Author Topic: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [Open and accepting!]  (Read 8550 times)

Offline NuclearParadox

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?The Anarchy Epidemic? [Open and accepting!]
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:25:33 am »

What are...
The Skyggen?

No one is entirely sure where the Skyggen originated.  Some say the first simply formed under the right conditions at the right time, while others believe they are actually ghosts, spirits remaining on this planet after their bodies have long since died.  However, the Skyggen are neither of these things.  They are actually a product of black magic, the first having been created during the Dark Ages.  A Norwegian shaman, perhaps seeking revenge, summoned up a spirit of darkness.  Or at least, he tried to do so.  What appeared was something he had never seen or read about.  The creature that levitated before him, he later learned, was a spirit of chaos itself.  Not knowing this, however, the shaman called the creature "Skyggen" for its shadowy appearance.
Over the years, the Skyggen have gone by many names.  However, they all had one thing in common: anarchy.  Chaos.  Destruction.  The absence of order.  They seem to bring it wherever they go, always accompanied by haunting laughter and crazed smiles.  In reality, the Skyggen feed off of chaos as a plant feeds off of sunlight.  Without it, they will become weak and die.  The best way to kill a Skyggen would be to lock it alone in an empty room, as there is nothing to disrupt.
It's hard to say what exactly one of these beings looks like, because they are capable of shifting forms.  However, they will always be a shade of some kind, but never pure white.  As animals, any markings a Skyggen will have do not stand out all that much, despite what color they may be.  What truly defines one of these beings, though, would be the tail tip; it will always be a bright, vivid color that leaves a trailing afterimage, similar to a candle.
Social by nature, the Skyggen will often band together to form groups and cause disorder wherever they go.  Some consider them evil for this, but they honestly can't help themselves.  Chaos is in their blood.  Exterminating them is possible, but a difficult task.  Skyggen are not immune to wounds or disease, but they are quite durable.  Outside of causing general mayhem, one can observe these strange creatures acting as any other would, the only exception being that they are much more fond of trickery that other beings.

+Respect all members of the group.  Disagreements are bound to happen, but I don't want any fights happening.  Remember, some people just don't share your opinion.
+No godmoding, powerplaying, perfect characters, etc.
+Make sure your character's look is uniform with the description of the Skyggen.
+No heavy cursing. Damn, crap etc is fine, but no dropping the f-bomb every other word.
+Once you have joined, please add TAE to the end of your name.
+Be respectful towards your superiors, even if you disagree with them
+You must be active. We understand you have lives, but if you're gone without notice for five-six days, you will be booted from the group. Let one the Alphas or Betas know if you won't be on for a while.
+Character development is important, so please no insta-mating.  It's okay to have a mate outside of the group.
+Do not, under any circumstances, go picking fights with others under our name.  We're not looking to make enemies.  If someone is continuously giving you trouble, report it to one of your superiors.
+Please have some degree of literacy if you're going to join us.  Text talk is forbidden in-rp, and still frowned upon in OOC.
+We are a long-term group, so only join if you intend on staying.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 07:29:29 pm by Paradox »
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

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Re: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [WIP][Do Not Post]
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 12:26:06 am »

The Spades Division consists of the highest ranks in the group.  They command the most respect, but have the most responsibility.  Decisions will usually be made by someone from this Division.

At max, there are two alphas in the group, typically one male and one female, though they do not have to be mates.  These two will lead the group and be responsible for it.  They are of equal standing, and will always have the final say in any decision.  Opposing or challenging either of the alphas will result in severe punishment.

Similar to the alphas, there can be up to two acting betas at the same time.  They act as second-in-command, taking care of the group when neither of the alphas is present.  The betas have the right to make certain decisions, such as whether someone is accepted or not.  However, they can be overruled by the alpha.

Like the alphas and betas, there can be two deltas at a time, often a male and female.  However, the two do not have to be mates.  Within the Spades Division, the deltas have the least power, but still enough that they should be obeyed should the alphas and betas be absent.

?Council Member?
The Council is made up of four of the group's wisest members.  They don't distribute orders as much as they act as advisers for the higher ranks.  If the alphas, betas, or deltas are ever considering a decision, they will usually consult a member of the Council to make sure their choice is the best for the group.

Within the Diamonds Division would be the highest ranks outside of those within the Spades Division.  These members generally do not have authority over the group as a whole, but should be given respect regardless.  What makes this Division unique is that all the ranks within it are equal in standing.

?Head Warrior?
As the name implies, the Head Warrior is in charge of the group's warriors.  Typically a male, the Skyggen with this rank is responsible for organizing the warriors and making sure they are used to their full potential.

?Head Seeker?
The Head Seeker, believe it or not, has the job of keeping the group's seekers organized.  Males and females have equal chances in receiving this rank, and whoever is chosen should organize the seekers so that they are able to hunt efficiently.

Within a group of Skyggen, the number of assassins usually does not exceed five.  The name is self-explanatory; those assigned this rank are often the most trusted and masters of stealth.  Assassins are given the task of quickly and quietly eliminating a target given by someone from the Spades Division.

As the Skyggen are made from black magic, it would make sense that they have some manipulation over it.  This would be what the shamans specialize in.  There can be three of these black magic experts at one time in the group.  Also, the shamans tend to interested in the history of the Skyggen, and can be seen studying it in their downtime.

Like the Diamonds Division, the Hearts Division has a quality that tends to separate it from the other groups.  This quality would be that while those in the Hearts Division are technically higher than the Clubs Division, they're usually treated the same.  This is mostly due to the fact that the heart is more of a symbol of what the containing jobs deal with rather than power.

Perhaps some of the most important members in the group, the healers take care of wounded or sick Skyggen.  There can be four at the most in the group.  Healers are very knowledgeable of various herbs, and can often be seen collecting them during their free time.

Once the healers have done what they can, the caretakers act as a sort of nurse.  They attend to the sick and wounded, as well as being responsible for keeping an eye on offspring while the other adults are gone.  Females usually take this role, but males can, too.

Offspring are the children of the group.  They are usually born to a couple from the Spades Division, though sometimes an abandoned offspring will be adopted into the group.  These orphans are usually looked after by the caretakers, but can be officially "adopted."

Quite simply, these are females in the group that are expecting cubs or pups.  Even though a Skyggen is made from black magic, they do reproduce like normal animals when shifted into the form of one.

Despite being listed last, Skyggen in the Clubs Division are not necessarily those with the least respect.  They and the Hearts Division are treated equally, though occasionally the warriors and seekers will be regarded with more respect.

Even though all Skyggen are slender beings, there are those who are stronger than others.  These stronger beings usually become warriors, or the protectors of the group.  Should The Anarchy Epidemic be attacked, the warriors are the ones who are chiefly in charge of fighting back.

While warriors are generally made up of the stronger Skyggen, the seekers are usually those who are a bit faster than others.  Equivalent to a typical pack's hunters, the seekers look for areas of chaos for the group to feed off of.  If that cannot be found, they will try to find an area of impeccable order just ripe for being completely disrupted.

In the group, trainees are those who are too young and inexperienced to gain a true rank just yet.  As their name implies, the trainees are members in training for a certain rank, usually seeker or warrior.  This is typically the rank adolescents are given.

The lowest rank in the group, omegas have the least power.  They usually do odd jobs around the group, such as running to gather herbs for the healer.  Even though they are the lowest, though, violence towards the omegas is not tolerated.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 08:44:47 pm by Paradox »
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

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Re: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [WIP][Do Not Post]
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 12:27:44 am »

In-game name: NuclearParadox
Name: Roulette
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Rank: Alpha
Family: N/A
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Personality: As his name might imply, Roulette is a risk-taking gambler.  He lives for the adrenaline rush of a close encounter, but is intelligent enough not to endanger his pack for it.  As a leader, Roulette is always fair, giving each party a chance to give their side of a story.  However, he dislikes those who complain a lot, and isn't afraid to let others know it.  Being quite fond of pranks and trickery, Roulette can often be seen setting up elaborate traps for others in the group or grinning widely whilst speaking with another creature outside of it.
Other: Often gets headaches for some unknown reason.

In-game name: Sephy
Name: Hazard
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Rank: Beta
Family: N/A
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Personality: Known for being ambitious and energetic, Hazard is not the type to sit still. He'd do anything you dared him to no matter how ridiculous the task, especially if there's a reward in it for him. To him, time spent waiting is time wasted, so as you can imagine he's not very patient. However, he will usually hold his tongue and pace around a bit when he gets bored.
Other: Has a nervous tick, his left ear flicks constantly

Name: Coreon
in game name: Boobear96
Gender: male lion
Rank: Healer
he is clever and can solve puzzels easily. He can be really nice at times or insane. His most interesting gift is making poisons and remedies. He loves to run and the speed and agility used for scaling cliffs.
other: likes black roses a lot and collects diffrent flowers then, kills them.

in-game name: Zenny TAE
name: Zenny
Gender: Female
age: 5 years old
Ranks: Caretaker
Family: N\A
Mate: N\A
offspring: N\A
personality: Zen is a laidback skyggen but if you are nice to her, she will be the nicest wolf u meet but if you do something to make her mad......then she will give u hell buddy Tongue . She is bestfriends with Roul (Roulette) Hazard  and Raven.
other : has been friends with Hazard and Roulette for a long time

In-game name: Luxaris
Name: Envy
Gender: Male
Age: 125 years
Rank: Warrior
Family: N/A
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Envy is drawn into himself, and prefers to be left alone. He finds no pleasure in having a huge circle of friends, or being popular. He is never quick to trust anyone; a result of his childhood. But if someone can manage to befriend him, then they will have a lifetime buddy; one that wolf can be proud of having. Envy would do anything for his few friends, and is extremely sensitive to the mood of them. With loyalty to few, love for no one; he has nothing to lose in a battle. He prefers stealth over a direct frontal attack, and small paws are useful there. He is lightweight and fast; his favourite battle tactic is a sort of 'hit and run'. Envy prefers to keep to the shadows, feeling uncomfortable out in the open. One might say he was paranoid. He performs his duties carefully, and carries out tasks well. Very observant, he is quick to spot things out of the ordinary. When he sees something he doesn't like, he immediately becomes guarded and suspicious. Despite his lonely personality, he is quite vain; spending extensive time making sure his fur is neat and sleek. He thinks he is quite handsome, and makes an effort to stay that way.
Other: Just don't give him an excuse to hate you. Once he hates someone, there is no forgiveness, and he will forever be the unfortunate wolf's bully.

In-game name: Karas556
Name: Combat
Gender: Male
Age: 100 years
Rank: Warrior
Family: none
Mate: none
Offspring: none
Personality: a strong willed individual, he excels in his fighting capabilities, he was named because of these capabilities. He is an excellent trainer, he is also very serious and it takes a special person to brake his shell of rage.
Other: once embedded in a fight he often will fight to the death.

In-game name:xXRazorWolfXx
Rank: Seeker
Personality:Crimson is quiet at times but can get very loud. She is cynical and sarcastic,she is also a bit of a hot head. She may come off harsh at first but once you get to know her she is pretty nice. Crimson loves to run and is very fast. She is most aware at night and is often caught looking up at the moon and stars. Is very curious.
Other:Has a habit of flicking her tail to and fro

In-game name: Nanaki
Name: Nexus
Gender: Male
Age: unknown/appears to be an adult
Rank: Seeker
Family: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Nexus...Is a bit of a git. He is extremely irritable and often makes not-so-nice comments about others. He is cruel and likes to push others to see if they'll break.
Other: Try to gain his trust and get on his good side. He's alot more tolerable.

In-game name: MagicCarpet
Name: Raula
Gender: Female
Age: Youth
Rank: Offspring
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Personality: Raula is a character that you'll have to get used to. She usually keeps to herself and doen't talk much, giving everyone the silent treatment. She is also very mellow, unlike most youths, but this female can have a bad temper, so don't be off guard when she snaps you one. But despite her bad temper, she doesn't have the heart to hurt or worse, kill a living creature. If she ripped the smallest stem of grass from its roots, she'll become guilty. In time, Raula will come around and trust the members of the pack, but for now, you'll just have to be patient and let her do her thing. She has a complicated past for one so young and would rather not talk about it. The only remnants of her history are scars etched upon her hind legs.
Other: Has a slight limp in the back left leg from her scratches, but it's not serious.

*Please only apply for positions in the Hearts Division or Clubs Division
(Headshot of character goes here)
In-game name:
Desired Rank:

?The Skyggen - Quick Reference?
Pelt/Underfur: Must be a shade, meaning not colored.
Pure white (255 255 255) is not an option, though your character can be off-white.
Markings: Any color/pattern, but they shouldn't stand out.
Tail tip: A bright color, usually doesn't match the markings.

Abilities: Telepathy (can be blocked by other Skyggen)
Levitation, but not full-on flight
Abnormally high speeds
Immortality to age
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 10:25:08 pm by Paradox »
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

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Re: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [WIP][Do Not Post]
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 12:28:32 am »
4/13/11 - A banner has been made for our group x)  Copy and paste the code into your signature to spread the chaos.

Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 11:00:21 pm by Paradox »
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

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Re: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [WIP][Do Not Post]
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 02:10:49 am »
Aaand we are open, folks!

*Possibly extra space as well
In-game I am NuclearParadox.


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Re: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [Open and accepting!]
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2011, 03:17:57 am »
in-game name: Zenny TAE
name: Zenny
Gender: Female
age: 5 years old
Family: N\A
Mate: N\A
offspring: N\A
personality: Zen is a laidback skyggen but if you are nice to her, she will be the nicest wolf u meet but if you do something to make her mad......then she will give u hell buddy :P . She is bestfriends with Roul (Roulette) Hazard  and Raven.
Rank: Caretacker
other : has been friends with Hazard and Roulette for a long time
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 07:23:42 pm by shadow »


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Re: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [Open and accepting!]
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2011, 03:29:17 am »
in-game name:raven TAE
age:3(teen wolf)
personality:shy wolf with a mean side if you get him mad
desired rank:healer or seeker
other:zenny is my friend in real life
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 04:04:07 am by taylor »

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Re: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [Open and accepting!]
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2011, 10:02:58 pm »
Woot, public hotel computer!  A couple things before I add you guys.  The Skyggen aren't wolves, so it doesn't make much sense to call them such.  And three years would be pretty young, seeing as they're immortal.  I wrote that text block for a reason 8P  I feel like I was going to say something else...Anyway, going to say there's a five day period during which you must be active before officially gaining a rank.  It seems like it's a pretty effecient way of doing things.  Obviously, since I'm not going to be around, I'll be asking Hazard (our current male beta, who has yet to fill out a form) about your activity.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 10:05:54 pm by Paradox »
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

Offline Sephy

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Re: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [Open and accepting!]
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2011, 03:19:30 am »
Ohey daz me <D I'll post my app  now, Rou. xD;; Sorry.

In-game name: Sephy
Name: Hazard
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Family: N/A
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Personality: Known for being ambitious and energetic, Hazard is not the type to sit still. He'd do anything you dared him to no matter how ridiculous the task, especially if there's a reward in it for him. To him, time spent waiting is time wasted, so as you can imagine he's not very patient. However, he will usually hold his tongue and pace around a bit when he gets bored.
Rank: Beta
Other: Has a nervous tick, his left ear flicks contantly

Offline MagicCarpet

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Re: ?The Anarchy Epidemic? [Open and accepting!]
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2011, 09:19:32 pm »
((Sorry about no picture, my computer won't let me take one...))

In-game name: MagicCarpet
Name: Raula
Gender: Female
Age: Youth
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Personality: Raula is a character that you'll have to get used to. She usually keeps to herself and doen't talk much, giving everyone the silent treatment. She is also very mellow, unlike most youths, but this female can have a bad temper, so don't be off guard when she snaps you one. But despite her bad temper, she doesn't have the heart to hurt or worse, kill a living creature. If she ripped the smallest stem of grass from its roots, she'll become guilty. In time, Raula will come around and trust the members of the pack, but for now, you'll just have to be patient and let her do her thing. She has a complicated past for one so young and would rather not talk about it. The only remnants of her history are scars etched upon her hind legs.
Desired Rank: Offspring.
Other: Has a slight limp in the back left leg from her scratches, but it's not serious.