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Messages - Hiemer123

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Discussion Board / Re: Paranormal Experiences
« on: October 07, 2018, 04:00:33 am »
Oh I like this topic!

I definitely believe in ghosts. No doubt.
I've only encountered a spirit in my own home. My mom saw the same spirit I did so it was truly confirmed for me.

There are good ghosts and bad ghosts, just like there are people. Though, "good ghosts" are more referred to as "spirit."
And when I say "bad spirit," don't confuse that for poltergeist. Those are NOT spirit or ghost- they never lived here on Earth. They are just conjured-up negative anomalies also known as Shadow People and other dark beings. (I think. Might be confusing that for demons).

You will know when a ghost is in the room if it turns really cold, your battery dies out of no-where, or unexplained things start happening. If you are knowing of their presence and make it known to them, they are bound to stick around more often. If you want them to leave you alone, legit just say "Leave me alone! You are not welcomed here! This is not your home!" (You'd be surprised- but it works).

Poltergeist and demons are different as well.
Poltergeist are more electronic-based; using phones, TVs, and other electronic devises- and with that, they can use the electromagnetic currents/waves in the room to move objects and try to injure or scare you. Most will switch off the lights in the room, lock the door, and you won't be able to turn the lights back on no-matter how much you flip the switch. You just have to wait for things to pass- don't give up trying to get out of the room.
Demons on the other hand are summoned and effect you and your health negatively if attached or follow you home (from some demonic and/or abandoned place). If you were ever to get into contact with a demon, you would know because they are known to try an convince people there is no heaven. (Whether you believe in a place after death of not- that's just a tell-tell sign). If you ever see one, they like to take on the form of a child to trick you into "helping them."

These ghosts, spirits, poltergeist, and demons (as well as other beings I am unaware of) can all be conjured up using the Ouija Board.
Do NOT use them unless you know what you're doing. Do NOT break the rules of an Ouija Board. Do NOT disrespect the being you contact via Ouija Board by joking around and not taking it seriously. Do NOT leave the planchette on the Ouija Board when done. Do NOT burn the board EVER. Do NOT take your fingers off the planchette EVER until you properly say "Goodbye" which closes the portal.

I could go on! But, that should be enough for now lmao.
I honestly am too involved this this topic. ^^'

I'm impressed. These are actually really nice ideas- and not impossible to do. But I do see drafts being a problem (like you stated earlier), and having the banners and main picture changed would be the least of our problems. But man-o-man -- It would be so nice to see this page organized and be able to navigate the forum with ease! I'm still new to the forums, so even I have troubles searching through it. The funny thing I came across as a newbie was; for all the new things posted on the forum recently, I had to click a link at the bottom to find. You would think that would be at the top somewhere in bold screaming "RECENT POSTS" or something. Maybe that can happen if the layout of the forum gets changed up (more cleaned up than how I've put it, but ya get the idea).

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