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Messages - Nak3dAng3l

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Media / Re: A DARK ROOM - An Interactive Comic
« on: January 24, 2017, 06:50:06 am »
Move to your left.

Game Discussion / Re: opinion on 'literacy / illiteracy' divide
« on: January 08, 2017, 09:50:48 am »
I find the whole "you must be literate to join us." A tad stupid. Just like how we always create bullies within our schools, enemies overseas- we're using the "us vs them" gimmick and it's absolutely useless. What difference is a few misspelled words? They're simple to fix and teaching literacy only takes a few days to a few weeks with teaching practice.

I've taught quite a few people on how to improve their literacy from semi literacy to literate if they wish so; just because they were having problems joining groups and nowadays they find it's much more fun to role play (they completely wished to change their style; just wanted to iron that in there.)- however, it can get a bit stiff with groups at times (the ones that tend to be more realistic and literate than needed). The stiff role playing, serious expressions- those two I've found soften with time and you can find a kind person underneath.

If we wish to fix this "us vs them" gimmick we need to change popular role plays as a whole. So, if you are creating a group you should not put "literate" or "active" within your group recruition. Let's see how many people we can get onto this ship so that we can fix the gimmick as a whole.

Forum Discussion / User Authority Change?
« on: December 26, 2016, 05:13:44 pm »
Have any of you noticed something odd?
I've been seeing members subtly pushing authority over other members, with things like them "giving permission" or "rejecting permission" to ideas; characters, and topics. It's honestly making me uncomfortable and I feel like I'm being pushed behind others in words of status at some points. Not sharing names and such, but it seems like some users must make a reply to a topic before other replies on that topic can happen- or that the entire positive or negative response to the topic depends on that member's response.


Art Gallery / Re: Post canines? [OPEN]
« on: December 25, 2016, 03:19:00 am »
You asked for it...

Well, a hyena is not a canine, but I keep the references (screenshots) in one place.


Valeriana has a naturally neutral-grumpy face, but she's a very gentle, loving, and family-friendly canine behind that face. Nico is sadistic and mentally down-hill, so give your best insane grin and it would work. And, if you do Sakura, just keep a soft hyena-smile and it'll be good.

Game Discussion / Re: How to 'revive' FeralHeart In-Game
« on: December 24, 2016, 10:38:09 pm »
It would perhaps be better if we all banded together and created in-game activities, perhaps a role playing group suited for all to join and have fun in it. Such as in game music streams, gaming events, and more. I think that would boost in-game activity.

And no, I'm not saying the staff make this or anything. I'm saying the community would band together and create a group in-game with the information above.

Other Games / Re: Any Good *FREE* Horse Games?
« on: December 20, 2016, 03:18:56 am »
We have Alicia Online, a horse racing game. I recommend you get a friend with you to just run around the maps (even though the timer can be annoying)


It seems like the sentences in whole are disjointed. Some are incredibly and overly long, while others are terribly short where more detail could be put into it.
I'd recommend when role playing to check if there is an even amount of commas, or you are over the limit of the normal amount within a sentence. As a poet, the flow feels off for it- something that comes from excessive reading and poem-creation.

"her tail barely brushing the ground." An example of an elongated sentence split up by an unnecessary comma. It feels like you are trying to create suspense here, but without a verb the clause is dependent and should not be on its' own.

"she sprang" An example of a clause done right. Although the clause is very short- the only two words being a subject and a verb, it is an independent clause and grammatically correct.

A few tips while you wait for your official critique.

Discussion Board / Re: Weird obsessions
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:36:25 am »
Dipping Lays chips in straight white vinegar.

Discussion Board / Have you ever "cheated" in a game?
« on: December 16, 2016, 01:29:45 am »
By when I mean cheat, I mean either use a bot or use side characters to gather the starter's xp resources or special money (for farming). In topic, this is only in question for massive multiplayer online games that have went back on their free to play customers and went buy to win.

I've certainly done it. I used Archeage's simple need for a new email for every account and farm gilda stars all day on side characters. I also tend to use my side characters as storage and leave the side character afk all night, gathering labor points so that I can use them for a specific task such as farming and all.

It's quite ingenious, how us gamers get sneaky when the game makers get unfair, eh?

Share some of your stories, I'd love to hear ideas. Lmao.

Game Discussion / Re: Intense moments in roleplays.
« on: November 29, 2016, 01:08:00 am »
i remember my first rush so clearly. it was a nice day, and for the factor that all new members that were not reaching for the medic domain had to either spar a new or experienced member to see the character's potential to join.

since we were both new to the experience, we didn't talk about the outcome and made many mistakes. but, i found quite the rush at the end- my character and hers falling from exhaustion due to the fact that they'd never sparred before, falling on top of each other and ending the duel as a (to finish later.) we were heavily criticized and were watched by experienced members of sparring, lol. it was a lovely fun and i will always remember it close to my heart although i only stayed within the group for a month.

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