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Topics - moonshimmer100

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Presets & Markings / Making presets
« on: June 25, 2013, 06:40:13 pm »
Hello, I've found I enjoy making presets, I was wondering if anyone might want me to make on for them. I know there's a lot of more experienced and talented people and all. I just want to make them and am curious if they are any good, would anybody be willing to give me a try? You don't have to keep it or use it if you don't want, I know I could just make random ones but I'd like if I tried making specific ones that somebody else thought up. So, would anybody want me to make one? I won't be offended if you don't like it, I just want to make them.

Site/Forum Help / I have a question
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:07:05 am »
I'm not sure if this is the kind of question one would ask in the help section, but I figured it may be out of place elsewhere. Ok well I was on a different website forum and somebody from the site told me to not reply to so many threads. I asked a friend of mine that frequently goes on that site why I should not respond much and he said that it would annoy people and they would think I'm spamming everything. I don't go on that site much so I don't really know if it's just a thing with the community there but yeah. So finally my question is: Will it bother others around here if I reply to a lot of threads? I like to reply to anything I can relate to or whatever, but I really do not mean to be a nuisance to anyone here. So should I restrain how much I respond to things or should I just reply to whatever I want to reply to?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Rat Colony
« on: June 15, 2013, 06:49:59 pm »
Hello (I'm new to advertising on the forum so excuse my newbishness.) I am advertising for a rat colony rp. It is realistic, semi literate, and mapless. I do not ask for a rp sample. If you haven't made a rat character before and are not sure it would work on fh, here is my failure explanation on what I think works best: I strongly suggest using the canine model and make it really small, then using cat tail and hyena ears. For markings I suggest siamese, ear rims, and spotted hyena tail. In a pinkish colour. That's what I think works best anyway if anybody thinking of joining doesn't know how to make a rat character. I really need members, so if you want to join I'd be extremely happy. My username in game is Chewy9810 so if you want to join.. whisper me or something? I don't know how this works. Thank you for reading! ^_^

Discussion Board / Rats: Filthy sewer monsters?
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:06:42 am »
Hello, I am making this because I have noticed recently how many people hate rats simply for being rats. For example, I have pet rats now and they are so sweet and loveable not filthy or diseased at all, When I first asked my parents if I could get pet rats thier first reaction was "Eww why do you want  rat? why can't you get a hamster or a gerbil instead?" and they would always get this crinkled up face and speak in a disgusted tone. It's like they pictures the sweet cuddly animals I wanted as filthy diseased vicious little monsters. After i suckered them into the idea they turned out loving the rats! they are constantly going into my room to see them and hold them. Them, they didn't know a thing about rats until they had met one. So lots of people stereotype rats to be filthy unworthy creatures that need to be killed, simply because that's what they've heard! It upsets me that everytime I take my rats out for a walk people say "Ewwww it's a rat!" "Eww look at it's ugly tail!" "Why do you let that thing live in your home!" "why did you get rats? they bite and they're filthy!" no rat deserves such terrible rumours spread about them, they're very intelligent and cute little things and they can make extremely loving pets when domesticated. So why do most of us humans hate rats without having ever known really a thing about them? I guess my question here is what is your opinion on rats? do you think they're cute or do you think they're filthy pests that must be exterminated? I'm quite interested to see what the FeralHeart community thinks of these animals.

Discussion Board / Can anybody help?
« on: May 04, 2013, 10:17:11 pm »
I am posting this because I need a bit of help. I know FeralHeart is not a good place to ask this but I figured there are a lot of animal lovers on here so maybe someone can help. I have two female hooded rats, Lily and Kira. They are not from the same litter or anything I got them at different pet stores. When I got Lily she was the only female in a cage full of males. I had her for about a week before I went to another pet store to buy a friend for her, Kira was in a litter of all females. They never fought they took to eachother from the start since they're both quite young. Lately though Lily has been acting quite different. She is eating a lot more then usual like I mean a LOT. The food in thier food dish has been disappearing a lot faster then usual. today i was playing with both my rats and I was giving them peas as a treat. Lily was being a huge pig she ate so many peas I could hardly believe it and Kira was enjoying them too , but Lily ate 4 times as much peas as Kira. Also Lily has been getting fatter, Her and Kira are the same size except Lily's stomach is fatter. Lily is also lazier then normal she sl;eeps most of the ady wich is unusual for her, and sometimes when I go to bed it sounds like her and Kira are fighting and when I turn the lights on to check them it appears that they were fighting or something. They've never fought before. I am thinking lily might be pregnant because as I said before she was the only female in a cage full of males when I got her and I read somewhere that rats can reproduce at a young age, and it appears that it's Lily's lower stomach that's getting fat and it feels pretty firm and she doesn't like being picked up around her stomach anymore, around her chest is not so fat like she is like egg shaped or something. Does anybody know if she is pregnant or if something is wrong with her? Please help I have never had rats before i've had Lily for 28 days.

Introduction / Hello!
« on: April 27, 2013, 08:53:29 pm »
Hello, I've never introduced myself on here, and as far as I know nobody knows who I am so I figured I'd post here ^_^ I'm not new to FeralHeart but I still consider myself very newbish on the forums I've posted on some threads but I really don't know what I'm doing, and I feel like a bit of a loner soo.. yeah.. Hi!

Game Help / i have a question about rules
« on: February 16, 2013, 10:15:29 am »
ok i'm new to using the forum so i'm sorry if i'm not posting this correctly... but in the game today i was with my pride nd then this person came up and started insulting us and then started saying something about a female part and i asked them to stop and he said "why it's part of anatomy you're to young to understand" and i said "can you not say that word on this game? i'm pretty sure it's against the rules.." then he said "no, cussing is against the rules mentioning human anatomy is not" and now i am confused is he allowed to do that? i was pretty disturbed and i found it hard to believe that it isn't against the rules i'm sorry if my question sounds dumb

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