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Topics - #starbucks

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Mane material
« on: August 28, 2016, 03:02:24 am »
I'm having trouble replacing my mane material after losing my back ups; would someone send me a download for these files for the default mane?

I would be so happy if someone helped me ??

Game Help / Feral heart masks
« on: August 28, 2016, 01:55:09 am »
So I've been having this trouble, I downloaded a mane mod and I made a back up for the mane etc. so I replaced the files that they were supposed to be placed and moments later I realized that it deleted my back ups; therefore I didn't like the mane mod and would like it back, although I don't have the back up files because they were deleted. Would someone help or send me a link for a download with the materials for both the feline and canine? I'm trying to find something to do about it but I cannot, so this is he place that I felt that I should ask with many experts around.

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