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Messages - Epicwolf24

Pages: [1]
((Yea,sorry. Could I change it to 48?))

Hiya, I was wondering whether I could join? Here's my application:
Username: Epicwolf24
Subject number: 48
Background/history: 48 lived in a nature reserve, but when funding was cut the reserve was abolished. 48 was examined and deemed fit for testing.
Description: (Unable to get a screenshot, for some reason it won't work on my computer) 48 is light pelted wolf, with pure black eyes. She has chains around her neck and a shackle around her ankle, due to her being hard to control.
RP sample: 48 scratched at the bars of her cage and whimpered, trying to get the doctor's attention. He turned round and gave the wolf a slightly frustrated glance. 48 hoped that if she pestered him enough, she would be let out of the claustrophobic containment. 48 thumped her tail on the cold floor of the cell as the doctor approached. A leash was attached to her chains and she was led to the play room. It was disconnected and she was locked inside. 48 grinned smugly, her plan had worked. "Well," she muttered to herself, "I didn't spend all those months in containment without picking up a few tricks." She gave a well deserved stretch before padding around the room, trying to find a spot not being monitered by CCTV.

Game Help / Re: My controls have been messed up. Please help me!
« on: September 07, 2013, 08:18:10 pm »
This is happening to me....

Pages: [1]