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Topics - WolfLover2550

Pages: [1]
Character & Roleplay Tutorials / A Healers Guide
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:50:36 pm »
 I'm sure pretty much everyone has RPed a healer, medic, doctor, shaman, etc. at some point. You can get by with having almost no knowledge about herbs, but for those looking to be a bit more specific, this is the place for you! These are some commonly used herbs and their uses, feel free to add some in the comments.
Borage-Flower and leaves are used for fever and cough(sweet)
Yarrow-Releives fevers and shortens colds and flu. Used topically it helps rash and itching(sweet, bitter aftertaste)
Comfrey-Roots are poisonous. Applied to the skin it can help wounds, joint inflammation, bruises, arthritis and fractures. Its tea can help upset stomachs and coughs(sweet)
Echinacea-Can be used for flu, headaches and cold
Juniper-Helps with upset stomach and upset stomach. It can help wounds, joint pain and muscle pain, and numb pain ***The berry is very bitter and can be harmful when eaten too often***
Tansy-Headache, joint pain, improves appetite, calms nerves,itching, bruises, sores, sprains, and swelling(bitter)
Thyme-Cough and possibly sore throat(pungent)
Watermint-Burns(bitter taste)
Yew-Stomachache, hiccups, (bitter)
This link might help with any questions or the uses of other herbs.

Species / Gwynedd Wolves
« on: August 10, 2015, 11:36:27 pm »
Gwynedd(gwen-ed) wolves were once regular timber wolves that lived in the human kingdom Gwynedd. They were naturally strong and clever, and the kingdom's inhabitants soon learned that leaving them alone was the best thing. In return, the wolves ignored them and their livestock. The humans eventually all died or left, they didn't know which, but they made the best of it. They took over the land the humans once lived on, including the castle and villages. Eventually the wolves also took up the humans hierarchy, the alphas becoming todays royal ancestors.                    
Appearance:                                                                                                                                                                   They look like regular wolves with natural pelt coloring and patterns. They are all bigger than regular wolves, males bigger than females. Eyes may be any color.  
Can live up to 100 years and age similar to humans.
Their personalities can range very much like a human's, but all include a fierceness. They can lash out when upset, and care for family deeply. Gwynedd Wolves mate for life and none would force them to be bound to another they don't care for.
There is already a Gwynedd Wolf pack group, please do not make another(Kingdom of Gwynedd)
**Note: I may make a Gwynedd Kingdom map, if I ever do I will post a link below**

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / HyenaClan
« on: July 14, 2015, 11:43:31 pm »
 You are a hyena all alone in the savannah. You might survive by yourself for a while, but who knows? One day, you come across a clan of hyenas much like yourself. These creatures offer you a place in their clan, do you accept?

HyenaClan is;
>currently unmapped, may be in the future
>beginners to advanced rp
>mostly realistic


>keep cursing to a minimum, IC and OOC, you MUST stop if someone asks you to
>realistic coat colors(black, brown, etc.), they don't have to be "in order", and eyes may be any color(except red, unless albino)
>no powerplaying, godmodding, etc.
>try to stay active
>no OOC drama
>please do not "wolfspeak"
>only hyenas please(spotted, striped, etc.)

Sadly, the ranking system is very complicated/confusing since it is as realistic as possible, but I will try to simplify it as much as I can.

"Females are dominant over males, and even the lowest ranking female is dominant to the highest ranking male. Although males typically disperse from their natal clans when they are between two and six years of age (Smale et al 1997; Boydston et al. 2005), females usually remain in their natal clan, so large clans may contain several different matrilines. Although cubs of both sexes 'inherit' their mothers' social ranks, males voluntarily forsake those to assume much lower ranks in the neighboring clans to which they disperse."-

"A hyena clan is rarely gathered together at any given time; instead, it is divided into smaller packs and single hyenas, temporary groupings that frequently form, disperse and reform.  Clans are led by a single female hyena, the matriarch.  Hyena clans also have secondary leaders who lead smaller pack divisions.  Hyena packs consist of a single leader and several other hyenas who follow her lead.  Packs are formed both deliberately and coincidentally; hyenas will gather together to form packs, although they may often find themselves together by chance.  These packs are temporary; they will eventually disperse, and the hyenas may join other packs, or, in the case of pack leaders, form a new pack.  The hyena clan has a hierarchy, with the matriarch and pack leaders holding the highest rank.  Female hyenas are larger, stronger and fiercer than males, and thus hold higher rank and are more frequently pack leaders."-

Queen-The ultimate matriarch
First Alphess-The most dominant secondary leader  Second Alphess    Last Alphess-least dominant secondary leader
I know these are very confusing, and I'm sorry. PM me for more info or if you need me to explain it further.
If you've read all this and are still interested in joining, please fill out the form below and either PM it to me or post it below c:
If its accepted feel free to give us a join request.
*In game username:
*Desired rank:
(*required) (all fields required for rank Alphess)

Discussion Board / Hyena Ranks '-.-
« on: July 13, 2015, 03:11:09 pm »
(please tell me if there is a better place to put this post)

 I am making a hyena group, and of course, it seems no one has bothered to give them a ranking system(like a wolf packs alpha beta omega system). I don't have enough of an imagination/am too lazy to create one myself, so I thought maybe you guys could help me(?). If you do have any ideas, please post them below.

Info on Hyena Clans:

"Females are dominant over males, and even the lowest ranking female is dominant to the highest ranking male. Although males typically disperse from their natal clans when they are between two and six years of age (Smale et al 1997; Boydston et al. 2005), females usually remain in their natal clan, so large clans may contain several different matrilines. Although cubs of both sexes 'inherit' their mothers' social ranks, males voluntarily forsake those to assume much lower ranks in the neighboring clans to which they disperse."-

"A hyena clan is rarely gathered together at any given time; instead, it is divided into smaller packs and single hyenas, temporary groupings that frequently form, disperse and reform.  Clans are led by a single female hyena, the matriarch.  Hyena clans also have secondary leaders who lead smaller pack divisions.  Hyena packs consist of a single leader and several other hyenas who follow her lead.  Packs are formed both deliberately and coincidentally; hyenas will gather together to form packs, although they may often find themselves together by chance.  These packs are temporary; they will eventually disperse, and the hyenas may join other packs, or, in the case of pack leaders, form a new pack.  The hyena clan has a hierarchy, with the matriarch and pack leaders holding the highest rank.  Female hyenas are larger, stronger and fiercer than males, and thus hold higher rank and are more frequently pack leaders."-

Species / Creo(screenshots at bottom)
« on: June 14, 2015, 09:37:22 pm »
Appearance: Creo look a bit like a mix of wolves and deer, but more mystical. They are born with celtic or celtic-like markings on their faces and bodies which grow darker as they get older. Newborns (AKA fawns) have completely white markings and are very small, their size ranging upon their parent's but always small. A female fawn is born without antlers but grow them once an adult, a male fawn is born with small bull like horns but also grow buck antlers once adult. A fawn's marking colors will appear once they are an adult, and marking colors can be any shade of blue, green, purple, red, yellow or orange. Their pelt(not markings) color can be anywhere from black to brown to white, always natural colors. All adult Creo (male and female) have buck antlers and white rings around their eyes. A Creo's eye color always match their marking color and tail tips may be any color. Males are always bigger than females, and all Creo are taller than they are wide or long.

Behavior: Every Creo is graceful from the moment they are adults and move with deliberate steps. Despite their gracefulness they are not delicate. A Creo will defend their own herd to the death(the antlers help a great deal). Going along with their fierce protectiveness they will not tolerate any predators lurking on their territory(yes, they claim territory much like wolves), although they will leave any other herbivores be, even welcome them(Creo have been known to accept deer or horses into their herds). Creo take mates for life and love each herd member to pieces, often keeping in touch with offspring and having HUGE herds, up to a thousand sometimes. To show their affection they groom each other, sometimes for hours. Fawns are playful and clumsy, the almost exact opposite of the elderly Creo that prefer to lay in the shade, napping and conversing with their childhood friends, often entertaining the fawns with "when I was a fawn" stories. The younger adult Creo spend most of their time grazing.

Feeding Behavior:(thank you so much for having been reading for this long!)
As has been suggested, Creo are herbivores, eating most things from tree leaves to grass and berries.

As said before, a Creo's markings grow darker with age, being born with white markings and once their markings are black, they die(It has been suggested that the markings show their lifeforce, glowing when they are happy, darkening just a bit when they are sad). You don't need to worry about your Creo dying anytime soon though! Creos have a looooooooong life span, so long no one knows precisely.

Again, fawns are playful, elders wise, but all of them have a seemingly mystic aura.

Body Language:(although they can talk, they don't like to converse with predators or creatures too unlike themselves)
(sorry but im going to go into behavior a bit again) All adults are watchful and can sometimes have a deer-like jumpiness about them, looking up at the slightest sound. To alert others of danger, they stomp each paw one at a time in slow succession. If a predator approaches, they lower there antlers and toss their heads.

Offspring:(only one thing)
Creo usually have one fawn at a time, rarely twins and never triplets or more.

Now time for some screenies!

Adult Youngish Female Creo

Newborn Female Creo Fawn

Newborn Male Creo Fawn

Elderly Male Creo

I would love to see some other Creo out there so feel free to use my specie(please do not use MY characters from the screen shots) and I would love for you to PM me so we could meet up to RP in Creo char together! PM me if I left anything out that you want to know about Creo :D

Request/Find Meshes / Horse Objects(canine item?)
« on: June 04, 2015, 12:40:10 am »
 Hello! thank you for reading this.
I am in need of these objects:
1)stable/stall/box(not glaves or courtneys, cant download them)
2)jumps/obstacles(pls no plain wood fences)
Item: harness-like item, for canines, not wulfthewolf's(cant download that either)
Thank you so much if you can find/make me any of these, I understand if you cant.

Request/Find Meshes / animal/fences(please lock, found items)
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:51:55 pm »
 Hallow! Thank you for reading this. I am in need of some farm animals and fences for a ranch map Im making. To go into detail, some cows, chickens(I have some horses already but if you know of anymore that would be great) that have material and mesh(duh. I got some animals but they turned out not to have material so I cant use them and I cant find anymore XC). For the fences Im a bit more picky. they cant be metal or picket fences, they have to be wooden, with the horizontal rails between vertical posts, like this If you know where I can find some to download for free or make some for me I would be so grateful. Thanks in advance!

Site/Forum Help / Posting Pictures/Maps
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:08:17 am »
 Ok, im kinda new on FH and I just made my first map :D(yay!). I want to post my map for the public but 1. I don't know how to post-actually more like I don't know how to get a map download link-, and 2. I don't know how to post screenshots. Im sorry I have to ask, ive looked at other posts but, sadly, I cant find any information about it :( . I really appreciate your help and I hope you take a look at my map once im able to get it on the forum! :P

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