Author Topic: NaiaRulez's Biography  (Read 3247 times)

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NaiaRulez's Biography
« on: March 29, 2020, 04:50:56 pm »
~ N A I A R U L E Z   B I O G R A P H Y ~

And the real me... :3

B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N

Hai! c:
My actual name is Lara, I was born on March 7th 2002, which means I'm 18 at the moment, in Barcelona, Spain. I currently live in Barcelona with my mother, but I also have a homeplace in Malaga, also in Spain, and where my father currently lives, so I'm every four months crossing the country to see my dad and my friends from there for a week or two x3
I mostly stay in Barcelona because of my studies and I go to Malaga just for vacation; I'm currently studying 12th grade, also the last grade of high school before going to university, I'm concretly studying technologyc high school, that means I mostly to technologyc-based subjects except the common ones like maths, language, history, phylosophy and all this stuff.
I would really like to work in a future as a graphic designer, a programmer or an informatic engineer, I really like informatic stuff and I would like to study more deeply on it. ^^

A B O U T   M Y   P E R S O N A L I T Y

If you had already seen my main character's bio, Naia's one, you're going to read exactly the same I wrote there xD
I consider myself as a veeeery extrovert person, I LOVE making friends, hanging out everyday with my friends, go partying every weekend if possible and talking to people 24/7. Although I consider myself as a mature person and always ready to know myself a bit more every time, I could say that, according to the people I know in real life, I'm a very funny person and I'm always doing silly this 'cause girl, I laugh about literally EVERYTHING and I love having fun and laughing all the time, even if I appear to be serious in my photos, actually I'm the entire day smiling and laughing. I'm also a very empathic person, that's why I'm the "free psychologist" of all of my friends or even of acquaintances; I give smart and wise advices to people, and it seems I have the ability to make them feel calm and better when they talk to me, and I suppose that's because I understand them and I know how to make them see things from an objective point easily. I really like to help people and I can literally spend hours talking to someone and clear their mind up, I enjoy it actually, I really do because I help people and I feel better with myself, 2x1 say what uwu.
Well, let's just stop throwing me flowers and also tell some flaws about me, how could I be real if I didn't have imperfections?
I'm a extremely lazy person and also very impatient, and that prejudices me because I give up things that would require a long time to be well done, or I'm too lazy to start them directly. Otherwise, I'm very active with things that I actually like to do, not hiperactive, but I'm more active than "normal" people (placed in inverted commas because I don't even like the word "normal" lol). And, at some point, I'm a dependent and emotionally weak person, I can end up to feel every emotion in a strong way, like feeling affection to someone, falling in love or feeling sad very strongly, but I'm working on it so it's not a heavy thing now, but I'm still being somehow dependent, I need social interaction because I'm really afraid to end up alone.


I have so many hobbies to tell xD But I'm going to tell those who indentify me the most.


Dancing. OH. MY. GOD. That's literally the thing I enjoy the most in my entire life. In fact, let's just start from the beggining:
I've been dancing since I was 3 years old, my mom is actually a professional dancer that danced in the famous Lyceum of Barcelona, where great dancers worked there when the Lyceum was different than what it is now. So, my mother has been my dance teacher with ballet, jazz and contemporary for 15 years straight, and I really enjoyed, but not as I enjoy it now, because at my young age I didn't see art as much as I see it now, I only saw technique, hard work, strength, flexibility and more to count (and I said "only" because it's WAY more than that)
The more I grew, the more I saw and felt the artistic side of dancing, and it really started to appeal to me harder than before. At the age of 14, I started to learn hip-hop by myself at home and did my first hip-hop exhibition at school with one of my best friends at the moment that also loves to dance, and we won. Dancing it was like a hidden talent before my teenage, but when people saw me they encouraged me to keep on because they saw talent in me, they even told me to asign into competitions, but I think art is not a thing to compete with, so I kept dancing on my own until now, beside going to my mother's lessons of course, I dance everyday and improvise with the beat and with how the music makes me feel in my room, it really calms me and I enjoy it that much that it's undescriptable.


Okay, so let me clear this up. I barely do acrobatics recently because I don't have the equipment at home, but I enjoy it so much when I can do it.
I did gymnastics once I turned 12 to try, but I only lasted 3 months there because of school, I didn't know how to manage gymastics and school at the same time, so I left. But once I left, I kept doing gymnastic things by myself when I could and where I could. I've been pretty agile and I had a nice motricity since I was little, I learn to do things very quickly. I really enjoy doing flips everywhere, that's because I'm a very active person, and I like to see the peoples reaction when I do a no-handed cartwheel in front of them, it's hilarious xD


As you can tell, I like any artistic thing lol
Drawing was like the antecessor of my dance hobbie, it was like my most enjoyful entertainment I could have when I was younger. I started drawing more seriously at the age of 7, maybe 6, I don't remember exactly, but what I remember is that I loved drawing lions.
Since I saw "The Lion King" at the age of 7, I became a really huge fan and started to draw 24/7 its characters. I have a folder of a bunch of papers with TLK characters drawn it them xD People at school saw my drawings and they told me that, as like in dancing, I had talent, so I kept drawing until dancing has replaced it. When I got more digital design knowledge, I started to do digital art instead of traditional paper drawing, it was really fascinating and I'm still doing it when I have time.


That one is new, actually. My mother is a professional pianist in addition to being a dancer. I listen to her every friday play the piano since I was born, but I never got the pleasure to learn to play the piano because I focused more on drawing and even singing instead.
At the age of 4, I played a song in the piano (obviously one-handed song, I'm not a piano prodigy xD) without any guide nor partiture, just from listening to it as it was my dance routine. My mom was pretty much shocked, and encouraged me to play the piano more often but I didn't. The last year, when I was 17, I was watching YouTube videos about people playing the piano beautifully, it inspired me, so I started to play one of the two pianos we have at home. It was starting to be a hobby, so everytime my mother went out of home I played the piano and practised. Now I play the piano on two-hands, without partiture and nothing more than YouTube tutorials, but without any help I think I'm pretty good at it anyway, and the people I know that had listened to me said that I have talent with the piano, maybe I have talent with all the artistic things! lmao

F E R A L   H E A R T

I joined Feral Heart the same year it was launched, 2011. I was 9 at the moment, and then a big fan of TLK universe (and I'm still xD)
I don't remember exactly how I discovered Feral Heart, I guess that searching for TLK games I came across Feral Heart and Impressive Title, but seeing that Impressive Title was shut down, I started to play Feral Heart. And this is giving me so much nostalgia T_T
Since the first day I played I only created lion characters, and I still remember the little fights at Bonfire Island between orange neon characters about who's the real Simba, it was absolutely hilarious (I also had been in that fight as one of this furry neon characters lmao xD) Well, time passed and then discovered the groups and lions prides around, so I created my main character at the moment, Nuru, the theorical son of Kovu and Kiara that didn't have any features of them. Anyway xD
I met a ton of new and cool people at Fluorite Plains' lion roleplays, discovered a bunch of new maps, places, I was learning everyday a bit more of the game. Discovering was my favourite part of Feral Heart. Fluorite Plains was my favourite map, I still remember me sitting in my chair struggling in Ficho Tunnels because I didn't find the portal that leads you to Fluorite Plains xD Those days were unforgettable.
I stopped playing Feral Heart for a long ago because of middle school and high school because it was harder that elementary school od course. Then a few years ago I returned and everything changed. Maps changed, people changed, and it lead me to my desmotivation of keeping playing. The people I met there barely were online, so I quitted the game for a long time. Now I'm here, well, trying to play again because there's a bug now but anyway, I think Feral Heart can grow again and make a great community of users like was back in 2011.

O T H E R   S T U F F   B U T   N O T   T H A T   S I G N I F I C A N T   L O L


Instagram: @itslaariii (personal account), @naia_tlk (roleplay purposes)
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« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 04:55:31 pm by NaiaRulez »

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Re: NaiaRulez's Biography
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2020, 05:15:27 pm »
Fantastic bio! You are a very interesting person, one of your hobbies reminded me when I was in dance classes (I was around 10-11) but i wasn't really good at it. Hope to meet you soon and chat! you sound like a person I would definetly be friend of. <3

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Re: NaiaRulez's Biography
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2020, 05:22:25 pm »
It was nice getting to know more about you! When I was young I also took dance. It was mainly ballet for a long time, but later on I picked up clogging, a little bit of tap and lyrical, as well as a dash of jazz. My favorites were ballet and clogging, however. I also love to draw, and drew a ton while growing up. I have endless book and papers haha. Interesting you know a bit of piano! I can only pick out simple melodies from the piano though, as my main instrument is the flute. Sorry about this server glitch- I'm sure it'll be fixed soon.

You're a very beautiful young woman, and I wish you the best of luck on your studies! I'm sure you'll do just fantastic. =) Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you ;u;
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Re: NaiaRulez's Biography
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2020, 06:04:05 pm »
Fantastic bio! You are a very interesting person, one of your hobbies reminded me when I was in dance classes (I was around 10-11) but i wasn't really good at it. Hope to meet you soon and chat! you sound like a person I would definetly be friend of. <3

I'm sure you wasn't that bad dancing, it's just a matter of practise and feeling, not only technique ;)
Thank you so much, sweetie! I hope to meet you soon too, feel free to DM if you want to c:

It was nice getting to know more about you! When I was young I also took dance. It was mainly ballet for a long time, but later on I picked up clogging, a little bit of tap and lyrical, as well as a dash of jazz. My favorites were ballet and clogging, however. I also love to draw, and drew a ton while growing up. I have endless book and papers haha. Interesting you know a bit of piano! I can only pick out simple melodies from the piano though, as my main instrument is the flute. Sorry about this server glitch- I'm sure it'll be fixed soon.

You're a very beautiful young woman, and I wish you the best of luck on your studies! I'm sure you'll do just fantastic. =) Thanks for sharing!

It's okay about the server glitch, we just have to wait and let them take their time to fix it ^^ I'm pretty sure you were good as dancing and also you are at drawing, not to mention about the flute too hehe.
And for sure, thank you so much! I really appreciate that <3

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Re: NaiaRulez's Biography
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2020, 09:43:05 am »
You seem fun.
The Japanese concept of wabisabi:
The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"

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Re: NaiaRulez's Biography
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2020, 02:36:32 pm »

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Re: NaiaRulez's Biography
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2020, 07:13:14 pm »
Hey you seem a really cool girl, I hope we can chat and hang out in the game when it's working again! :) Your story with FH reminds me of my own, now I wanna return too but yeah this bug drives me crazy xD
And omg I love informatic stuff too, I'm learning how to code right now and doing some graphic design!

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Re: NaiaRulez's Biography
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2020, 02:08:39 pm »
Hey you seem a really cool girl, I hope we can chat and hang out in the game when it's working again! :) Your story with FH reminds me of my own, now I wanna return too but yeah this bug drives me crazy xD
And omg I love informatic stuff too, I'm learning how to code right now and doing some graphic design!

Thank you so much! And seems we have things in common too, feel free to DM is you want to chat anyway ^^

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Re: NaiaRulez's Biography
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2020, 08:00:54 pm »
You are completely different from me. Nice biography.
On new account Aiiokia

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Re: NaiaRulez's Biography
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2020, 01:05:21 pm »
You are completely different from me. Nice biography.

Well that's cool as well! Thank you! x3

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