Author Topic: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting  (Read 16067 times)

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You have arrived on, the island!

Legend has it that those who arrive on this island fail to survive and are gone as soon as they arrive. Some last a few days, weeks, months and even years but still manage to pass away, or be eaten ... It's believed that large creatures venture through the lands; but most don't believe these said 'myths' as they've never seen these creatures with their own eyes, but maybe they just didn't live to tell the tale. Also, small tribes of people are known to live here; light to dark skinned, thin, clothes made of natural sources such as leaves, bark and such and often carry spears - they live up in the caves that are almost impossible to find. They're fierce beings, ones which pose a threat along side these said beasts; dinosaurs.

Though a few tribes reside in this forest, there's no other human life, other than that of the beasts which roam. They rule the forests with their sheer size, and their ways in which they have adapted to live in such lands. However, it's been said of a recent boat and plane crash; ones which were shipping canines and felines from one country to another, or dogs, such as strays, which have happened to sneak on such cargo, and landed themselves here. People have grown rather harsh though, and it's also said that people have been dumping said animals here, leaving them to their own fate. Little did the humans know, leaving these animals here for many years has allowed them to adapt, in a way which helps them survive; grew larger in size, similar to a sabre toothed cat or a significant amount bigger, larger, and stronger teeth, improved vision, and born with instinct which helps them strive; cats are known to still be a little smaller, though. Smaller dogs and cats the size of sabers, whereas larger breeds are double this size. Though, despite the significant adaptations, surviving here is still difficult.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2016, 10:25:00 pm by Taylor »
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2016, 09:05:52 pm »

The Information

Plot; Residing in this massive jungle, you will take the form of a canine or feline who has managed to adapt to life in this hell. Everyday you breathe will be a test of survival and skills, you'll never know whether you'll make it through the night or not; living along side dinosaurs, and other prehistoric creatures such as dire wolves, sabre-tooth and many other beasts. This is like a world for giants. There is no escape from this island, as humans dare to ventures here any more and other than the bests, the only life here on the island is that of the Ikaal Tiki humans, which post just as more of a threat than any other beasts you'll run in to; whether you choose to battle or flee, run alone or form a pack/clan is your choice, though, the main things is you learn the ways of the forest, and learn to survive. There's always going to be the chance you won't wake up, whether you've been eaten, crushed, fell to your death, drown, weather causes, disease; survival will be tough, and now is the survival of the fittest.

Creatures; The creatures which live on this island vary in size, appearance and species. Striving in this hell are prehistoric animals such as dire wolves,  sabre-toothed cats, mammoths, bears, horses, birds, rodents reptiles and many more, alongside the largest of all which is the dinosaurs, along with the insects which have some how managed to grow to a fair size and are about the size of a large pup or a small dog - though some are still relatively small, like modern day insects. The birds vary in size and appearance, both historic and modern birds reside here. Ikaal Tiki are the humans of the forest; thin, light to dark skinned humans who usually wear animal skin clothes and wear bone necklaces and they will often also carry spears, or bone/tooth knives which are their own source of weaponry to protect themselves. They're dangerous just like any other creature here and last but not least are the canines who have managed to adapt and co-exist with these beasts.

Weather; The weather has been harsh this season, and snow coats small areas forest, making some surfaces a lot more slippery, though lakes are no longer iced over. The air is still cold and bitter however, the last small amounts of remaining snow has begun to melt, and will soon be gone as the sun managed to peak through the clouds; The rain has started, causing just about all of the snow to melt, though surfaces remain slippery.
Time; It's early hours in the morning, and most creatures, usually not herbivores, will still be sleeping, which makes this one of the safer times for the canines and felines to be wondering around.
Season; It's currently winter, though the seasons are changing fast.

The Forest/Jungle/Island Is a huge piece of land located in the middle of nowhere, and the only way of getting there is by boat or plane; though the ours spent on a plane to get here is relatively high. The island itself doesn't really have a said shape to it, though in frequency it's huge. Lining the edges of the island is a beach, the sand lush and yellow, the waters lush and blue. However, even when looking at the forest it holds a darker personality. Trees are huge, but there are plenty, there's both grasslands and meadows, as well as forests, mountains, gorges, canyons, cliffs, volcanic areas, lakes, rivers and such. Vines hang from the trees and some terrains are rough; fallen logs line the forest floor along with plants, rocks and such. Caves, canyons and cliffs are the best place the find dens, as well as some tree trunks. Has a similar appearance to that of 'Skull Island' on the film 'King Kong', and also has the underground tunnels, and there's ancient ruins, as well as a few old cabins;
« Last Edit: January 07, 2016, 10:26:46 pm by Taylor »
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2016, 09:06:03 pm »

Rules & Applications

Rules to be followed;
1- No god-modding, power-playing or auto-hitting its real annoying and well, pointless; though it does annoy individuals.
2- Be realistic, even though this rp may not be classed as very 'realistic'. I want you to be realistic, so falling off a cliff you'll injure yourself or more than likely die, staying under water for over 4-5 minutes max you'll drown. Stuff like that will not be tolerated.
3- Be active, if you're going to be away for a while, please post in your last post, nothing's more annoying than an rp going inactive because someone has went away, so no one has posted, then no one does so again.
4- You can have as many characters as you want but, all must be posted for, so I'd recommend only having a set amount of characters which you can handle; the only creature you can play is a cat or dog - not prehistoric creatures and such.
5- Cussing/swearing is allowed, so if you don't really like it its best not to join, or block it out if someone does so. Gore and such will also be accepting, due to the type of roleplay this is, so please, of someone has said things in their post, do not take offence.

Code: [Select]



History: (or how you arrived at the island)


« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 06:18:41 am by Taylor »
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2016, 09:06:26 pm »
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 03:17:33 am by Taylor »
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2016, 10:28:21 pm »

Now accepting!
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2016, 12:32:54 am »

"No one's going to be there forever, sometime you'll have to walk alone."

Name: Makenna
Nickname: Kena
Gender: Damsel
Breed: Siberian Husky
Sub-breed: N/A
Age: 4 years

Personality: Most of the time Kena can seem pretty distant, and not too social. She's been alone since being a youngster and therefore she hasn't allowed herself to have much interaction with others; for the fear of losing those close to her once more. Those who don't know her will see her as rather secretive, as she often keeps to herself, and she refuses to allow herself to get attached, or like someone too much. Often she'll come across as somewhat bitter, stubborn and kind of harsh, as well as somewhat hostile. However, that's her way of distancing herself from one. Though, when one gets to know her they'll see she'd pleasant to be around. Despite her somewhat short temper, and her dominant side, along with the slight sense of sarcasm she has, she's a very loyal and protective individual. She'd risk her life for those who manage to gain her trust, and though she will never admit it, she does enjoy some company.

History: All of Makennas ancestors have lived on the island, so there isn't too much to her past. However, her family ended up here due to a ship wreck. Her ancestors were part of a very, very successful dog sled team, which often ventured to different parts of the world to show their skills. Tournaments were a usual thing for the sled team, so travelling was also something known. Travelling would often go fine however, during one of their times travelling, something seemed odd. The current had came too strong, and the ship was soon sent in to unknown waters. After several days, they came across an island; one which had a beautiful beach, though the feeling of being watch was constant. The ship soon crashed upon the beach, and all aboard were forced to get off. Humans and dogs were aboard the ship. After hours of being on the island, all was somewhat revealed. Many lived and many died - her ancestors managed to strive and adapt. Which is why she'd currently on the island.

Most of her life has involved trying to stay alive, and fighting against the beasts here - though now they have the advantage of being bigger than most small dinosaurs, and bigger, or if not the same size as direwolves and sabretooths. For fours years she has strived, managing to get through tough times - and adapting appropriately. However, all her life here she has wondered alone, no company at all. Joining a group would be something to consider however, she prefers travelling in smaller groups. This isn't one of her main focuses right now, though. She wants to stay alive. Though, Makenna can often seem a little 'messed up', at a young age she had witnessed her mother being brutally murdered, along side one of her siblings, her father then passing not too long later - along with the rest, some died, some eaten. So she was left at a pretty young age, and has been alone since.

Pack/Clan: N/A - Will consider one

Parents: Kujo (father, deceased), Anya (mother, deceased)
Siblings: (Open)
Crush: N/A - Subject to change
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
~ Has a few scars on her body
~ She often hides out in a tree trunk, or one of the caves on the cliff
~ Will consider a group, or family members

"When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."

Name: Kamikaze
Nickname: Kaze
Gender: Masculine, Intact
Breed: German Shepherd
Sub-breed: Alaskan Husky x Anatolian Shepherd
Age: 5 years

Personality: Kaze is quite the laid back individual, though not too much. Getting on in his time, though still somewhat young, he will often place himself in the 'father figure' role to those relatively younger. Those who he has gotten to know will know that he's quite the protective one, and can be dominant when he wants, as well as being loyal. His temper isn't short, though he does have one on him. Sarcastic? Not really. Cocky? Eh, not so much either. Kamikaze can be seen as somewhat wise - though he isn't ancient, he does know a thing or two, and can often be seen telling stories to the young, if he manages to get the chance. This mutt is quite the gentleman, also - and though he can be flirtatious, and may do it often, he doesn't go too far. Overall relaxed, it'd take one to get to know him to understand this huge mutt.

History: Kamikaze has always lived on the island, a lot like his ancestors and pretty much ever dog, or feline, here. His parents were once living on the island, along with a small pack which they managed to form. His parents had been brought over by boat, their humans not wanting to really take on such large dogs, and therefore dumped them on the island; sadly they were completely unaware of the inhabitants on this island. However, his parents managed to strive, along with his ancestors and such. Though, some are still alive, their whereabouts are unknown, and he'd love to come across them sometime again. Now roaming as a loner, the male would happily join another on their 'quest' for survival.

Pack/Clan: N/A - but he travels with Allie

Parents: Kenai (father, deceased), Olaya (mother, deceased)
Siblingd: (Open)
Crush: N/A - Subject may change
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
~ Can usually be found near rivers and such
~ Has several scars
~ Will accept siblings

"You stay ahead of the game when you don't wait for others to catch up."

Name: Allie
Nickname: Al
Gender: Damsel
Breed: Siberian Husky
Sub-breed: German Shepherd x Beauceron
Age: 2 years

Personality: Allie can be seen as quite the tomboy-ish canine. She loves doing 'sporty' things and can often be found running, swimming, climbing our rough-housing with other canines, if ever given the chance. She's rather laid back though, putting her playful streak aside. When not jumping around, she does enjoy spending her time relaxing. Towards ones she knows she can be seen as quite friendly and helpful, although, she won't go out of her way for someone whom wouldn't do the same, and all will be treat somewhat equally in her mind. When it comes to others she'll try not to get in to arguments or fights as she prefers keeping the peace however, she isn't a push over either. If she feels that you're trying to push her around, she will stand her ground. Trustworthy and loyal she is, too. Flirtatious around the males too however, she'd rather just throw them around now and then. Although she can be seen as rather pleasant with some, those she isn't too fond of or don't know her will see a totally different side to her. Al can be rather cold hearted and bitter, having a sharp tongue, she will spit out what she feels is necessary. The amount of sarcasm and cocky-ness she holds, may get too much for one however, that's not what she wants, really. One you get to know her she will grow on you and despite her age, her personality seems as if it's still developing.

History: Allies parents came here due to a plane crash; her ancestors were being taken on holiday with their family however, the plane decided to make an unannounced detour, and ended up crashing in to the trees. Though some were injured, many also survived. Of course, they had no choice but to venture out in to the unknown, where they were faced with many difficulties. Like all, her ancestors survived and went on to live, having offspring which soon adapted, and many years later Allie was born. She does the usual, trying to survive and such however, she's still pretty young so unlike others, she wouldn't have been through much. Her parents are still alive, along with her siblings however, she has been separated from them.

Pack/Clan: N/A - But she travels with Kamikaze

Parents: Anzo (father, alive), Shaan (mother, alive)
Siblings: (Open)
Crush: N/A - Subject may change
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
~ Will accept siblings
~ Has some scars
~ Will join a group
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 06:07:29 am by Taylor »
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2016, 02:37:02 pm »
Slight WIP, but she's pretty much ready)


Name: Tana
Nickname: Not right now, but she is open to suggestions.
Gender: Female
Breed: Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Sub-breed: She is purebred.
Age: 4 Years Old

Personality: Tana comes off as a mean and heartless canine, and she can be, when you first meet her. She chooses to travel alone and rarely talks to other canines, she believes that no one stays in your life. Tana also has a friendly and playful side, you just have to find it and bring it to the surface. Once you get passed her cold heart she will make a great companion and friend.

History: (Will add this once I can think up one xp)

Pack/Clan: Tana chooses to be alone.

Crush: Kamikaze
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
-Tana's right ear is torn.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 02:28:44 pm by ????????? »

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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2016, 06:41:28 pm »
OooOOOOOo I remember thiiiiis! <3 //aggressively applies

All choices have consequences.

Name: Jannu
Nickname: N/A
Gender:  Male
Breed:  Yakutian Laika
Sub-breed: N/A
Age:  5 Y/O

Personality: Cynical, egomaniac, sarcastic, charismatic, charming- Jannu's true intentions tend to be difficult to read. Keeping his genuine feelings to himself or those few who are close to him, he hides them behind a mask of sarcasm, aggression, or humor. He can be a bit of a recluse, almost as if he is hiding from his own reality or social interaction. While he can give an aura of careless, forthright selfishness and nonchalant aggression, Jannu is actually incredibly caring and protective of those near to him, with a huge soft spot for pups. Though he sometimes prefers to be by himself, he can talk one's ear off given the opportunity- usually babbling about useless, unimportant things, or making casual but legit threats. He keeps his own past quite secretive from strangers. His wavering mental state does render him as somewhat unpredictable, usually ending up in an unexpected outburst of sudden violence after exchanging a few casual or vaguely threatening words. He is unusually casual about literally everything, even murder, even coming off as unphased by his actions. Jannu can be disarmingly charming with his "ray of sunshine,"charismatic facade, and can just as easily be your best friend and your worst enemy.

History: Jannu was born on the island, but his parents and ancestors before him all hail from the Himalayan region. He tends not to speak of his past, being a tightly sealed door to all but those whom he trusts fully. (can be revealed through RP ;3)

Pack/Clan: None at the moment, but he's very power-driven, and actively seeks out a pack that he can either form himself, or overtake by force. (he likes to think of himself as a king, that silly goose. ;3)

Crush: None at the moment
Mate: N/A (previous mate is deceased)
Pups: N/A (deceased)
Other: Jannu wears a salmon-pink sash around his neck.
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2016, 10:38:00 pm »

Ooh, what a beautiful dog! <3 Of course yer accepted!
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Re: .x. The Island .x. Remake | Realistic | Mature | Open & Accepting
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2016, 11:57:22 pm »

Ah, Tana is accepted too! Would you guys like to begin now, or wait for others?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 06:01:32 am by Taylor »
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