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Messages - WarriorMoo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 37
Game Help / Re: 'Failed to connect to Front Server.'
« on: June 10, 2016, 03:00:00 am »
I have resetted all of my characters a while ago and I've been using both the log-in tab on the login screen, or enter as an alternative. And unfortunately, they've both yielded the same result thus far.

Game Help / 'Failed to connect to Front Server.'
« on: June 10, 2016, 02:52:04 am »
Greetings! I've been very excited to try out the new update, and I'm very aware that with multiple trying to hop on as well, the servers are a little less than tolerant to some users. I am also aware that the servers being busy may be the root cause of some peoples' problems. Unfortunately since I've installed the update, I have managed to get onto the log in screen, but no further; I've constantly been getting the message "Cannot connect to Front Server" all day.

I'm hopeful that this is merely an issue with the multiple users trying to hop on, but I've been watching for quite a few hours and it seems my issue has no sign of resolving itself. I would just like to make sure that this is just the result of the servers being overstocked rather than a personal problem on my end. If it's the former, I will probably give myself a few days to let it resolve itself.

I've been searching through the help board and found that this isn't a very big problem, hence my concern. Thanks!

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:37:56 pm »
Well would ya look at that.
I haven't hopped in on the FH community in a long while.
And I mean a very long while. An update after four long years, however, has my interests piqued.

I can't wait to try this out when the servers are up and perhaps get a refreshing start on my characters.

Leaving / An Overdue Note.
« on: January 06, 2014, 10:06:38 pm »
If you haven't already noticed by my lack of activity here, I've pretty much lost interest in Feralheart.

I apologize, but to be honest, I just feel as if things have gone down hill recently. In my absence I've also found other things to do in my time. I've been roleplaying in other sites and communities, where I've been more active. Most of my friends have moved on to other servers.

I'm sorry, and I'm sorry if I come off as offensive. But to be honest I just don't feel comfortable hanging around in the community anymore. My roster generally consists of species and creatures that aren't typical felines and canines, and being in a public map looking for an honest roleplay when I want to use one of my own characters is complicated. Usually I would stay within a private map with my friends.

Things have changed since I've first joined. I'm glad to have roleplayed here while I still did, because it created memories for my friends and I. But now I think it's time I leave this community behind.

Take Care.

Discussion Board / Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« on: September 13, 2013, 01:06:09 am »
Yeap, I do some of those things too...
Okay, now some weird stuff.

1. I have come to realize that whenever I see an insect or arachnid that is particularly close to me, and I don't like it, my skin becomes very sensitive. I'm not kidding. I will start to feel tingling on my arms or I would be able to feel a hair or even the wind brush against my neck and shoulders, as if said insect was literally on me. So I constantly bat my face or swat at my arms because it feels as if an insect had crawled onto me. And it's annoying.

2. I cannot roll my tongue to create that "rrrr" sound. However, ever since I was little I have been able to use the very back of my throat instead. Thus I am capable of producing a growl like sound, regardless if my mouth is open or closed.

3. I "stammer" often when I talk. There have been countless times where right in the middle of my sentence, or in the middle of a word, I would briefly gulp before finishing it. I don't like it, either.

4. I can touch my nose with my tongue. I'm pretty sure there's someone here who can too though...

Ah. That's all I can think of at this time.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 30, 2013, 09:12:16 pm »
Very cute~

Art Gallery /
« on: August 30, 2013, 09:07:03 pm »

Art Gallery /
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:47:07 pm »

Game Discussion / Re: Will There Be PVP?
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:22:06 pm »
I personally am against the ideas of PvP.
Sure it might be fun, but that really depends on if there is something to gain from it, and what that is.
In IT, it was a limited number of different attacks and items. Also, pets, if you got lucky.

However with recent experiences in branched-off servers of Impressive Title, such as Sanctum of Eventide,
I've decided that I personally don't like the idea.

In the older games you had to get items from prey instead of just applying them in the creator like it is nowadays.
So people would beg for items, trade, and it just felt competitive.

People would also become selfish.
And in a recent experience of giving one of those IT branch servers another chance, I got the bashing from people who don't even know me by accidentally killing a dragon they were hunting.
Regardless if it took them a long while or not, when someone bashes you for a simple mistake that isn't worth anything, just...
I don't want to be part of a game with people who are like that. So of course, first thing I did after that was uninstall the game.

But you get my point, while PvP would be very nice, if there are certain "material" things you can gain from it, of course being selfish is going to be a little bit inevitable.
And since FeralHeart is one of the few games that doesn't do something like that,
I'd really be happy with it just staying the same.

(I was attracted by puzzles.
....I will think about this.....>3)

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