Author Topic: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)  (Read 9890 times)

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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2014, 03:29:03 am »

Kirai Uesugi
"Blade of Black Flames"

"My hair may be white and pure, but I assure you that my heart and blood are both black."

     The city of Jurjunaar was bustling, and the people were talking. Every face looked happy, as the marketplace deluged with activity. "Give me s'more mead!" the voice of a large man with red hair on his head and in his long beard boomed over the voices in the tavern where the guards gathered.
      A woman with long, pure, white hair rolled her eyes. The man was a headache, one that had just returned from 'making peace' with the guards of Drogjunaar.
      The man slapped her on the back.
"DON'T sweat it Kiki! You'll get your quota!" He said, bursting into laughter.
      She glared at him, then got up.
"Last time I checked, Malkior, only a complete clod would find himself drunker than a skunk right after mingling with guards from another city." With that, she left him on the floor.
"Come now, Uesugi! Surely you're not still on about Malkior here stealing your thunder!" Another man said with a snicker.
      She glared at him.
"Of course I'm not. Such a thing would be childish."
      "I dunno, I suppose there's just something more appealing about a drinkin' man than a female warrior when it comes to fellow guards from another city."
      The woman sent him a glare that could freeze the mead they were drinking. The man moved uncomfortably before adverting his gaze.
      She exited the tavern and started walking towards the gate, her white hair whipping around in the far rush of wind that had whirled through the city.

((Who's the royal family of Jurjunaar? o.o))
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 08:53:38 pm by Homestuck_Makara »
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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2014, 07:03:27 am »


Health: 17/20
Problems: Starving, wounded
Injuries: A small stab wound at his waist, not that dangerous.

The clopping of hooves almost seemed deafening in this area of Bromjunaar, where nearly nobody was around and the air was filled with a deep, mysterious atmosphere. The only thing that broke what would've been perfect silence was the murmuring of those peasants siting around, the little snorts and grunts of hidden dovah, and the faint drips of the small rain. Amongst them was the slowly approaching thud of hooves striking the cobble ground, sending small stones skittering aside and disturbing puddles of water on the ground. The rider of the horse was currently leading the beast through the streets, his own boots not making any sound, the black hood of his trailing cloak pulled over his face, but it was more of shielding himself from the rain then hiding his identity.

Kaos narrowed his unusually green eyes as he glanced around the sidewalks, meeting both glares and scared looks from different people. He, however, was used to the moods of these people and merely sent back his own burning glare, his fingers tightening on the brown reins of his horse, who pliantly went along with him. They were slowly arriving to their destination, a small, run-down place, which was more of a stable than a house. Sure, it was large and had a lot of empty space, but it was held up by thin pillars and a large space where the door should be. The walls were covered in dirt and grime, moss and little fungi growing on the cracks in the wall. None of this quite mattered to the young man as he travelled to the back, where there were several stalls, and led Junsikt in, removing her reins and shutting the door. He watched as the black mare merely turned and proceeded to eat the left-out hay at the side, tail flicking about and brushing against her flank. A small frown twitched at his lips as he turned and walked back to the stable-made home, slender hands pulling his hood down as he entered the shelter. His eyes immediately fell upon an older male fiddling with what looked like a half-broken longsword.

"Teivel." Kaos greeted, a hand reaching to his belt to take a dusty brown satchel, and without further ado threw it to his brother, who easily caught it with one hand, returning a mumbled 'Welcome Home.' Kaos nodded, walking closer to Teivel as he unsheathed a sharp dagger of his, the tip tainted with crimson red blood, the handle also holding faint marks of red. He gave it to Teivel as well. "The dagger is becoming dull." Kaos mumbled, before he glanced to the raised eyebrow of his brother. "Yes, got into a little fight. Nothing to worry about." He added, a smirk finally gracing his impassive face when the older sighed and pushed himself up, making a strange motion with his hand.

Kaos snorted. "There really isn't any need to check." He mumbled, but his hands were already removing his gloves and front clothes, refraining a wince from a sharp wound in his side that would easily break his lie.

(I guess I'll just use Teivel as an NPC until somebody wants to play as him. ouo)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 07:35:56 am by Crystwolf »

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2014, 11:37:37 pm »
(Leader Jusilyan and his wife Carenia. They prefer peace, but backup Drogjunaar)

The bustling streets were unimportant to the petite Fahliil as she pulled the hood tighter over her head, shielding her face from the naked eye. Jurjunaar was a far travel from the West forest, but Brit wouldn't dare miss the stubborn, Fahliil of Jurjunaar being forced to travel all the way to the royal kingdom, and it would make for an east entrance to the courtyard as well. Brit had hundreds of ways to slip unseen into Drogjunaar, but most were difficult. Just as she turned the corner, the familiar blue color of Drogjunaar's guards armor caught her eye. They lined up, on horses and on foot, calling out the names of the Jurjunaar citizens that would be forced to attend.

"Kyfanile, Gurdingsun, Kirai Uesugi,-"

What an odd name, she thought, sounds like sushi. With the guards backs turned, Brit slipped back out of the city, a high pitched whistle echoing from her lips. On que, a golden steed came trotting around the kingdom's walls, it's white mane tossing about as it happily approached it's rider. "Shh, Drog. Let us go.", slipping into the saddle, Brit watched as the guards finally exited the city gates, the line of Jurjunaar Fahliil following close behind, some on horses, some on foot, some on Dovah. And as they galloped down the long roads, Brit mixed in with the crowds, going unnoticed for the journey. By foot it would have taken days, but at full speed on horseback, they were there within hours. Drogjunaar's gates slid open, welcoming them. The guards led the group through the bustling city, and into the royal courtyard. Brit remembered it well, but pushed the memories aside as she dismounted. The yard was filled to the brim with Fahliil, some familiar some not.

"Citizens, Neighboring Fahliil, I thank thee for coming."

The yard fell silent, the painful memory stepping out onto the balcony overlooking the courtyard. Queen Ava raised her hands in greeting. "I apologize for the sudden urgency. But, I would like to clear up any rumors. No, Bromjunaar is not declaring war. But yes, they do have a new leader.", Ava paused, glancing down at her pale fingers that trembled. "My sister Sizaan has taken the throne." The crowd gasped, shifting uncomfortably. Brit raised an impressed brow. Two royal sisters, and here she was living in the forest. "We are unaware of why she has taken such hatred to our cities, but we asure you we have raised security." Lurias stepped out, reassuringly nodding to a stunned Ava. Britt furrowed her brow in disgust, what a vile Fahliil.

A pleased smile parted Sizaan's lips as the guard bowed leaving her. "Oh, Rution one last thing. I have caught wind of a skilled fighter in our midst. Retrieve the one known as Kaos. Get him to me, if there is any truth to these rumors, he is the one to make an impact and send a message." Rution hesitated, but bowed once more, disappearing from the room.

(You can just rp as Rution and have him approach you)

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2014, 12:10:11 am »

Kirai Uesugi
"Blade of Black Flames"

"My hair may be white and pure, but I assure you that my heart and blood are both black."

      Kirai looked up, hearing her name from nearby. From what she could gather, she was being called upon to accompany the Drogjunaar guards to the royal city. She nodded slowly, whistling for her steed.
      Almost as soon as she did, a black horse trotted towards the woman who stood out with her white hair. She was approaching the guards from Drogjunaar. "I am Kirai Uesugi. You are requesting for me?" Around that time, the stallion stopped behind her, forcing some people to avoid being stepped on.
      She put a soft hand on the front of the horse's nose, where it was like velvet to the touch. He snorted faintly.
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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2014, 05:03:03 am »


Health: 17/20
Problems: Starving, wounded
Injuries: A small stab wound at his waist, not that dangerous.

Kaos sighed as he worked his magic, an illusion taking over his body, easily covering the wound at his side. He hid his smirk cleverly as Teivel sighed, eyes searching for some wound while it was invisible. "Don't try using an illusion, Kaos." He muttered, shaking his head while he moved closer to Kaos, this time pressing against the younger's skin to feel for injury. Kaos hissed in pain when he did find it, instinctively moving away from Teivel, scowling at the older's triumph smirk. He murmured some curse under his breath as he removed the illusion, revealing the spot of dark red blood staining his green clothes, along with the thin but deep slice made in his hip. "It's not even close to the past wounds that I've had." He murmured, rolling his eyes like a petulant child while Teivel moved to get healing supplies. He stretched, green eyes staring at the room his older brother had gone in.

A steady beat of clopping hooves that suddenly stopped outside caught his attention, however. It was at first thought to be some traveller or drunkard who was lost or thought that this was actually a working stable, but as he moved outside to deal with whoever was there, he didn't expect a man sitting firmly on a horse, his clothes and armour letting out the fact that he was obviously a guard. They were in the most poorest part of Bromjunaar, and a royal guard was not a regular person here. Kaos quickly regained his composture, listening when the guard spoke in a deep, commanding voice. "It is ordered by the Princess that the young man known as Kaos must proceed to the Castle of Bromjunaar at once and speak with her majesty, Sizaan."

At this, Kaos narrowed his eyes, glancing back to see Teivel standing there, eyes also narrowed with suspicion. The fact that the guard has said 'ordered' and not 'requested' sent a small shiver down his spine. Sizaan was greatly known for her 'evilness', the lady who finds pleasure in other's disasters. Much like how he found pleasure in simple chaos. Kaos sighed - if this was any other Queen, he wouldn't have bothered leaving. Kaos nodded, turning back to his brother and mouthing the word "Sizaan", which made Teivel give this strange expression - a mixture of worry, fear and curiosity - before making a 'go ahead' gesture. Kaos nodded again before walking to the back stables. "I'll just get my horse." He gave the reason to the patient guard, before going to retrieve Junsikt, getting up on the equine and purposely taking his time to do so. He ran a hand through his hair, pulled his hood up and moved out to follow the Guard - who had a look of worry rather than impatience when he finally arrived with Junsikt. Teivel was nowhere to be found, but Kaos knew where he had gone. With a last pat on the black mare's neck, they started riding to the Sizaan's home, arriving there faster than expected, apparently.

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2014, 04:01:40 am »

The uneasiness of the crowd sent chills down Ava's spine, but an assuring nod from Lurias comforted her shortly. "We request that the following citizens of Jurjunaar welcome themselves here and meet within the castles throne room. Kylokian, Kirai Uesugi, and Maliki." Lurias waved his hand, ending the speech and turning to Ava. "So much for prideful leader. You can barely speak infront of a crowd." Ava sent him a sharp glare, "Hush. I have a meeting to attend to." And with that, she pushed past him.

Arriving to the throne room, she nodded to the guards escorting her, ordering them to leave. The room was empty other than the three Fahliil chosen and the Queen, who slowly sat within her throne. "I apologize for this inconvenience...I am uneasy these days. It's not usual for your kin to be your enemies." With a heavy sigh, Ava ran a hand down her face, "I can't trust many these days. To make my words more truthful you may glance about, I have even had my guards leave the room. For I have begun to trust strangers over my own men. To the point.." Leaning forward, Ava cleared her throat. "My sister is unstable. I can only promise the facts that remain now. I cannot guarantee my sister won't wish for war. But, I know her. She is dramatically emphasized. She'll make a point. She'll build an army, and she'll have a champion. As will I,...I have been informed of your strengths. Your skills are undeniable. But, one of you stands out to me.." A small finger pointed towards a rather small woman in the middle, her long white hair falling far past her shoulders. "You are one of the best in Jurjunaar, no?"

Sizaan's back straightened at the sight of the male. Two guards escorted him in, and at the wave of her hand, parted. Her large, silver eyes examined the male closely. "Kaos. You are quite the talk around the lower parts of town. Your actions are remarkably similar to that of a killed criminal in Drogjunaar...but you are here. And I have no intentions to punish you for your ways. I find them amusing." Sizaan leaned forward in her throne, standing with a smirk. "I need someone with your...capabilities. I need you to do something for my champion, Kaos. I promise power, I promise revenge on any who have ever done you wrong." Her eyes traveled down to his patched wound, "And someone has. I promise wealth and treasures, whatever you desire..if you promise me your loyalty. There are many secrets I wish to share with you..But first I need this."

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2014, 04:35:42 am »
      She bowed respectfully. "With all due respect, your highness, I do not like to bray like many of the fulsome and highly decorated guards before me. I am not the best, nor am I the worst. However, I am from Jurjunaar, and my name is Kirai Uesugi, the Blade of Black Flames. Whatever you request of me, I will carry it out without inadvertent behavior, and with no extraneous caviling." She took a breath and stood tall. Being the only female guard never really got to her, so why change now?
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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2014, 01:22:29 pm »


Health: 17/20
Problems: Starving, wounded
Injuries: A small stab wound at his waist, not that dangerous.

Upon seeing Sizaan, Kaos slowly got down onto one knee, green gaze fixated on her feet as he showed momentary respect. When she started speaking, he slowly stood, straightening himself, hands folded behind his back as he listened intently, keeping his face impassive even when his mind started racing when the Princess presented what and why she had called him here.

At first, when she mentioned his..activities that he usually did, he was just about ready to bolt right there, in case she presented the possibility of executing him for some crime. When she said she was amused, however, a small smirk crept onto his face, fingers flexing slightly. He looked up at her face, gaze particularly lingering somewhere near her eye, narrowed slightly in suspicion. Normally, he wouldn't want to be anybody's 'champion' - He had far better things to do - but the Princess of Bromjunaar was giving him this opportunity, and it was obvious that she had the power to give him nearly everything she had mentioned - Wealth, power... Food, secrets? However, there was one thing he was going for in his whole life, and no matter how childish it sounded, he wanted this more than food and money. He uncomfortably shifted, eyes also trailing down to his wound.

"I will comply and help you, but only if you promise that I would get this request done." He murmured, something sinister glinting in his eye as he looked back up, his fingernails absentmindedly scratching at the edges of his leather gloves.

"Give me knowledge of my past. Who my family was, who were the people that attacked me, and more." He licked his lips. This was nearly an impossible task if since she had nothing to do with his life, but it was worth a try. His hands, hidden behind his back, clenched into fists as he awaited her answer.

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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2014, 05:27:24 pm »

Ava's crystalline gaze rested firmly upon the girl, her lips twitching up into a smile. "Pride is a respectable aspect. But, I've always fancied humble beings more." Ava's long robes trailed behind her as she stepped down the steps, approaching the girl. "I request your favor. Your loyalty. I need a champion, Kirai, I need you."

Sizaan's silver gaze narrowed on the male. He licked his lips in thought. "I will comply and help you, but only if you promise that I would get this request done." A sharp smirk played on her lips, "Anything."

"Give me knowledge of my past. Who my family was, who were the people that attacked me, and more."

Sizaan began circling the boy as he spoke, nodding along to his words. As he fell silent, she turned on her heels to face him. "What an interesting request..." Her fingers trailed his chin, raising it so he looked down upon on. "By the time we are finished you will know everything about who you are, and where you came from."

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: ?.Desolation of Dovahdein.? (Open&Accepting)
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2014, 06:53:07 pm »

Kirai Uesugi
"Blade of Black Flames"

"My hair may be white and pure, but I assure you that my heart and blood are both black."

      She stood up straight."Yes, ma'am. At least, I will do my best as to do so." She took a breath and rested her hand on the hilt of her katana. Pride was definitely something she had never learned. Her teachings were integrity, respect, courage, honor, compassion, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, and a sense of duty. Being an open-minded woman was something difficult for many to come by nowadays.
      Yet, she could somehow see that she and Queen Ava would get along without acquiesce, and altercations.
      She bowed to her once again. "I will be your champion. My teachings require loyalty and honesty. I only beg of you to know that I am not inadvertent, and I will speak my mind when the time calls upon that little trait. In advance, I ask for forgiveness."
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