Author Topic: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}  (Read 7846 times)

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2014, 03:24:10 pm »

the eye with the yellow by it is the right and the eye with the blue is the left

Name: Star
Owner: Tyler
Age: 2
Genger: Female
Breed: Husky wolf mix
Pack: Stray Pack
Rank: Fighter
Crush: None
Mate: None
Pups :None
Personality: Rp
History: Rp
Appearance: Pic
Extra: none

Please, if you wish to be in Stray Pack, you don't need to have an owner, only in Military, are the owners.
Also, read rules, plot and the story.
Otherwise, you shall not be accpted! :/
Sorry, 'bout that. :c

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Offline Wolfcave

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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2014, 05:52:04 pm »
alright no prob i guess ill be in the military ^_^ and sorry for my spelling errors
Here's the link to my quotev profile if you like transformers animated check out my story's

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2014, 06:03:25 pm »

"I beg to dream & differ from the hollow lies."


Lieutenat Robert F. Parks

4 Years old


Belgian Malinois

WWII Pack/force.

Next in line, if it's ok with you?

None. Too serious about his work to care.



Omaha is extremely tough, intelligent, and loyal. Being raised in a militant setting, he is very well disciplined and trained, and would give anything- even his own well-being- to protect his comrades. He is more serious than anything; his one-track, work-driven mind only allowing for a normally serious demeanor while on-duty. Even while off-duty, he is still very attentive and strict, though he does managed to relax during. When it comes to his unit, he is very tough on the lower ranking individuals, simply for safety's purpose- but he knows when to submit to his own authority, and will gladly do so unless said authority is acting against what he believes is right. He is always one to stand up for what he believes in, even if that means defying his authority- though such cases are rare and far between. He will not stand for foolishness or any disobedience.

Omaha was born in a military canine breeding program type of situation. Right when he was weaned, he was whisked away from his birth family and put in with his current partner and owner- Robert Parks, who raised him. Together, the paid endured intense boot camp and training exercises that were necessary before deployment. He has been in service since his weaning, so the military is all he knows. Quickly, he and his partner- a well fitted, bonded team- flew through the ranks out on the field until reaching their current position.

Omaha has a large scar across the top/bridge of his muzzle- the aftermath of flying shrapnel from a close-rage grenade explosion. Other than that, he has the looks of any other Malinois- a sandy tan pelt with dark markings. His body shape is that of a trained athlete, built well and muscular, yet sleek for skilled, swift movement.

Force, Fight, War! C:

In-Game as: Jackkdaw
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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2014, 09:42:35 pm »
"Coming together is a beginning;

keeping together is progress;

working together is success."

His name is Blitzen.

His owner is Lieutenant Johnathan G. Krosworth.

He is currently five years old.

He is of the male.

He is a German Shepherd.

He is of the Force.

He is the Lead Guard.

He is not interested.

He does not have a mate.

He has no pups.

Personality: Blitzen is amiable to those he has grown close to and enjoys playing pranks. He is a keen opportunist. He has an ease with words useful in diplomacy, preferring to resolve conflicts with little violence. However, he is a skilled fighter who gains the confidence of his comrades through his charm and ability to rapidly make decisions concerning trivial situations or issues. He is steadfastly loyal to those he cares about and will defend them with tooth and claw, even at the cost of his life. However, he can be a little defensive of himself at times. He doesn't always like admitting to his mistakes, but he tries to. He is also easily provoked and has a temper at times. Sometimes, he hardens himself and shuts out the world. He is a master at concealing his emotions and slipping emotionless masks over his face, much to the frustration of some. The more time you spend with him, the less you seem to know about him. He does open up to those he really trusts, although he doesn't share too much. Blitzen has a hard time admitting his limits. He doesn't like to confess to feeling "weak," even when he is obviously exhausted. This shows a bit of his stubborn side. He occasionally judges people a little too quickly, and he can be a little too wary at times.
Blitzen had always lived with his family, which consisted of three siblings and a mother. His father was long gone before he was born - killed in an explosion when working as a military dog. At first, his mother decided that the military would not come back, however, her theory was wrong. At the age of 8 months, Blitzen, still a young pup, was taken away from his family to train and work as a military dog, as if following his father's footsteps. Immediately, he was placed with Johnathan G. Krosworth for the two to train together. The two got along, but of course, they both had their ups and downs with each other. However, soon enough, they finally reached their final rank of where they would stay in.

Blitzen is an average sized dog for his breed, the German Shepherd. He basically looks a tad similar to other shepherds, with his light brown pelt and a black splotch covering his back and muzzle. A tough, wide, and old scar runs near the side of his mouth from an accidental scrape by Jonathan's gun.  

Force; Fight; War. ^^

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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2014, 11:03:36 pm »
Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2014, 12:43:30 pm »

Profile picture by me! ^.^

Offline duna the killer

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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2014, 08:20:44 pm »

"An obstacle can be a tiny pebble or a huge mountain. You decide."
Name: Night

Owner: Lieutenant James Kenelworth

Age: 5 years old

Gender: Female

Breed: German Shepherd Dog

Pack/Force: She is in the force.

Rank: Lead fighter

Crush: She has none, and wants none
Mate: She has none and wants none
Pups: She has none and wants none

Personality: Night is a serious, hard working female. She takes her work seriously. She usually ignores any distractions, unless she considers it a serious matter. She loves her owner, James, and will take 1,000 assault rifle bullets for him. Night has no interest in mates or pups. If someone brings it up she will change the subject as soon as possible. In the middle of the battle field she is serious, and won't put up with foolishness.

History: Born in a military dog service kennel, Night was the largest in her litter. The service has high hopes for her, as she fought for her milk and was the dominant in her litter. When she was about 7 weeks, she stopped milking and started eating solid food. She was placed in a crate and brought to the army base. James Kenelworth adopted her. She was raised and trained there.

Appearance: Pictures above
Extra: Force, Fight, and War
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 12:06:49 am by Dunasaur »

Offline sparticles

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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2014, 07:17:22 am »


"We're all in the samme game; Just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; Just different devils"

Slowly the sun had begun to rise, and all seemed quiet across the lands as the pack lay-some motinless and others stirring, some silent where as others snored and made small noises in their dreams. It all seemed calm and relaxing for once, but this was not to last and soon the pack would be up and searching for their next meal-it was quite hard to find a decent food source around here, the main one being from the military force near by. Although it was risky venturing there it had to be done by a few brave dogs.

Early hours in the morning it was and Kenyah woke, she had a restless sleep that night-dreaming with the fear of being savagely attacked by a group of military hounds, one gunshot to the head bringing her to her death. Although she wasn't scared of those canines the dream had startled her and made her sleep a living hell-fortunately it didn't happen every night and this was the first it had happened in three days luckily for her. Quietly, the large German Shepherd shuffled in her sleep-her bright, wide brown eyes shooting open as she lifted her head. Glancing around the pack with heavy breathing. Everyone seemed asleep and everything seemed ok. Sighing, she lifted to her paws.

The black pelt of a canid rose from the dusty grounds of the foreign country-her pelt seeming covered in dusty and sand. Spreading her fore and hind legs equally apart she began to shake, many particles of dust and sand returning to their origional place on the ground-her chain jingling as she done so. Soon enough she stopped and her chain returned to hang loosely around her neck and her tail swaying back and forth as she glared around. Everything was quiet.

Kenyah's role in the pack was to guard her fellow pack members, and so she done so. Every morning she would wake up early hourse just to patrol the area to keep her 'family' same. Many questioned her why she was always up so early and alert-but being the head guard had something to do with it, along with her protective instincts. Slowly, she stalked towards a medium size rock and hopped on top, this was where her pack mates would usually find her watching the distances. Now, she waited for the sleeping canines to wake.


"Starting from today, I need to forget what's gone. Appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next"

Rambo had went to sleep early that night, it was rare for the young pup to do so as many knew his as a 'night owl' as he loved staying up late with the elder dogs, hearing their stories of the war-it seemed to really interest the young pup a lot, what most things struggled to do. But those stories only made the pup love the thought of being in the military more-unless he heard the stories of losing lives or limbs. This was a strange topic for Ram as he loved the military but had also grown a strong hate ever since they let him go-but he found a new home.

The youngster had been asleep for several hours, his side pressed against the sand as he watched others drift off, and that's when he went. Unlike usual Rambo had drifted off rather quickly, not because he was boring but because he had a hard day working, training to be the tru fighter he wants to be, and the faster he sleeps the faster he gets his next training lesson.

As soon as the pup drifted off her entered a sudden dream, the setting was all to familiar-he was in the military base. Many other dogs and people surrounded him, but now they were older and no longer pups. The shooting had begun and rung through his ears-they were soon released into the fields. Rambo seemed a pro, dodging through the minde fields and crouching in the long grass-his fur helping him to blend in as he attacked several people. Posted the best dong on the force apparently. Right infront of him people and objects were blown up in to many different peaces-but these gory scenes didn't bother him.

Soon, the pups dream was cut short as the sound of jungling caught his attention, opening his eyes ever so slightly he watched. One of the larger dogs known as Kenyah passed-still seeming half asleep but ready for anything. Rambo seen her as mysterious, he didn't know why he just did-he watched carefully as she quickly scouted the area then took a place upon a rock-watching over the pack. Smiling he shrugged and went back to sleep-the dream continuing on the war field as his sturdy legs brushed against the sand-yips escaping the sleeping pup.

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2014, 09:12:46 am »

"An obstacle can be a tiny pebble or a huge mountain. You decide."
Name: Night

Owner: Lieutenant James Kenelworth

Age: 5 years old

Gender: Female

Breed: German Shepherd Dog

Pack/Force: She is in the force.

Rank: Lead fighter

Crush: She has none, and wants none
Mate: She has none and wants none
Pups: She has none and wants none

Personality: Night is a serious, hard working female. She takes her work seriously. She usually ignores any distractions, unless she considers it a serious matter. She loves her owner, James, and will take 1,000 assault rifle bullets for him. Night has no interest in mates or pups. If someone brings it up she will change the subject as soon as possible. In the middle of the battle field she is serious, and won't put up with foolishness.

History: Born in a military dog service kennel, Night was the largest in her litter. The service has high hopes for her, as she fought for her milk and was the dominant in her litter. When she was about 7 weeks, she stopped milking and started eating solid food. She was placed in a crate and brought to the army base. James Kenelworth adopted her. She was raised and trained there.

Appearance: Pictures above
Extra: Force, Fight, and War

Accepted! ^.^
You may post! ^.^

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Offline W00gi

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Re: "When will the war end?" {War/Stray Dog RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2014, 10:55:32 am »
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 11:10:45 am by Alpha~Dog »
Life is just a loop, untill you get too tiered to continue