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Messages - DarkLustyHumor

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News Archives / Re: To clear a few things up..
« on: July 25, 2020, 06:39:45 am »
In the end, I guess something is better than nothing.
While I do appreciate you guys coming forward about this matter, It still doesn't sit well with me, nor really proves anything in regards to your behaviours.

'FeralHeart simply does not want to be held responsible if a user doesn't get help.'
But technically you won't..? Unless someone here is going to actively try and give professional help when they themselves aren't a professional then I can kinda see what you guys' were trying to do... However, that's still not a good enough reason.
These hotlines, were used as a reference or some sort of guidance for those that are truly seeking help.. In no shape nor form would FH be held accountable for just trying point users in a direction if they were lost and seeking some answers..
If anything, it shows how much the community truly cares about their members' wellbeing.. and as pointed out, the fact that it took this long before its removal is questionable at best..

As for the apology made by Sura...
For starters, it's a very respectable and brave thing for you to do. Owning up to your mistakes and reversing the actions you had taken on these fellow members.. You didn't have to do it, period, but the fact that you did anyways should be noted.. and for that, I have some respect for you. But, it still wounded the trust and respect that a lot of members had for you.
As a Leader in another community I run ( albeit, differently operated in a sense ), if I had done what you did a few days back? I would've been removed from the team no questions asked or at least put on probation.. and truthfully, I think that should be done starting from here on out.

You revealed very sensitive information to the public.

You were very hostile and accusatory towards the members in questioned.

You let your emotions get the best of you and carried out in an action that wasn't even properly discussed nor handled with the rest of your team.

You basically acted alone.

You were entrusted with a very powerful role and with it, great power to do as you pleased... and you abused it.

Now, members are having strong, negative emotions when it comes to Staff and for the most part, they have every right to feel the way they do. Their feelings are valid.
When I first started out, I was naturally intimidated by Staff. Always worried about stepping on any toes or just being a pest for them just for swinging by and saying Hi.. But soon, as I started to realize that they're just another person behind the screens, who aren't so uptight.. I started to relax and even come to respect them.
And even now as I'm typing this out, I'm anxious and even worried that something in my post will get censored because I said something that someone on the team didn't like. But you know what? That's perfectly fine. We are allowed to agree to disagree and speak up.

So, while I'm grateful for all the team has done over the years whether it be for the community, themselves or even this game.. I won't just simply 'move past this'. Personally, and again this is just my opinion... but if Sura is going to remain on the team, they should be demoted on even on probation and actually prove how serious they are with their willing to renew themselves. What they did crossed so many lines and it's not right. A simple Sorry isn't going to cut it for me.. It may for some others but not for me..

I really do want to see this game thrive and be represented in a positive way with a welcoming Staff and Members.. but if actions like these.. caused by members with this much power gets treated this lightly and their punishments this tamed..?
I really don't see a bright and welcoming outlook for the future of this place.. and it breaks me even typing that out.
So for now, I can only hope and continue to find the courage to raise my voice when it matters the most..

Again, Thank you for at the very least addressing this..
So much, this. This spells out exactly how I feel about this situation.

Praise / Re: .: Just Some Thoughts :.
« on: July 23, 2020, 10:06:07 pm »
     I just want to say that I agree with this whole heartedly. I know we all make mistakes, some of us can just jump into things without really thinking. (I'm very guilty of this myself) I can very easily forgive people for that as long as they own up to their mistakes and try to be better about things in the future. This behavior has already been seen by one of the staff team and it needs to spread throughout it.

One thing I've seen as a defense and that you have brought up and explained pretty well "we are only human, we make mistakes" and that is true. I'm sure that isn't pulled into question. The issue is more based on self accountability and apologizing and trying to keep a better relationship with the community. That seems to be one of the biggest things that has been asked for, for a very long time. It doesn't seem to be outlandish to ask for transparency or a bridge of trust between the staff and users.
    While you might use the argument that other companies do not do that well either, Feral Heart isn't a corporate entire, it's a place that exists fully by a loyal community. FH isn't the only IT server based place to exist, people could have moved onto other ones without issues. It's the loyalty and memories that keep users here. So with that, a trust between staff and users is necessary. Most if not all of the users aren't hating on staff just to hate on the staff, they're frustrated and feel they need to be as vocal as possible in order to actually be heard. The more things are swept under the rug, the louder people will desperately cry out.
    It's clear to me where a lot of the issues stem from and it's a very unfortunate situation. Even if we had some of the best people in staff ever, there is someone above it all that has a lot of the final decision on things. While my words have been harsh towards this person, they haven't been just for the sole purpose of condemning them, more of hoping they would do some self reflection. Hoping that maybe something could break through and help them realize that there are better ways to go about things. Unlikely when it comes to people that are very stubborn. And stubborness isn't always a bad thing, but it depends on what someone is being stubborn about. If the head could turn a new leaf, if the staff could turn a new leaf, if we could all discuss things more professionally, then FH would finally be run in the way it deserves and the way the loyal users deserve. The staff as well, it's a change that could be beneficial to everyone.

   I'm going to finish this by saying, thank you Haku for posting this and your insight. I really hope the relationships in FH can be repaired. This place...still does mean a lot to me. I mean heck, we met here and then so much went down afterwards and we finally...finally met up. I am forever thankful to FH for that opportunity and I truly hope things turn out for the better.

Forum Discussion / Re: It's time to stop
« on: July 23, 2020, 06:33:22 am »
I just want to say, that this stuff doesn't really correlate to what is going on and while these things are horrible, I really don't believe they should have been brought up in this way. I don't know the user, I actually know nothing about them, but bringing all this stuff up won't really help anything and most likely will just add to the drama. I feel like this specific post went off the mark a bit, and actually does fit the line of being an attack. I mean you're saying all of this stuff in public in response to them basically saying the drama is fake. That's not something I agree with, I really think this went too far here. Whether it's true or false.

I thought exactly all of this before I even made the post.
I thought "If I called them out like this... it will look and feel exactly like an attack. It will feel more like actual petty drama rather than focusing on the actual issues we're fighting for." Even after I made the post, I thought about deleting it multiple times.
But I decided against it and I don't want staff to use my post as ammo against the "movement" at hand right now. Because with the way they commented this stuff on every post and this whole disguise they've put up, I feel it is important to mention that they can't call other people "fake" for trying to fight for change when they're as hateful as a person as they are. They're not in a place to say anything. And if we're going on this whole tirade of calling people out for poor behavior, might as well call Kuri out because they're the worst member I've seen on FeralHeart ever and I don't want to bring this up when everything is settled.

Since I've posted this, a few people have message me saying they had no idea there was more to it, thanked me for bring this to light, and even shared their own experiences with Kuri, including how they set off such huge red flags, always felt uncomfortable around them, and actively avoided them at every chance. And those messages have helped influence my decision to keep this post up because the fact that so many people have disliked Kuri, felt uncomfortable around them, and wanted to avoid them is... insane.
The thing is, even if people thanked you for bringing this to light, you truly could have gone about this a completely different way. I really don't see your post adding to the overall meaning of the situation. You could have gotten away with saying something along the lines of: "You've done some very bad things as well that have brought up a lot of drama and have possibly have really upset other people in doing so." Putting up a list like that, takes away from the meaning of the entire post. The people that had issues with this user would probably come to you anyway even if you were vague. I stand by what I said, I believe your post went way too far for what was said. The other issues were of a completely different topic.

The screenshot below pretty much sums up everything.

This will be my last post on here, I did PM because I didn't want to block up the place anymore, but I haven't used it in so long that I don't know if it went through properly, and I really don't want people to think I don't care about this situation, because I really actually do. I don't like that it was called out in this thread, because I felt that it took away from this specific problem. I thought maybe there was another way to let people know about the situation with them. I don't think the game is more important than the wellbeing of people. (My entire thing with the staff here happens to be because I care about the wellbeing of people. I mean this drama has to be super stressful for people.) I sincerely apologize if I came off as uncaring, that wasn't my intention. I was just thinking that it could have been dealt with or people could have been made aware of things in a different way. Am I sure how? No, not really because of the situation with the mods. I admit I don't always have an easy time thinking things through, though I meant no harm, I tend to compare situations to how they could have been dealt with in another place that I was part of before. I guess that time just slipped out into here. I apologize, I really do. And hopefully the subject can reach back to what it was supposed to be. I deleted all my other posts and I won't be adding anymore to this for the sake of the subject.

Praise / Re: Bloo
« on: July 23, 2020, 05:06:53 am »
I want to edit and say the forum thread still does exist, but for some reason it wasn't letting me in several times, I did manage to get back in though. I'm keeping this up though because this is deserved, and there's a chance that thread will end up being removed anyway.

Praise / Bloo
« on: July 23, 2020, 04:42:53 am »
     Since the last board was removed, I just wanted to take the time to thank Bloo for the last thing they said within the board. It was a very respectful thing to do, and was a very hopeful thing for a member of the staff. They took accountability for their own behavior, and I feel like that needs to be recognized. So thank you for that Bloo, I really appreciate it. And from what others said before the board deleted it, they appreciated it as well.

Forum Discussion / Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« on: July 23, 2020, 01:29:26 am »
On that note, Laarikin, you are absolutely correct. I'd like to formally apologize to everyone regarding my behavior earlier in this discussion. I was frustrated and let my emotions get the best of me, I can't say whether or not my heavy medication contributed or not, but regardless it was immature, irresponsible, and unprofessional for me to have reacted the way I did.

I can understand if this apology goes unaccepted, but I wanted to do it anyways because it was eating me up for awhile. You all make really great points and I really hope you see the changes you want in a capacity that benefits everyone.
Yes, thank you, this is exactly what is needed. Kudos to you for being respectful and showing more of a caring stance.

Forum Discussion / Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« on: July 22, 2020, 12:33:55 am »
You dont think we're sick and tired? Lol if you guys could only read the disgusting anonymous messages we've been slammed with in the staff evals. You have no idea so stop pretending you do to make a point.
This is an example of acting in a way that has to do with emotions. If you have been receiving nasty messages, then that's wrong. However, taking it out on the rest of the users that have legitimate concerns does not pan out. When someone is a moderator, the best course of action is to treat things as not personal, but for the betterment of the community. Take criticism and use it to alter your own actions to make things more clear, and be more professional about them. I've seen things being claimed as harassment in threads that clearly weren't. A staff member is just that, a staff member, it's important to push personal feelings aside and do what's best for the community. Responding to the community in a manner that isn't aggressive or flippant.

When discussing problems, and interacting with people normally, there is a big difference of how it should be handled. Interactions with people normally, be yourself. When doing anything involved with the staff, it's time to put on a professional persona and forge through it. There's a time and place for everything, and a proper way to handle things.

There are serious issues here, and getting defensive instead of re-evaluating everything will not work. Bias, will not work. There hasn't even been a proper apology for putting a user's security at risk. The staff have responsibility to deal with situations maturely instead of silencing users. Being combative doesn't help anything, silencing people only festers more issues. If pride and doubling down on things that are making a lot of people unhappy is how something is being dealt with, then the staff needs a serious revamp or a leader that can properly guide them and teach them how to act professionally. They also need to take personal accountability instead of trying to shut people up and make it all go away. It's not going to work. You can remove as many users as you want, it's only going to hurt the game. It's not like FH has such a plethora of users that things can so easily be overlooked as small isolated cases.

News Archives / Re: Patch 1.17: Some things are better kept secret...
« on: July 19, 2019, 06:57:41 am »
so, like, party pooper here, sorry. is this legal. because it sounds like the source code was stolen and im genuinely curious if this brings up copyright issues.
edit: im as excited as anyone else that the game is going to be seeing these changes as it desperately needs them but maybe it was just poor choices of words on the staffs part? they're being extremely anonymous about how they got the source code especially after how when kovu abandoned the game, he himself said that he wasnt going to give it out to the staff- he gave up on the game, didn't he? i dunno, maybe its the 6 year hiatus i took.

Yeah it's legal, the code has been used for other games as well. One known as Wolf Soul, used the source code. It no longer exists anymore for a separate reason, but the Impressive Title source code has been used by other places and a bunch of servers were created from it. However, I don't know if the source code for Feral Heart specifically has been altered in any way, but considering Raz is in control of this site and game, he pretty much could use the Source Code all he wanted unless he signed some type of contract that said otherwise, or it was specifically trademarked, which it was not. Though, we don't know for how long Raz actually had the source code either, he did admit that he had it for at least a few years and just didn't let anyone know about it.

Game Discussion / Re: Anyone ever have their name stolen?
« on: November 25, 2017, 12:53:34 am »
I honestly don't see the problem with other people having the same thing. Chances are if someone comes up with something, then someone else already has. It's how our imaginations work, we usually choose names off of liking the way something sounds, region it seems to fit with, Japanese being common, or working off of an already existing word. It's impossible to get away from something such as that, you can come up with a name and someone else can as well. Unless you actually go and use random letters and numbers and not anything specific to your interests, the chances of someone else having the name are pretty much guaranteed, whether you've seen them have it or not. Heck I've had someone come up to me and tell me to not steal their name because they worked hard on it. Guess what...I used my ACTUAL first name. (Yes I know internet safety don't use your name blah blah blah, but first name is pretty safe to use.) Whether we realize it or not, on a psychological level, when choosing a name or being creative in any way, it's all based on something within our lives or interests, which means it would be something someone else would also have access to and interests with. All people are unique yes, but what we're exposed to that effects our creativity is another story. Humans are basically blank pages that get dipped in the colors of the world around us and what we choose to expose ourselves to as well as what we don't, but one thing stays the same, and that's what we can be exposed to, what's available to be exposed to, and that effects our creativity.

Mini Psychology lecture over, I don't think "stealing" names is a big deal.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« on: October 02, 2017, 07:11:46 am »
There's also one more issue that I forgot to add...and that issue is actually on legal terms.

You see, the original owner of Feral Heart disappeared, they still technically own it, so if anything were done to monetize the game, well it's technically stealing said money from the one who created the game, models, etc. Or at the very least, would be very sketchy if they decided that suddenly with the money, they want it for themselves.

The problem with using money for a game is it becomes more of a business, and businesses have to have special upkeep, can be sued, and if something goes wrong involving money, they may be obligated to pay back quite a large sum. Since this is all free and wasn't started with a loan, there's an issue with the game being forcibly shut down. Especially if the game were hacked again, and then it's "Bye Bye Feral Heart".

Also, without the source code, we lack the ability to do proper command prompts and even create more servers. So many people spend so much time within the grounds that it already lags really bad, and with the game not always working and crashing, Feral Heart could face one heck of a lawsuit by people who are impatient with the game or feel cheated out of their money for not being able to get into it correctly. Servers get overloaded and boom, the game goes down for however long until it can be fixed, losing more people because they now have to pay for the game. And even issues with the advertisers.

And then there's an even bigger business aspect....actually getting people to WANT to advertise on Feral Heart. Costs money to advertise, why, with how little players there currently are and the game could support, would people want to advertise on it? This has to do with outside advertisers, not for the game itself. But ads for the game itself would also cause too much of a rush and the server would crash anyway.

You do have some points, I would love to have more players but Feral Heart really can only sustain so many. And back onto the paying problem...competitors. There are so many games out there like Feral Heart that offer more, that are free, such as Cereal Soup, Dragon's Den, Last Moon, etc. Which means that logically, unless on an emotional level, no one would want to pay for it because there are games similar to Feral Heart that actually offer more and are more well known, for free.

Now this isn't really a critique, nor is it an attack, I'm just stating the facts of how Feral Heart is, so I hope you don't get offended or feel as if I'm attacking you.

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