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Topics - Motoko

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Characters / Motoko's characters (returning, perhaps?)
« on: September 22, 2014, 04:29:46 pm »
Thi is where all characters will be posted as I consider returning to FeralHeart out of boredom.

The characters here are as follows;

- Motoko
- Lundahl
- Nadricura
- Hyperion
- Aion
- Lateralus
- Angelus
- Gabriella
- Canon character listing

Hyperlinks will be posted to the individual profiles. I'll be RPing on the forums exclusively for now.

Art Gallery / Manips and art by Motoko
« on: February 17, 2013, 05:46:53 pm »

These manips are not for free use. Do not redistribute them.

If you want me to make you a manip, they do take a lot of time, so i'm afraid they won't be free, and i'll only take two at a time. Pay when they are complete, then you will get the image. Price is $5 for a simple manip, $10 for a complex manip (with more than one character) NOT OFFERING THIS YET.

  • open
  • open

Other Mods/Creations / Items and Mods :: Drag-on-Dragoon and more
« on: November 20, 2012, 12:12:24 am »
Here i'll be posting several mods of various types, ranging from music and sounds to complete graphic overhauls.

post 1 - Music and Sound
post 2 - Graphics and Shaders
Post 3 - Item packs

Rules are ALWAYS as follows;
Do not claim, edit or redistribute these files, instead, link here if someone wishes to download.
Do not use my items anywhere other than FeralHeart, do not modify item textures without permission, either.

Other Mods/Creations / Normal/Bump maps?
« on: November 18, 2012, 10:12:59 pm »
I wonder if anyone else would want these? I have normal maps here. If anyone wants to put them in the game feel free to do so, just shoot me a PM so I can see! Or if someone can get me some .psk files that'd be great and I can assign normals myself.

Click here

I recently found that someone was trying to steal a personal character of mine and post him on forums/sites/etc.
I'm honestly quite offended at this and this person also copied my forum signature from this forum which makes me believe they may be here as well, so I want someone to keep an eye out for ANYONE other than MOTOKO or MUTACLONE using the characters with the aforementioned names.
If anyone else is using these names- which are personal to me and have been in use for almost over ten years now, someone is to contact me IMMEDIATELY. I don't tolerate theft at all, and I want to find who is doing this and hope they stop. This is the second time someone has tried to steal a character of mine, personality and all. PLEASE if you see someone doing this, tell them to contact me. This originally started on the Sordid Secrets forum, and moderators took down ALL their profiles, but the way they copied EVERYTHING makes it seem like they've been stalking around for a LONG time. To be honest, I'm a tad bit creeped out. I only wish to point out that stealing someone's intellectual property is wrong, and to report them to an administrator if anything. If someone else is using this character on a forum, and you think it may be an impersonator, please note me at

Art Gallery / Ohoho yes, Motoko can cell-shade.
« on: September 22, 2012, 10:38:28 am »
My first serious attempt and apparently I can.
MFW I feel awesome.

Watermarked so people keep their sticky fingers off my art.

Characters / Motoko (2012 update.)
« on: September 22, 2012, 04:38:53 am »
"Stop being so hard on yourself. I don't know if you realize this but... you don't need a past in order to have a future."

This bio does not explain everything and will most likely not be updated. If you want to roleplay with her, send me a PM, but be aware of the dangers. After all, part of the fun is solving the puzzle.

Name: Unknown.
Alias: Motoko, Ryuuzu no Ko, Ryuuzu, Shiro, Kirkonvaki, Chroma, Kusanagi, Warmistress, Hayate, Mirage, White Fatalis
Species: Drakkocanidae
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 201 lbs.
Length: 6'10'' from nose to tail tip.
Wingspan: 4'11''
Build: Lithe
Color: White/Pearl, black, with red accents when enraged or otherwise under the influence of adrenaline.
Abilities: Human form, flammable blood, high mentabolism (to regenerate after possible blood loss) and spitting chemical-based fire in either form, Regeneration (metabolism).

Personality: Loner, abrasive, cold, offish, very violent, very defensive, hateful, but extremely loyal and has a melancholy, dangerous aura that hints at some extreme sadness, regret, guilt, and pain. She honestly believes she's cursed to carr a massive burden, but has never accepted death as an option. She waits for the day where she may eventually be free of this aforementioned burden she carries, though she does often state "They pain really is maddening; you have no idea."

History: Motoko abandoned her humanity a long time ago to become something other than what she was, perhaps this is the source of her guilt, or perhaps her guilt came from what forced her to become what she was.

I hate what I had to become,
To escape what I hated being.


She takes the form of either a large, white canine-like dragon, quite lanky and sinewy in build and built for speed and turning almost on a dime or a 5'6'' woman with short, white hair and fair-colored skin. Her eyes are like those of a cat or snake, silver-blue with red around the edges bleeding in both directions and black sclera, and she's capable of perceiving things frame by frame and moving faster than most living creatures could register. She has fire-colored armor and two katanas on each wrist, her wings are a compound design of both feathered and webbed wings, with the outermost wing finger being almost always armored with a blade. She's covered in various scars all over her body, which in her feral form is hidden but as a human, they're plainly visible, as she does not age. Often times she wears form-fitting clothing and as a human, can use those wrist katanas as well as combat knives and even her bare hands, her motor skills are very good and her skin sensitivity is almost five times that of an average human, allowing her to feel the displacement of the air before a melee attack hits, as well as magic energies usually unnoticed by normal creatures.

Her feral form has extremely strong jaws, as noted by a slight bulge at the base of her skull towards the back of her head evident in most carnivorous prehistoric animals.

Everyone's scared of those eyes that can see into your soul. But I know who those eyes belong to; a lost little girl who was left behind.

Though she does not see suicide as an acceptable answer, she has often lead kamikaze attacks and has hinted at wanting to die, but being unable to as her consciousness resurfaces and her body refuses to decay, so for months at a time, her consciousness floats without a body until it returns to it's vessel, this could be her reason for not accepting suicide as it has already failed multiple times and she just gave up, or she genuinely doesn't want to die and would rather believe she's capable of carrying whatever burden she has. Suggesting she may also have been tortured to some extent, anyone with mind-reading capabilities that tries to get in her head without permission will be in severe pain due to the constant ear-splitting screaming and the feeling of getting torn open from the throat to the stomach they're sure to hear and feel before being kicked right back out. This hints at her past, coupled with selective memory this suggests a fair amount of trauma but could also be a defense mechanism. A feeling of despair and loneliness will persist for a few days at a time, the result of possibly coming into contact with her consciousness or supposedly "crossing her ghostline into a definitive killzone." as she likes to put it.

I am surrendering to gravity and the unknown
Catch me, heal me
Lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live...
I choose to live...
I choose to live...

Discussion Board / Gangnam style
« on: September 14, 2012, 02:35:44 am »
There has probably already been a topic about this,
But am I the only one who laughs really hard when that guy dances the way he does? (I'm almost tempted to dance along, but... I shall not. lD)

That guy is pretty awesome, though. I laughed especially hard at around 1:15 or so with the people walking backwards. I just love how this guy dances!

Discussion Board / Best typos?
« on: September 08, 2012, 10:20:36 pm »
Share them here.

I was talking about how everyone in highschool was convinced for some odd reason that i'm German, and apparently when I wear a lot of black (as I often always do) i look German. I typed 'was' at the end instead of 'wat' and apparently my friend pointed out that 'was' is 'what' in German.

I immediately changed it back. Accidental German ftw.

Finished Maps / Hangout "small glade" map. (With custom terrain textures)
« on: September 05, 2012, 04:24:01 pm »

It's really just a simple map. Nothing much to it, just a few custom items, some particles, caves, trees, etc. It's not really a roleplay map or anything, though i'd appreciate if people enjoyed it too. Just don't go claiming dens `n whatnot. Oh, and please be so kind as to not reuse/repost my custom items/textures (not including my terrains).

(I have a bunch of mods so it obviously won't be that dark, but it is a small map.)

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