Author Topic: Clans of the Valley - mapped warriors RP  (Read 1498 times)

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Clans of the Valley - mapped warriors RP
« on: June 11, 2020, 02:03:52 am »
Clans of the Valley
Active - Literate - Semi-realistic - Mapped - Discord

Welcome to Clans of the Valley! This RP is centered around 3 clans living in a secluded valley high in the mountains, and far from the dangers of twolegs.
However, they face new challenges here- severe weather, long winters, and wild predators at every turn.

COTV is an event-based roleplay that has a plot heavily influenced by the players. We have a main event every season, as well as smaller OOC and IC activities!

The Clans:
The forest-dwellers of the valley, AspenClan warriors are sturdy but agile cats who are revered in the territories for their combat and creativity.

Cats of the moor, MireClan warriors are most comfortable hunting in long grass and winding rivers. They are excellent swimmers, and although the other clans accuse them of being shallow and sly, they are incredibly loyal to their clan.

FlameClan is known for their determination and perseverance. These cats have made their home in the barren, rocky gorges of the valley, and are made to navigate high ledges and leap over rocks effortlessly.

Spring/ Summer 2020 Event:
 It's been three months since the Great Frost- the worst winter that the clans have ever faced- and spring has finally come to the valley. However, all is not well with the clans; each of them were nearly wiped out by disease, starvation, and cold, and while everyone is trying to rebuild, FlameClan's prey still has not returned to their territory. In an act of desperation, they have begun to push for border changes and new territory. Along with this, a new threat has arrived in the valley; a small family of coyotes that seem to be relying on the cats as a solid food source. How will the border disputes be solved; with diplomacy and peace? Or will this conflict be ended through fighting and death? But above all this, will the Clans ever be able to rise together in order to drive away the coyotes?

Interested in joining? Join our discord!