. Glancing at the list hanging from the wooden beam just above her head, she rolled her sleeves up and got to work. The food had to be understandably perfect to the last detail for the Princesses birthday and the quantities for even the smallest of snacks were large. She could feel the other servant's curious eyes on her, but the brunette managed to ignore them and slip into the hurried rythm of her work.

As she cut tiny leaf shapes from an array of tropical fruit, her mind wandered back to her first year here. She had, at first, loved the fact that she was living in the actual castle and would marvel at the seemingly endless riches within. That was until she had started work. Selene had not been used to waking up earlier than sunrise, but all servants were expected to wake up at 4am sharp and she had struggled to force her fatigued limbs from the creaky bed that she slept in. In the early days of her maid's job, she would follow Greta around everywhere, picking up on the smallest of things in the castle that the servants would do. For example, it was expected for any servant to turn away if any guest or resident of the castle passed them in the corridor and not draw attention to themselves. The younger Selene had asked, why should they act like merely a peice of furniture, but the older servants had just laughed at her naivety.

As the years had passed, Selene had grown accustomed to the hardships of a servant's life and each day found the back breaking work ever-so-slightly easier. Now, cleaning out the stables would only take her an hour at the most and preparing the countless amounts of extravagant foods for the Royals would be almost enjoyable. When no one was looking, she would often take a truffle or two and smuggle it out for after dinner. It was little luxuries like this that kept her smiling and her usual curious self.

Bump :3))



Master Samuel's words caused her to shiver. Did this count as betrayal? What if she went to prison? Her already-pale lips turned white as she bent down in a quick curtsey before hurrying down towards the stairs. With her feet scuffing the floor, she managed to trip a few times on the steps but clutched the stone walls to prevent her from falling. Reaching the servant's quarters after what seemed like forever, she slowed her pace as she made her way towards her own bedroom, past the point of caring about what Greta thinks of her. Closing the door swiftly behind her, Selene advanced toward the tall mirror in her room, wincing at her disheveled appearance. Her dress was torn and bloody from when she was in the courtyard, her hair was half-in and half-out of her usual servant's bun and her was was pale and pinched. The only thing about her that remained the same, as always, were her eyes. Still burning bright with a fierce determination and an icy beauty.

It would normally only take her a few minutes to change, but Selene had to tend to the problem of her wings. Removing the loosening bandages wrapped around her torso, she gritted her teeth as her blood-soaked shoulders were revealed. One of the many problems of having to hide her wings was that the way she folded them was not right for her body, resulting in the sharp feathers cutting into her skin and creating many deep wounds up and down her back. Stretching out her wings, tears came to her eyes as her locked muscles protested, but she continued to roll her shoulders and flap her wings a few times to get them to properly work again. Taking a cloth and hastily wiping away the blood on her back with some rubbing alcohol, she fetched another bandage from her drawers and bit her lip. This was the last one. Shaking her head, she started to bind the bandage tightly around her chest and back, tears now streaming down her face at the familiar pain.

With her dress on and her hair fixed and the usual look of pure determination set on her face, Selene made for the door. Opening it, she took a step back in both shock and fear. One, two, three, four of her fellow servant girls were crowded around her doorway. "Excuse me, please." Averting her gaze, the brunette tried to push past of the the girls in the middle, only resulting in getting pushed back unnecessarily hard. Clutching the doorframe, she sighed as she met the middle girl's gaze. "Is there a problem?" She smiled sweetly, only managing to make the once-angry girl now furious. "We heard that ye've been sucking up to the Royals." Selene did not expect what came next. All she could see was a clenched fist coming up towards her face and without even the time to wince, she was sprawling backwards and clutching her cheek. The four girls advanced on her, one of them closing the door behind them. Pushing her to the ground, they began to kick at her wherever they could. Curling up into a tight ball, Selene begged for it to be over. She had often been pushed around by the other girls, but never like this. When they finally stopped, she didn't relax until the door closed behind them. Do not cry. She would not let them see her cry. Shakily standing up, she clutched her aching ribs. Nothing seemed broken, although she had a nasty cut on her left cheekbone. Great.

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