We can't control what is to happen or what is to be done in the future; however, we can focus on the now and what us, member and staff, have in front of us. We know the issue lack of activity from not only the forums, but the game as well. I think what most failed to realize, is that this isn't 2011 and time has changed drastically. In other words, steam, pc, ps5, etc etc, has involved and taken over the gaming world. Communication wise, discord is also another factor of this.
People in communities rather form there than on forums, which leaves the forum to rot a great deal. So, whether you look at it, there's nothing much that can be done. Perhaps the game develops, aka the staff, can transfer the forum into an official discord and make everything "easier'. I say this with quotations because not everything will be easier - it will just trend nicely with today's society.
Lack of game updates is to blame, which leads to the main elephant in the room. While I am sure people are patient, people are tired of waiting for false narratives. I believe the staff try their best, but again, there's little things that can be done. One thing for sure, we do know the game is being developed/in progress, however, another activity in community is lacking: the staff.
My unpopular opinion: While staff have lives, I also think they are/should responsible to keep things afloat, such as: MoTS awards, Seasonal holidays party, bringing the community together. With having power to work on the game and being representative, they should be leaders. Again, validating everyone has their own lives; but if leaders can't help run, then start finding another way. What way is that, I don't know. If there's no other way, I'd say close the game.
Many will disagree, but some good memories need to have an ending point, especially if all parties are not seeing a progressive change