Author Topic: [~Supportive Idea's for Community Issues~]  (Read 35376 times)


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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2011, 06:57:04 am »
I really wanted to avoid posting in my own thread but this is starting to irk me a little...

It's really easy to say "So what if someone offends another person" because it's really hard to understand how it feels to be ganged up & harassed for no reason until it happens to you, and it feels like no ones taking the effort to try and slow it down - it almost feels like like the community supports it in away just bye saying "so what, not my problem." - and this is something I don't see allowed happening in other " Artistic MMO's" or Graphical Chat rooms if you will.

Yes - I'd be the first person to say " then leave" but for the last 3 weeks I've taken the time to sit down in BonFire and Ficho Tunnel totally in shock at not only the behavior ( because block button is awesome once more <3 ) but the fact that this stuff can go on for hours every day almost.. and people simply just uninstall the game after awhile or come to the forum and make a wall text about how this place sucks.. why is this I wonder? and how is this happening? I've seen 4-chan with less nasty stuff flooding the chat.. xD

granted I see so many stupid arguments happen ,but of what I see is lately is plotted and organized trolling ( I won't name groups or names but alot of you know what I'm talking about) just because they know they can get away with it. Shouldn't been tolerated. But I do realize that with in-game harassment comes with 'cyber pride' - and by this I mean members will not want to report members because
1- They don't want to look like p***ies ..I can't think of a better word so forgive me..
2- They think that they can win the "argument" instead of reporting.
3- Alot of these kids don't know who to report to/how to report because as said, they don't come to the forums to see who's ranked to handle in-game stuff and who is not (I received a bunch of pms today and I can't handle in-game who do they turn to exactly..?)
$-and ironically they end up banned when they are the victims, but if a mod wasn't there to see the WHOLE fight then who is to tell the difference?

But my point is cyber bullying is a type of harassment and shouldn't just be brushed off and ignored. I personally think we need to put a little bit of FEAR into these people (: Thus why I think having a public report system would make people realize that " oh crap, if I publicly humiliate someone then I will not only be banned but receive the same in return and be documented like a wall of shame." Honestly if your only butt-swinging people of said a lil cuss word, then it shouldn't be 'public humiliation' and you can just lol and move on, because that is easily disputable and can be deleted. No - I'm talking spammers, hackers/exploiters, and trolls.

but yes, I can see where most of you are getting at and maybe I'm just a person that believes in order and discipline when it comes to pro and organization of games wise..maybe I'm just harsh though Dx
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 07:46:09 am by Slycan »

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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2011, 07:30:57 am »
I really wanted to avoid posting in my own thread but this is starting to irk me a little...

It's really easy to say "So what if someone offends another person" because it's really hard to understand how it feels to be ganged up & harassed for no reason until it happens to you, and it feels like no ones taking the effort to try and slow it down - it almost feels like like the community supports it in away just bye saying "so what, not my problem." - and this is something I don't see allowed happening in other " Artistic MMO's" or Graphical Chat rooms if you will.

Yes - I'd be the first person to say " then leave" but for the last 3 weeks I've taken the time to sit down in BonFire and Ficho Tunnel totally in shock at not only the behavior ( because block button is awesome once more <3 ) but the fact that this stuff can go on for hours every day almost.. and people simply just uninstall the game after awhile or come to the forum and make a wall text about how this place sucks.. why is this I wonder? and how is this happening? I've seen 4-chan with less nasty stuff flooding the chat.. xD

granted I see so many stupid arguments happen ,but of what I see is lately is plotted and organized trolling ( I won't name groups or names but alot of you know what I'm talking about) just because they know they can get away with it. Shouldn't been tolerated. But I do realize that with in-game harassment comes with 'cyber pride' - and by this I mean members will not want to report members because
1- They don't want to look like p***ies ..I can't think of a better word so forgive me..
2- They think that they can win the "argument" instead of reporting.
3- Alot of these kids don't know who to report to/how to report because as said, they don't come to the forums to see who's ranked to handle in-game stuff and who is not (I received a bunch of pms today and I can't handle in-game who do they turn to exactly..?)
$-and ironically they end up banned when they are the victims, but if a mod wasn't there to see the WHOLE fight then who is to tell the difference?

But my point is cyber bullying is a type of harassment and shouldn't just be brushed off and ignored. I personally think we need to put a little bit of FEAR into these people (: Thus why I think having a public report system would make people realize that " oh crap, if I publicly humiliate someone then I will not only be banned but receive the same in return and be documented like a wall of shame." Honestly if your only butt-swinging people of said a lil cuss word, then it should be 'public humiliation' and you can just lol and move on, because that is easily disputable and can be deleted. No - I'm talking spammers, hackers/exploiters, and trolls.

but yes, I can see where most of you are getting at and maybe I'm just a person that believes in order and discipline when it comes to pro and organization of games wise..maybe I'm just harsh though Dx

  I agree with all of that. I may not go on the game as much as I used to, but that's because I'm waiting on a system that will actually work with getting rid of all the trolls and such. I don't know enough people on FH to be able to just go into a private map, and I much prefer running around in the public ones, chatting with people. But the amount of stuff that goes in in the public maps is horrific. We obviously need something done about it, and soon, and your idea Sly, sounds perfect. It probably won't get rid of everything, but it will minimise the amount going on. Most of these people despite going around making a fool of themself probably don't want to be named and shamed, and will stop once they see they are.

  So I say this sounds perfectly reasonable. And if they don't stop after being told not to, being named and shamed, then they obviously don't really deserve to be on FH do they? If they want to go around making a mess of FH, and don't care when they're told not to, get rid of them.

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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2011, 03:20:01 pm »
Nuzzle me if you agree with me!
Bite me if you love me. (;

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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #33 on: May 11, 2011, 03:47:03 pm »


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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #34 on: May 11, 2011, 08:09:12 pm »
hmmn- now I can see why it would be harsh but necessary to have a wall-of-shame type thing- I think though that it should only be for supreme cases of ultimate cyber-bullying. :( . The issue with having a wall of shame though (it would be good to have to a degree) is that those on it might seek redemption and their wrong doing will forever be the only thing people think of them when they are trying to make amends (or maybe they can make a new account and start over? knowing that they need to behave or lose it YET AGAIN?) Also- sorry for my inability to fully understand techno jargon- but what exactly IS a troll? (I know it involves being a jerk) and what do the "organized trollers" that Slycan mentioned do? Does their plotting to troll originate on the forums (I hope not :( ) I agree that cyber bullying in the chat is not cool- and it's not only an issue that affects FH but affects manymany people in other cyber areas.  I read an interesting article the other day that pointed out that hackers, virus writers, and bullies on the internet aren't necessarily moraly devoid in the real-world, it's just hard for them to grasp that the internet and their behaviour on it has real-life consequences. I'm not defending them exactly- but before a wall of shame is implemented offenders in-game should be given a chance to shape-up and be fully aware of rules and consequences before we resort to a "wall-of-shame".  And as an extra precaution so that people don't make reporting posts just   to spite someone (people do do that believe it or not) all reports+evidence should be ok'ed through a mod before posted and the reporter should remain anonymous to the public so that any potential friends of the offender don't harass them for being "tattle-tales" (which they totally are not, telling is the right thing to do in this case).  I agree that strict discipline is probably a good solution but we should make sure everyone is informed of the consequences of misbehaving first.  ok sorry for the text wall again XP

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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #35 on: May 11, 2011, 08:24:35 pm »
I honestly have to disagree with the "Wall Of Shame" idea. :B Not saying there shouldn't be one in general, but that it'd be better if only the mods/admins can see it. Like, a 'Warned/Banned User List'. I know that it might be necessary for a "Wall Of Shame", but I think users would be humiliated enough knowing they are banned for [insert amount of days here]. xD
Now, for the 'Report To a Mod' ingame, that I agree with 100%. Putting fear into the members about being banned is a must. ^^;  Banned will always bring fear IMO. xD;


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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2011, 08:32:41 pm »
I honestly have to disagree with the "Wall Of Shame" idea. :B Not saying there shouldn't be one in general, but that it'd be better if only the mods/admins can see it. Like, a 'Warned/Banned User List'. I know that it might be necessary for a "Wall Of Shame", but I think users would be humiliated enough knowing they are banned for [insert amount of days here]. xD
Now, for the 'Report To a Mod' ingame, that I agree with 100%. Putting fear into the members about being banned is a must. ^^;  Banned will always bring fear IMO. xD;
That sounds like a good compromise concerning "the wall" right there ^^ If reporting to a mod ingame is implemented (which it should be ) we have to make sure the mod isn't swamped with people just trying to talk to them and get attention.  I recall a post a while back where someone said they were going to report some serious butt-swinging to a mod but when they found the mod they were being swamped with messages and concerns from other users- so the mod was unable to even hear their message about inapropriate behaviour let alone do anything about it 0-0 so we need to make sure our mods aren't over whelmed with complaints that don't necessarily need to be made yeah?

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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #37 on: May 11, 2011, 08:53:03 pm »
I know exactly what you mean about mods being interrupted ingame. It annoys me when a mod is trying to help someone, and then random users go, "HEY MOD! CAN I PLZ BE A MOD 2?!? OMG." Or some other random question. ._. And the mod ends up unable to help. D: So the other person gets completely ignored...
Something really needs to be done about it. A report area would be a great way to solve this.


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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #38 on: May 11, 2011, 09:06:43 pm »
Think the wall of shame was taken out of context abit. What I meant was that the "wall of shame" would = Public Reporting, meaning if your busted and you come to the forum wondering why, your name and your screenshot will be posted and waiting for you, along with the dispute description..

Sort of like how law enforcement keeps public documentation files. Not only is it good for scaring people, but its good so people know who to avoid and what to avoid to get banned - but so it's easier to keep track of who keeps doing what and if they need to be permanent removed from the game, ( mods can indeed IP ban, especially if they make a new account to hide in.)
Also, if a report is expired or simply not breaking any rules, or if the trouble maker makes a dispute reply that works in their favor, it can easily be deleted or removed from the section.

But this is only one solution that has been brought up  :3
 keep the idea's flowing!


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Re: Unethical or Awareness ? - Less Moan - More Support.
« Reply #39 on: May 11, 2011, 09:31:43 pm »
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 09:34:55 pm by Ritzaloveforever »