Author Topic: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!  (Read 9819 times)

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« on: February 23, 2013, 03:30:36 am »
"Hey! Thats my name irl! Change it right NOW!"  >:(
"You stole my characters name! You NAME THIEF!"
"We got the same name as each other! You need to go change your charries name ASAP!"

Has this ever happened to you? Has anyone ever come up to your in the game and demand that you change the name of your character all because the name you gave your character is that person's real life name? Or has someone come up to you and demand you change your characters name because it's the same as their character's name? This has happened to me more than once.

Story 1
One time, I was sitting out in Bonfire Island as my unicorn character named Athena. All of the sudden some random wolf comes around and tells me, "Athena is my irl name! Change it immidiatley!" I told her that I wasn't going to change my character's name and that I could name my characters whatever I wanted. When she kept harrassing me about it, I pretty much told her to.... nope not going to say it XD. I was about to block her, but she eventually walked off and left me alone.

Story 2
There was this one time I was up on the cliff at Cape of Distant Worlds. I was chatting with some random people when all of the sudden this neon red feline came up and said to the little canine next to me "Hey! Wendy is my name irl." So we were like, "Um... okay. That's nice." So she starts asking the person to change their character's name. Then a few of her friends come along and start heckling the person to change their name. Of course, the person told them that they weren't going to do it, so the situation gets into a fight. The neon red feline starts saying that she is crying irl all because someone took her name. I tell her, "Look, Wendy is a very common name in the world. You're not the only one with that name. There are millions of other girls in the world with that name." But then she continues, "But it's my name DX" Alot of the people around us start getting fed up over her whinning, so they start to block her and her friends. After a few minutes of hearing her complain, I block them too.

Story 3
I was once sitting out in Bonfire Island and listening to other people roleplay. All of the sudden, these two players start bickering at each other because their characters have the same name. (I can't remember what the name was, so I'll substitute with this "Dan") One of them was "Dan M" and the other was just "Dan". So they start caps spamming back and forth. "I HAD THIS NAME FIRST!!1!" "NO U DIDN'T!! I DID!!" "CHANGE IT NAOOOWW!!!!"  So this fight goes on for several minutes, and some of the people around them start complaining about their bickering. Some people started blocking them, while other threaten to report them if they don't stop. But THEN... here's where the story gets really funny. Someone actually makes a bright neon orange feline character with the name, "BOTH DANS SHUT UP" and confronts them both. The neon orange feline starts cap spamming at them telling them if they don't shut up and stop fighting, he was going to report them. By this time, I was on the floor laughing my head off XD.  
That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.  :D

I got a bunch of other similar stories to share, but I would have to write you a novel just to tell them all. Has something like this ever happened to you? Ever?
« Last Edit: October 31, 2013, 10:22:27 pm by Lady_Alizarin »


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Re: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 04:34:24 am »
Thankfully, this has never happened to me before.
But this sounds absolutely horrible! Just because a player named their character your name in real life doesn't give you the right to make them change it, or whine about it.
I hope I never run into anyone that does this, it's just..pathetic.

Offline dawnrunner1

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Re: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 05:30:48 am »
I have never had someone do that to me but i did have something like this happen to me when someone said i copied her characters markings(i wrote a topic about this)so i would just block someone like this instantly.
work is not mine :3

Offline JasmineFlower

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Re: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 09:29:57 am »
Oh, Nameclaimers. Yeah.

I was one my Goddess Freya on Bonfire, and suddenly a creamy lioness with white eyes popped up in my face and said "U stole ma name!1!" I didn't got it untill someone pointed at her username. It had the name 'freya' in it. So I just keept talking to her, saying that I'd never steal somebodys name. Then she left.
Chirp? Chirp!

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Re: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2013, 01:18:06 pm »
This has never happened to me, but I've seen it happen to many people. Sometimes I just say it as a joke. Especially to a person with the char name Ash. As I like the name 'Ash.' But I'm never mean to them. I always start off with. 'OMG you stole my name! Joke Joke, but I love the name. :3' Like so, because well, I LIKE THE NAME!! So, yeah, that's what I do, never have I formally accused anyone of name stealing, because it's childish, I just, you know, play around and well, apologise, or compliment afterwards :3

Some one may just tell me, I'm still accusing, but I dun give a crap

Offline Nemena

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Re: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2013, 02:26:20 pm »
FHjshfjs yes. I have a few well-roleplayed characters with common names (for example, Cobra, Heron, Shay, Haru, Murk, Owl and such) and it's inevitable that someone will share the same name. I've had accusations thrown at me, but I typically just block instead of perusing an argument; it looks like I've logged out to the perpetrator-- which is likely just what they want!

However, the strangest I've had was someone who approached me in Flourite with an identical, obscure name and demanded I change it! Coincidences do happen, but-... Two wolves named Mellendryos is a little too eerie; it's bordering more on name-thiefdom than anything. :D

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2013, 02:50:46 pm »
It was quite funny a few days ago when I was in Bonfire I was just laying around and this random user runs up to me shouting, "MORBID YOU NOT THE REAL LORD SURAGAHA! IM REPORTING YOU!!!!" -face paw- lol I guess the user thought I was stealing my own character since my username is not Lord Suragaha. Even though it was a strange experience and a mistake I'm at least grateful that there are users who look out for other users that their characters aren't being stolen, that is as long as they are not claiming that they are the character themselves though lol.

Offline KibaWolf73

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Re: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2013, 06:14:11 pm »
This never has happened to me, since I often choose to create new names for my characters (Combining letters, mashing names, mixing nice sounds, or all three). It's very unlikely for people to have the same name as my characters, unless somebody saw me and thought 'Omg thats a pretty name i shuld use it'.

Though it sounds extremely rude, especially when it's very common names, such as 'Jade' or 'John'. I remember seeing two characters with the name 'lily f' fighting eachother. 'HEY THATS MUH REAL NAME' 'NUH U LIAR ITS MINE' and so on and so forth. Also, commonly used words such as 'Dark', 'Moon', 'Shadow' are definitely not names to be worth fighting over.

Offline Raxoremys

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Re: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2013, 09:11:39 am »
I love it when people think they own a name XD especially the ridiculously common ones like "Shadow", "Fang", "Swiftkill" or any of those. That's why I always make sure my characters have uncommon and original names, usually with some significance to who they are.
For example, I made a Polish trakehner stallion and actually went to find a genuine Polish name for him. Now, how many characters have you seen called Jedrek? None, exactly.
If everyone took a few extra minutes to think about this kind of thing, the incidents of "name-stealing" claims would go riiight down.

Offline Feareh

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Re: Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2013, 05:16:13 pm »
I have witness this several times most everywhere I go. Usually when I'm in my RP characters I notice several common names and fits starting out cause of the similarities.

There was this one time where I was in AI, and I was on Feareh(jaguar) so just talking to friends I see a user log out, and come back looking like me with the same name....... And saying in not the real Feareh.
Feareh(FAKE): I'm Feareh...who are you?
Me: um....I'm Feareh
Feareh(FAKE): I'm going to report you if you don't change your look like me.
Me: Dude, I'm username is Youshallfearme2.
Me: -goes back to talking with friends and ignores-

 Long story short, I just reported him and that was it, but its really sad
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