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Topics - applescruffs

Pages: [1]
Other Games / Horse Isle!
« on: February 22, 2018, 04:11:22 am »
I rarely go on it now, but does anyone play or has played Horse Isle? I was obsessed with that game years ago!! The one I always used to play was the Horse Isle 2 Eternal version because I could never take the thought of my horses actually ageing and then eventually know. My name on there is RarelySpoken, if anyone's curious. I'm super interested to know if anyone on here's a fan of the game!

Also, another little bit I'd like to add is that I'm absolutely in love with the soundtrack of the game. All the songs sound so peaceful and calming!

Discussion Board / Make Some Song Recommendations!
« on: February 17, 2018, 04:33:20 pm »
I thought this might be an interesting topic! Basically, you just post one or a few songs that you've been into recently, and that you'd like to recommend to the people here on the forums. You could even post your reasons for recommending them if you'd like! :)

I'll start with these two songs and link to them on YouTube so you can give them a listen if you're interested...

Happy - Carpenters
This is a song I've been super into lately, it always manages to quickly lift my mood when I'm feeling down!

Leap of Faith - Kenny Loggins
I feel like a lot of Feral Heart members will like this one. It's an absolutely beautiful song, and it actually reminds me of some of the music used in game!

Introduction / A Proper Introduction At Last
« on: February 17, 2018, 06:20:25 am »
Hello everyone! I've been a member of Feral Heart for many years but have never actually taken the time to introduce myself here on the forums. I joined back around 2012 I believe, and I've always very much enjoyed the game! I never was very active in the community, but I'm hoping to change that now.

To begin, I definitely am an old soul. I absolutely love old music, although the music from the 70s is the music that fascinates me the most. I write poems in my free time, and have actually recently started writing songs! My greatest inspirations would probably be the Beatles, Stevie Nicks, the Carpenters, and Kenny Loggins. Speaking of Kenny, he's my favourite music artist of all time! If you're not familiar with his name, he's the guy who wrote the song Footloose and sang Danger Zone, but he's done so much more than that! His 70s stuff is definitely worth checking out in my opinion!

I don't want to make this too long so I'll end it off here. I'm really excited to meet some new people on here, and I'm more than happy to share my music recommendations with you guys! Haha :)

Game Help / Unable to connect to the game
« on: February 15, 2018, 04:54:22 am »
Hi! I haven't been on Feral Heart for a while and only recently decided to play it again. When I tried logging in though, I got the message "failed to connect to front server." I tried completely reinstalling the game, resetting the homes of all of my characters, but that didn't seem to resolve the issue. I'm hoping I'll be able to find some solution to this, I'd love to play the game again. I'm aware there's another post on here about the same issue, but I've read over that and nothing there seemed to resolve anything for me.

Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you! :)

UPDATE: It's been resolved!

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