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Art Gallery / Vee's Art Gallery
« on: May 06, 2018, 06:24:23 pm »

Hey! I'm 18 years old and currently am not in school.
With that being said, I have an immense amount of free time.
I use Paint Tool SAI and a Wacom Intuos Small to draw!
I absolutely love dorky stuff.
I'm also a hardcore gamer.
Thanks for stopping by!

I'll start with my anthro stuff, it's kind of older but I figure it's appropriate. I'll move onto my human stuff after :') I'm not going to post a lot of old artwork.



Introduction / Re: Hello! uvu/
« on: May 06, 2018, 06:01:52 pm »
hi, vee! nice to see another feralheart member who played way back in the day! welcome back to the community!
heya!! oh man it feels great so far, very nostalgic just looking at everything. I never dived into the forums back then but I'm digging this. Thanks a bunch!

Welcome back to Feral Heart! I see we have a veteran player here returning. c: You sound like a lovely person, and I hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you so much! :') Veteran but may take me a second to get back into the swing of things. Likewise! Thank you so much for the warm welcome.

Introduction / Re: Boop
« on: May 06, 2018, 05:48:41 pm »
Hi, hello! Welcome!
I'm pretty much in the same boat when it comes to an off-and-on relationship. Hope we'll both enjoy it around here and stick with it!

Introduction / Hello! uvu/
« on: May 06, 2018, 05:46:43 pm »
Hi, hello!
I'm Vee. Most people call me Vee/Vivi/Viv. Little funny story, I've been peeping the registration every few weeks or so and had no idea until LAST NIGHT what the exact registration intervals were. I feel pretty silly.
Now, I haven't touched this game since 2011. I still have a photo and everything. But I'm really excited to get back into it and I have a thing for forums so I figured I'd hop in and say hello + toss some facts in about me.

I'm 18, an Aries / INFP-T 6w5.
I draw, a lot. I'm pretty good at drawing humans but I'm branching into anthro art.
I play a lot of video games. Some of my favorites are Rule of Rose, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Bioshock and the list goes on.
I love music. I like just about anything that isn't country. It's actually pretty crazy, I go from liking stuff like Mystery Skulls, CIKI, Crystal Castles, etc. to still jamming to stuff like Escape The Fate. :')

okay I'm done now, talk to me! I'd love to make some friends, yo.

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