Author Topic: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-  (Read 13808 times)

Offline XxDubstepxX

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The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« on: September 07, 2014, 03:07:24 am »
The Distant Memory
You've awaken in a strange, unfamiliar place. You know not of where you are, and you cannot remember how you got there. Are you dead? Are you dreaming? You don't know. You stand up and start walking. Towards what looks like smoke, from a town perhaps? As you get closer to the smoke, you see it is not a town but a small hut. It has odd charms covering it and a sign that you cannot read. As you creak open the door a old women turns to you. She looks like a shaman you'd hear about in fairy-tails. "Greeting young one... I've been awaiting your arrival." she begins.

You were sitting with the elder. She's explained most of why you've ended up in the strange land. "You were chosen to come here and live." she says. "You're mortal body has died." As she says this you're in shock, you're dead? "Please calm yourself child." the shaman says, putting her hands up as if she were ready to snatch you if you tried to run. "Do not fear child, you are safe here... you do not need to dwell on your mortal body." she explains to you as calm as she can. "You've been given a new body that you must tend to. But this one is much, much more powerful and greater." You look at her puzzled. You felt normal, except for being put into a new body and just learning you died. "With this body you possess one power. That may be the power of an animal, which would be your past life's spirit animal or a power such as the ones found in story books like flight and fire manipulation." she explains. You look at her quietly, waiting for her to tell you more. "I cannot tell you more, you must find out for your own. Head towards the setting sun to find the town. You have a bed waiting for you." The shaman, without saying another word, hands you a piece of parchment and sends you out the door. "Be careful child. Those with a dark mind and heart will use your powers for evil. Be careful whom you trust."  

You've woken in this unknown place. Only to be told you're dead and you've been chosen by an unknown force to have another life. You just finished a conversation with a shaman, who informed you of all this except why you were chosen or why some would want to your new power for evil. Then you were sent off to a town where somehow you already had a warm bed and small home awaiting you within the town. Why are you here? What is this place? Why can't you remember anything? And why were you chosen?

?Please be kind to all members
?This roleplay should not be any more graphic than PG 13, if you want to go any further than that, go to a PM
?Romance and violence is allowed but as above, follow those guidelines
?You may make as many characters as you see fit
?All FeralHeart rules apply here
?Ask permission before doing something that effects other characters, the town, or the plot
?No making your character perfect. They will lose fights, they will bleed, they are not the most beautiful person in existence
?Do not boss other player or characters
?Please be literate, four sentence minimum
?Have fun

Code: [Select]
[Character's Picture Here]
[size=13pt]NAME HERE[/size]
[b][i]"Quote (Optional)"[/i][/b]
[b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Alias:[/b] (Any nicknames if desired)
[b]Age:[/b] (Please pick from ages 20-35)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Bullet points or sentences are fine, at least four good traits and one bad)
[b]History:[/b] (Optional)
[b]CoD:[/b] (How did they die? This will not effect your character nor will they remember this event unless they uncover it somehow ex. they convince the shaman to tell them)
[b]Relationship Status:[/b] (Single and looking? Taken? Uninterested? Married?)
[b]Power:[/b] (What power do they posses? If they've discovered it)
[b]Time of being:[/b] (How long have they been in this world?)
[b]Extra:[/b] (Anything else I forgot you need to tell?)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 03:21:27 am by Dubstep »


Offline XxDubstepxX

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Re: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 03:19:23 am »

Samuel Aaron Clare||Dubstep||Male||Changes into spirit animal, Grizzly Bear||24 Y/O

Alistair H. Klein||Wolfie Lover||Male||Flight/Glide||22 Y/O

Alina Elizabeth Wrighte||Sherlolly||Female||Remove the memories, physical strength, and superpowers of living things||22 Y/O

Celeste May Bright||KitkatRevolution||Female||Water Minipulation

Character Name||Played by||Gender||Power||Age

We are open!

« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 06:08:06 pm by Dubstep »


Offline XxDubstepxX

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Re: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 03:25:04 am »

Samuel Clare
"Before you can conquer anyone, you need to conquer yourself. "

Full Name: Samuel Aaron Clare
Alias: Sam, Samuel, Aaron
Gender: Male
Age: 24 years old
Personality: Sam is a very protective person. Once you've gained his loyalty and trust he'll defend you with his life. Samuel also, often takes charge of a situation instead of waiting for some else to take control. Though he tries not to, he is vengeful. But despite being vengeful, Samuel is patient. Sam is impulsive though. He will jump into things without thinking which can be both a good and bad thing.

CoD: Internal bleeding within his lungs that wasn't treated soon enough
Crush/es: None, subject to change
Relationship Status: Single, subject to change
Power: The ability to change into his spirit animal, a grizzly bear. He's discovered his power
Time of being: Two years
Extra: Samuel has a tattoo of a vine around his shoulder

« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 04:18:10 pm by Dubstep »


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Re: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2014, 06:08:09 am »

Alistair Klein
"If I don't worry about you, you don't worry about me."

Full Name: Alistair H. Klein
Alias: Al, Ali, and Kle
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-two
Personality: Alistair is a very stubborn character, though he's less snarky than first thought. He's a good soul, more often than not, but does have a few crooks to his "angelic" ways. He can be a liar - only depending on if he or someone else did it, he'll occasionally fib for someone - and will accidentally take things that aren't his. He means well, and is almost always hopeful to find someone to help. He's not one to normally judge others, thinking that someone else will no matter his opinion, and often keeps quiet on what he thinks of others - unless he can't stand them.
CoD: Car crash; sadly, he was the only one to die within the crash
Crush/es: N/A - this could possibly change
Relationship Status: Single and is currently looking
Power: He's able to "fly" (more like glide, to be fair), though he's yet to discover this
Time of being: ~Two months; he's still not used to it
Extra: -He's a lithromantic pansexual, though leans more towards females than males

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Re: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2014, 07:29:01 am »

Alina Wrighte
"If your dreams don't scare you they're not big enough."

Full Name: Alina Elizabeth Wrighte
Alias: Will most likely answer to Lina, but that's all.
Gender: Female
Age: 22 years old.
Personality: Definitely a big-dreamer, Alina is someone that isn't afraid to do what's right. She believes that there is good in everyone, even those that refuse so. Her optimism can light up even the darkest times and ignite hope in others, her way of words can get her very far when she wants it to. She loves putting a smile on people's faces, but is one to hold a grudge and can be quite sensitive. Although she doesn't like hurting others, she is a believer in the 'taste of your own medicine'. Towards guys her age, she is often quite why but will open up after a while. Most see Alina as loveable, someone that you can't not like.

CoD: Stabbed by her former boyfriend numerous times before being rushed to hospital. She died in hospital one week later.

Crush/es:  None, could change.
Relationship Status: Single and looking at the moment.
Power:Alina considers her powers a curse: she involuntarily absorbs and sometimes also removes the memories, physical strength, and superpowers of anyone she touches. She has discovered it after reaching down to touch a bird.
Time of being: 2 months, she's still getting the hang of things.
Extra: Alina refuses to touch anyone until her power is fully under control.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2014, 02:38:26 pm »
You are both accepted! We may begin once one or two more people join.


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Re: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2014, 04:46:32 pm »

"Smiles are the most beautiful thing in the world - something money can't buy."

Full Name: Celeste May Bright

Alias: Prefers to be called by Crescent rather than Celeste

Gender: Female

Age: 21 (Just became 21 before finding herself here)

Personality: Caring | Scatter-brained | Silent | Friendly

Caring - Crescent was (and still is) a very caring person. Her main focus in life is to make sure she can bring a smile to anyone's face, as it was her greatest reward.
Scatter-brained - Crescent is very smart mentally, but sometimes can find herself 'not with the program' and will only grasp reality later than others.
Silent - Even though Crescent is a very talkative person when you get to know her, she's strangely quiet when you first meet her... which gives her sometimes a mysterious air about herself. This is all because she doesn't trust people easily.
Friendly - As mentioned with her Caring trait, she is a very kind and helpful person as well. She's always looking to make people happy, and to care for people on an emotional level.
History: (Briefed because it's way too long ^^' )
Celeste was born to a single mother, and grew up in a lower state of society. She didn't have much money to give, so what she saw she could give was kindness. Since age ten, she has always been defined as a sweetheart, always looking to help people... and give them anything they needed that she was willing to give. Her mother and herself were closer than most normal families, because it was legitimately only her mother and herself in the family. They needed to have each other's backs. Crescent gained her nickname, as she was born at night when a crescent moon shined bright in the sky... and when she died her hair white at age sixteen, the name stuck for her hair color's reason as well. She dated a man named Xiba, who she met at age 15 and dated all the up until 20, and engaged to him on her twentieth birthday. He was her true love... and they were set to marry officially a month after her birthday, but of course that didn't happen. On her birthday, she had finally met again everyone she held dear since she was born, and that was her last look at everything. This is the reason she isn't actually too upset about dying, because in her mind she lived a good life... though she definitely wished it was longer.

CoD: Crescent was walking home from her party on the night of her birthday, when she saw a cat come running across the bridge she was crossing. The cat son was dangling off the edge, and as she tried to pull it up, it clawed her and slipped... and without thinking, she leaned forward and tumbled forward into the water. People still believe that she committed suicide on that day, though the ones close to her know deep in their hearts that there's no way she would've. Her death is still a mystery in the mortal world, and being investigated. The cat was never found.

Crush/es: None currently

Relationship Status: Single, but open to change.

Power: Crescent has power over water... which she finds canny as the moon controls the tides - and that she can't swim. When very upset, it may have a chance to rain in the region she is in, and if angry, currents may get stronger. She hasn't noticed it yet however, as she was only upset once when she discovered she had died.

Time of being: A month and has only interacted with one person (she also still can't grasp the idea of being dead still)

Extra: She has a fear of fire, and hates to see flames anywhere, burning anything. She sees it as only destruction and a disgrace of nature, as it destroys anything beautiful. In her mind, it only brings sadness and hate, and her mind can only say that it is a bad thing as there is no way it can bring happiness.

She is a demi-bisexual, though leans more towards the male side. (Demi means in general that she loves a person for their personality and never their looks and only focuses on romantic things and not 'mature' things - even kissing is the last thing on her mind.)

She is probably one of the most positive people you will ever encounter.

Check out my website linked on my profile, REINCARNATION : warriors rp

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Re: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2014, 04:59:50 pm »

This will be edited into a post however, I just wanted to make sure of this before I do my application; can you 'only' be a spirit animal or am I able to be a shape shifter, whether it be changing into a different being or just into an animal?
Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline XxDubstepxX

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Re: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2014, 06:05:13 pm »
You're accepted, KitkatRevolution.
And as for shape shifting, you are allowed but they can only shift into their spirit animal and two others, either both beings or animal.


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Re: The Distant Memory -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2014, 11:44:02 pm »


Trin or Ty



She is a nature lover and spends most of her time in the forest. She cares about the friends she has and will make. She understands she is different but doesn't give a care in the world. She can help calm people down with her soft voice. But if provoked, she will not be someone you want to get in the way with.

Trin's mother cared for her always. But at the age of 15 her mom suddenly died. She lived in a cabin by the side of a forest ever since. Not knowing many people she loved to be herself. She skipped around the field even though she was a teen. She lived there all her life. She was single and never dated. She took a hike in the forest almost every day.

One day she went for a hike in the forest she went far before she realized she had to go back home. She went the wrong way for she'd never been in that part of the forest. She found herself lost and scared. It was dark and she couldn't see. She tried to get back home before she starved to death. A couple days later a group of hikers passed bay a river. They saw something in the river. It was Trinity's body. She was really skinny and had drowned. She had no strength to swim back out. She died at age 22.



She has a spirit animal. She turns into a wolf. She discovered this.

She has been this for 2 years

She loves her power. She thinks it is a gift for loving the forest and she also thinks her death place was a somewhat gift. She dies where she loved to be.
:) :)