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Topics - bigblackbullets

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Request/Find Meshes / Need a mesh converted please c:
« on: October 03, 2012, 10:35:33 pm »
**NOTE: I am not fully trained in the art of knowing what is and isn't convertable into fho or .mesh stuff, so please excuse me if this object isn't convertable. Just leave a comment saying it can't be converted if that's the case.   

TREE ROOT/CLIFF/ROCK/THING (this one I need ASAP, please c: )

thanks, gies c: <3

Forum Discussion / I deserve an award.
« on: September 23, 2012, 10:18:14 pm »


What do I win?

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Mount Xiten (WIP) -Public-
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:45:30 pm »

if you cant read the image because I made it far too big please go here:

but yeah guys this is the WIP for my map, Mount Xiten.

It will be public to everyone and there will be plenty of dens. The map is larger than the plains and very unfinished.

If anyone has any questions, ideas, or anything at all, please comment. Ideas are greatly appreciated, for I have major mapmakers block.

Member Bio & Journals / Shiekra's Official Bio (Aug 24th)
« on: July 31, 2012, 12:26:17 am »
NOTE: I know I have a bio in here already. Problem is that it is on my other account which i can't sign into the forums with because of some random glitch. this is my official bio.

What's shakin.

Tha name's Kalen

And this is me in all my glory. I am a bumblebee. BLACK N YELLOW BLACK N YE-/shot

IRL NAME: Kalen Marie CensoredLastName (It's a cool last name, I know.)
AGE: 17.  Feb. 7th, 1995
PERSONALITY: Very bubbly and optimistic. And sociable. I love people. Bwaaahhhh. I'm extremely random. Like incredibly. I blame ADHD ouo. Very creative and funny. Big ego (but not annoyingly big). I get along with everyone. I hate having people mad at me. Understanding. Protective. Slightly temperamental (hormones >:U). Flirty. Logical. hilariously short attention span. Apparently really smart but i think thats just common sense. Incredibly short attention span.
STYLE: I have such a strange style theres no way to explain it. The way I dress is the style of a floater. and a floater is one of those people in a highschool or college who are somehow in every social group at once. My outfits are more bipolar than the weather in New Jersey.
COOL THINGS ABOUT MEH: I have an amazing sense of humor and I am a fabulous artist. I LOVE helping people for some reason. I'm talented in practically all the arts (not just visual) and my bubbliness tends to be very contagious. I'm also a natural born leader. I'm very good at taking charge :U
THOSE AWKWARD QUIRKS: I'm slightly claustrophobic. I tend to be too forgiving sometimes. I procrastinate more than an artist normally would. Ill be really social and then suddenly be on my butt on my computer for an entire month and lose my social life for the month in the process. I can get really competitive. And I tend to stick to my ideas. Its hard to change my mind.

HEIGHT: 5'11''6'''
An annoying thing about my height: I grow like bamboo. I have literally been known to grow an inch in the course of 2 weeks.
WEIGHT: 152 lbs
An annoying thing about my weight: I'm overweight but it doesn't look it at all because I appear to be 110. I'm very muscular and dense boned. So I kinda weigh a lot more than I look.

Why am I so egocentric. ANYWAY~
My legs are really really long. And I can never find jeans that fit the length IT DRIVES ME INSANE sjkdfhkajshd.
I'm an amazing singer and I'm being forced by multiple people to go on Idol next year.
Disadvantage of the singing? I get the WORST stage fright for singing infront of people.
I play guitar
My guitar is older than I am and the strings need to be changed but I'm too lazy to change them
I'm too lazy to even learn how to change strings
I learn instruments by ear
And then obsess over that instrument and forget that anything else exists until I find the next instrument.
I'm extremely blunt
Even when I shouldnt be.
I'm an amazing artist.
And if someone touches my sketchbook I will rip their head off.
I baby my sketchbook.
My sketchbook means more to me than some people in my family do.
I would literally run to the top floor of a building thats on fire just to save my sketchbook and guitar.
I make friends easily
And I tend to befriend the enemies of my friends and that never goes well.
I forgive and forget
Unless you hurt my sketchbook or best friends
I am very strong for a girl
I am very playfully violent
Strength and playful violence= Punching people really hard for giggles.
Disgustingly high pain tolerance.
My friends punch me in the belly all the time and I just glare at them and then they flee.
I like food.

Keep in mind that my ingame username is shiekra
Shiekra the panthress
Shiekra Bgl the wolf (Bgl is her tag for her pack)
Danyei the lioness
Shiebat the bat (this would be my "I am bored and thus I will annoy people with a tiny creature" character)

--N/Z with my buddies or just sitting there bored
--To the right of the eastern Y river with the Black-Metal pack
--Trolling aimlessly
--On the L island as a fox, trolling warrior cat meetings and attacking the gathering with a hoard of foxies.
--Somewhere between the N/Z and the eastern Y river (no lag in that zone ouo)
--Rarely in the Ficho tunnels but when I am it's normally by the larger waterfall in the flowery patch area thingy
--My custom maps
----The Xiten Mesa (by me)
----Shiekra's Savannah (by me)
---- Shiekra's Caverns (by me)
----Nikki's Land Of Wonders (Birthday map by me)
If the Fluorite server goes down or I cant get in fluorite, I'm in Bonfire.

-Making huge over detailed maps
-Making gorgeous fanart
-Somehow managing to enter an rp as a low ranking critter then becoming the leader or second in command
-Making presets
-Literate rping
-Trolling without overkilling it
-Making skies that are really epic ALL the time
-Making epic characters >:U
-General chatting
-Being hilarious




^This is a W.I.P still


Yes I drew this by hand. Yes, I know, Beserk is really epic. Thats why I draw him all the time.


If I forgot you, blame my attention span and remind me that you exist.
Deamon Reaver
Ink Blotchy
oh my lawd I know who else goes here but their names... tip... of... my.... fingers... fffff.. THINK KALEN, THINK.

And then there's the buddies who's usernames I forgot because I know them best by character.
Taz the Brinin
Basilisk the Brinin
Venom the Brinin
Schnoodles the awkward form shifting noodle
Inamitus the turtle whos really a wolf but we call him a turtle because turtles.



I love to video chat and talk to people so add me on Skype or OovoO and we can vchat or just voice call! Anyone can add me. Even if I dont know you yet. I will come to know you through vchat. FWAAA

OovoO username: shiekra
Skype username:  theultimategert

this is also my first preset ever... so yeh. :U

The W.I.P, featuring the head. The eyes are so gorgeous it's not even funny

COMPLETED~ he's so sexy. I love how detailed i made the inside of his mouth

yes I drew the entire preset myself, no you cannot use the preset for yourself, no I am not doing commissions.

but if you want to see the preset ingame download it here: !
this preset was made by me for my friend who owns the character Beserk..

he is a Brinin Hienus... what is a brinin hienus? well...

A Hienus is a species of wolf, it's a huge canine that has springy, dense, fur, the ability to unhinge their jaw like a snake, long sharp fangs that can retract, extremely tough flesh and diamond-hard bones. Theyre born to kill.
A Brinin is a breed of Hienus (like how dalmations are a breed of dog) known also as the devilspawned canine. Theyre VICIOUS and have a VERY hard time controlling their killdrive and most of the time have to be fighting or occupied some other way to keep them from killing beloved family members. they learn to control their killdrive around the age of 3 years. they have needle-like, springy, fur that makes them look like a huge fluffy spikeball when their fur stands on end. many of them begin to have their fur and flesh fade away in some areas, showing their bone. Berserk, for example, faded his flesh and fur in his face (minus the lower jaw). If they start to attack something, they will not be able to stop. If they are forced to stop, they go through a series of whats known as "Denomic Contractions" where they begin to pant excessively, their needle-like fur begins to twitch, raised completely, their eyes glow brighter than normal, every time they exhale, a high pitched, high frequency, screeching, echo will follow the exhale. they also become EXTREMELY more unstable than normal. if you see a Brinin Hienus going through these denomic contractions (also called KillBlock), dont talk to it, dont look at it, dont breathe in its general direction, infact, just walk the other direction before it notices you.

Forum Games / 100 Bottles remix game
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:20:56 am »

It's simple, really.
You just continue the chain...

100 bottles of beer on the wall. 100 bottles of beer.
you take one down, pee on the crown, then you go to jail for 99 years.

99 years left in this jail cell. 99 years left in jail.
I stepped on a bug and beat up a thug and got 98 punches all over my bod.

98 bruises all over my flesh. 98 bruises on me.
I wanted some lunch but they only had punch. 97 glasses of red juice for me.

one verse at a time. I put three so you know how it works.
When we get down to 0, the next person starts it over at 100 again.

Art Gallery / Shiekra's Digital Gallery of Things (Jul.30.12)
« on: July 04, 2012, 05:43:49 am »

Alright people. Time to make your minds explode using things I have found out involving the game
And some other things revolving around real-life situations that I just really need to make other people realize.

how about I make categories.

Do I even need to explain?
Now for some reason, there are a whole ton of stereotypes revolving around people in this game... where to begin.

"People on FH have no lives outside of the game"
This is the most inaccurate thing ever. I am a complete social butterfly (Yes I'm of age to be doing everything I'm about to list) who goes to parties, enjoys herself with others (you may interpret that however you wish.), and LOVES being around people. And I'm not the only one! Ive met a TON of people who have quite frantic social lives. And yet we still find time to come on the game a ton c:

"If you have a social life like the one above, you cant roleplay or you're illiterate."
-points to self- I PROVE THIS TO BE COMPLETE STUPIDITY. You dont know how many times ive seen this happening where people just interpret the "popular" crowd or whatever you people call it to be illiterate. One of my very close friends is a FANTASTIC writer whos publishing a book... and shes more of a butterfly than I am.

"If youre really really literate and type long rp posts, you are a social outcast."
I dont even know how this got started but its completely ridiculous. Need I say more?

"Everyone on FH is either extremely unattractive, goth, little kids, or social outcasts."
I'd like to know who thought this one up. I hate spotlighting myself like this because it makes me seem like a real egocentric jerk but its proof so im using it xD I am incredibly attractive, that is not my ego talking, people say I should be a model, serious. I am not goth. I am almost considered a "prep" or "jock" or "skater-prep". Im not a little kid. Im turning 18 soon. I am FAR from a social outcast.
And again, Im not the only one. There are some incredibly gorgeous, sexy, attractive as heck, people on this game. (I videochat a lot with fhers. Because Im just that coo', yo.) Seriously. Dont even get me started on some of the guys ive met. Just.... Jesus... Eyecandy lemme tell you that right now.

"FH is segregation in a game."
Sometimes this is true. This is regarding the case of the Canines and Felines. But those are immature people who go around saying "ew. a canine/feline. my species is better." But other than that, no. just... no.

"Wolfaboos. EVERYWHERE."
Okay. Just because you have a wolf character does not make you a wolfaboo. Is there anything wrong with being a wolfaboo? No. But please keep your wolfspam to yourself. And you antiwolfaboos.... stop judging people.

"No one is original."
This is whack. I know theres some major mary sue /gary sue characters out there and some major cliches but you should seriously see the parts of those characters that arent... one character of mine would be considered a complete cliche.. her names Jarei. And she ran away from her pride when she was a teen out of fear that the lion she loved was dead, just to run into him again as an adult. (Her pride got attacked while she was gone)... and she is slightly mary sue. shes supposed to be absolutely gorgeous, fastest lioness in the pride (her and the male formed a pride), and extremely intelligent... and yet no one realizes that not only is she all that but shes not that strong... she doesnt sulk in her past... she CANT do everything... she asks for help...she is the definition of ADHD (the character is meant to have adhd)... shes bubbly as heck... and not too intimidating (unless shes running at you, but thats just typical)... she hates children unless theyre her own, infact in one case she hates her own children as well, BUT STILL. You see what i mean? Everyones characters are original. Unless you create a carbon copy of another... but thats different ouo

"There seem to be designated times of day for different rps to be advertised"
This is actually weirdly accurate in some cases.
Did you guys notice that warrior cat rps seem to be most common in the busiest times? (4-9PM EST in my case)
Lion rps seem to be the most common later in the day (for EST)
And Wolf rps seem to be most common earlier in the day (normally ranging 10am-7PM est)
Now these are just the most common rps to see around. But still. Isnt that weird?

"There are 5 main roleplay groups- wolves, lions, demons, Warrior cats, and street dogs."
This is complete stereotyping. Though these seem to be by far the most common roleplays to come across, there are much more.

"MODs are stuckup jerks."
NONONONO. LIES. D: Seriously. I know a small handful of the MODs and I gotta admit some of them are HILARIOUS and just overall awesome people. Take Redlinelies for example (Admin, if you dont know who he is, I suggest studying up on your Admins and MODs). Hes awesome. Though I barely talk to him, Ive seen his posts around and Ive heard what other people who are close with him think about him. And on the topic of Red...

"Redlinelies bans you for blinking."
Again, this is just... -sigh- People, he just wants the game to be safe and secure and he wants rules to be followed. Its not his fault that you cant follow rules. Trust me, ive been in situations where ive been helping friends out of things, dont bother changing his mind, if he banned you, I promise, its for a good reason. And even if it seems he bans alot, guess what, hes online a lot. and he hangs out in the areas where people are most commonly going against rules. So what does that make him? Incredibly smart. He does his job. And he does it well. Sure there may be a few cases where a ban really was a mistake (i.e you accidentally log into an area where the ip was banned without realizing the ip was banned)... but other than that... him, and the rest of the mods and admins, are just keeping the game safe.

"Making maps is hard. EXTREMELY HARD"
Lies. Its so easy a caveman can do it. -shot-
Theres no such thing as being bad at making maps. its like drawing... theres no bad art... there may be people who are considered masters of the map maker... but they got there by practicing and playing around. And I can bet when they first played with the map maker they were no picasso either. Practice makes perfect~

there is no such thing as semi literate. Like what is this I dont even...

"All trolls are idiots/jerks."
Lies. I go around trolling sometimes. And its minor too. A lot of times its just butting into an rp until I notice people are getting really annoyed then I go off somewhere. Now some trolls are complete pains and really are jerks, but a good bit of the time, its bored FHers who have nothing better to do at the moment because theyre waiting for their friends to come online or theyre waiting till they have to go do something IRL.

"NOOBS are illiterate"
Okay so that means you were illiterate when you got on the game.
Just dumb. Seriously. They dont know their way around yet, give em a break. FeralHeart is not the source of literacy in this world. Some people come into these games like a professional writer. And just because someone is illiterate does not make them a noob.

"Cant win an argument? Correct their grammar."
Just dont do this.
It makes the other person freak out and alot of the time when you go to correct the persons grammar you dont realize thats just a slip of the finger. Like if someone said "rok" instead of "rock". could just be because they didnt hit the C hard enough.
And not to mention this whole stereotype of what to do in an argument just causes people to blow up on eachother and we do not need that.

"Everyone on this game is a liar."
No. We dont all lie about our lives. A lot of people do, ill admit that. But a lot of us are genuine about who we are. Like myself. -ego-

"Everyone in the game is white."
Nope. One of my besties on this game is black. And I know multiple other black people in this game, as well as multiple asians, dominicans, mexicans, puerto ricans, and much more. Feralheart is a rainbow.

"Feralhearts new maps are a piece of poop."
Yes, ill admit, theyre not the prettiest things in the world. But with everyone constantly pressuring KovuLKD to make new maps, he ended up throwing a few together to shut everyone up (or so ive heard) the same goes for the wings, ya know.


-There are 5,122 members of FeralHeart as of June 30th, 12:35AM EST.
-About a third of the members have multiple accounts. (This is a guesstimate from what ive seen)
-Bonfire island, lonely cave, and Ascension Island all have the same heightmap and terrain mask

more to be added when mozilla firefox stops lagging


Hidden deep in a place far from Fluorite Plains lies a seemingly deserted wasteland...You have come across this land... This territory is strange... It looks as if something is secretive about it... It is far too dark and mysterious to not hold some sort of treasure... But what is this? An underground cavern hidden in the midst of this shadowy mountainous territory...? A black panthress soon approaches you as you take the leap into the hole in the ground... Her bright green eyes seeming to stare into your soul... You stand motionless, just staring into her hypnotizing gaze, not sure what to do. This gaze holds for a good minute or two before the panthress breaks the silence with a nod and 4 words...

"Welcome to my caverns."



This is an underground/overground map that seems to be quite boring from the top but as soon as you make your way underground or go exploring around the territory, it becomes a never ending adventure of hidden places and treasures.


Well as I stated before, this is an underground/overground map. Which means that parts of it are underground in the cavers and the other parts are overground, the wastelands. It's a very dark and mysterious place, perfect for RPs that have a more mysterious, adventurous, dark, apocalyptic, or timeless, theme. It's a decent sized map. Not gigantic but it's not small (Probably about 1/2-3/5 the size of fluorite.) There are tons of things to do here and tons of places to explore.

-This map is mine, not yours. Claim it and you can expect to be kicked out, reported, and yelled at.

-No area claiming. The only ones who own anything will be given permission of ownership by me, shiekra, and I will keep note of who owns what on here. If you claim territory without my word, you will be punished.

-Eventhough there is no territory claiming, if there is an rp going on and the group is using some random part of the map as their "camp" or whatever you want to call it, please be courteous and let them rp. They don't own that section of map, but that does not mean you should go sit in the middle of their rp.

-Again, this map belongs to me, not you.

-There will be multiple map "moderators" for this map that will be keeping an eye on who's following rules and who's not in the map. No, they can't ban you like regular MODs. These guys are just my scouts so no one breaks rules. And no, I will not tell you who they are.

-No RPing in general chat (use group/local/party... please.)

-Keep the explicit content to a minimum please, thanks. No one wants to hear you having your fun-time with your mate. And no one wants the details about your character giving birth. Gore is one thing. Detailed birth and sexytime are another.

-Play nice with other people. Don't swear at them or be mean! The regular game rules apply here too!

-Have fun and explore! You never know what you may find!


AGAIN, this is a WIP.

This is the Oasis. It's located in the center of the underground caverns!

Ooh do you feel like you're being watched? That's normal! This is the boneyard... With a ton of little nooks and crannies to hide in that have a view of this creepy spot, there are always eyes on you! It's hidden in the tunnels amongst everything else.

This is the crystal swamp! A big ol' swampy pond full of glowing crystals. A strange structure seems to form over it and rests a tiny den on the top of it. How peculiar. This is underground in one of the tunnels~

-more screenshots to come-




Game Help / cant log into the game... password is right no matter what?
« on: January 17, 2012, 02:00:08 am »
so i go to log in.

type in the wrong password without realizing

game says its right and goes to the "request accepted sending login" thing or w.e its called.

it takes 1234355 hours to load so i just close and restart the game.
i type in the right password

and it still does the same thing.

in other words, im able to log in with any password, and when i log in, it wont let me on the actual game unless its really gonna take 50 hours to load.

help? por favor?

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