Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 167986 times)

Offline _-Phantomwolf-_

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #160 on: June 22, 2013, 07:08:28 am », this is my third post, and I find my self moving from the upset group into the one who almost doesn't care...I too was witness to a rather nasty fight between protesters and mods, and a friend of mine has been banned for what I understand to be three months because they tried to discuss things...But since i wasnt there, i have nothing to add to that. I am perfectly fine with waiting while raz and the staff test things out in order to help the community.

However, The feeling of disconnect between staff and members is what disturbs me the most.. The fight tonight was, in my opinion, a gross overreaction on both sides. As usual, each side had valid points, but for anyone to resort to name calling a degradation to get the point across is uncalled for. I know that there is so few staff compared to the number of users, and that you all are getting so much crap because of this, which is a fact I think is one some people don't take into considation when posting. Whether or not people who are against general being turned off, there really isn't a need to sit and provoke the staff, as was done tonight. I myself am in a group that was made simply to sit around and discuss the last few days. In fact, we sit there right along with red, crisis, and whoever else happens to be there. Nothing has come out it as far as a negative reaction goes. At this point, I honestly think that those who've been banned, kicked, warned, etc. are    FOR THE MOST PART     those who have sat around accusing th staff of doing absolutely said earlier, we can't expect things to be perfect and instant. I still don't  like that general is gone, as it has affected the game in such a large way, and because of the fact that i personally felt illinformed, but simply because of the fact that people are intentionally provoking select few, I'm beginning not to care if it comes back.
What i saw tonight was a bunch of kids throwing a tantrum and blaming a single person because they had their toy taken away...NOT a mature discussion. If people have something to say, no matter who it is, they should say it with a level head and calm mind. Right now, all that's happening (in game at least) are words being thrown at staff and members alike in a fight that will never end. Can't people  accept that the mods do care about the game as much as you do? You've got to remember that they have to deal with what everyone has to say.. Trial and error.. Rome wasn't built in a day...all that philosophical stuff.

 In a previous post, I compared general being taken away to the week long server outage because of that I think about it, things could have been much worse. They /could/ have simply knocked the server down and said "We're getting rid of trolls." Instead, they took one chat, be it an important one to most, and left the rest of the game to us. I'm quite happy about that.

On the other hand though, i have seen members being ridiculed because of their comments..including ones that werent out of line in the slightest. we've been told we havent a clue about how a game runs and what it takes..i have to ask, who has the right to assume that? just because we are not a staff member doesnt make us ignorant. i happen to know a fair amount about coding and programming, and even though I was not part of the fight, i was left insulted by the words of a mod, the very people who are supposed to make all feel welcome. why cant this simply stop? if a member comes respectfully to voice their concern, its the staff's responsability to hear them out. That's one reason you're in the position you're listen and help, not beat down and insult....

I think people on both sides need to better think of ways to speak their mind. Yes, the mods may feel as if they have to keep repeating theirselves, but frustration shouldn't be taken out on the community, just as frustration shouldn't be directed at the staff.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 08:51:40 am by _-Phantomwolf-_ »

Offline StarWarsWolf7

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #161 on: June 22, 2013, 07:24:10 am »
Okay, I need to say one more thing. Something that has been brought to my attention...
We ARE being silenced by the Mods.
Our voices are being muted by them because they've placed themselves above us. We ARE real people behind these computer screens. People with rights. The same rights as them.
I recently tried to speak out in-game to the Mods and express my opinion within a rather reasonable manor, which it started out as, but because of being cut off by the same old answers they've been shoving at us, and the name-calling, the smart-ass remarks... it all spiraled out of control.
I have, in fact, apologize for the incident, but it doesn't do anything.
A friend of mine was banned for a week because of this.
I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm just... sick of all this -Removed by moderator-. Really.
We're told to be open-minded and accepting of the Mods' "brilliant" ideas, but they don't do the same in return. It's becoming unfair to the community.

- Scarlett
I completely agree. It was strange, really. A few of my close, literate friends and I went into the plains a few days ago to express our opinions. We were calm at first, but as soon as we began to speak, we were met with aggressive attitudes, and were even called "uneducated" and taunted. And today when I was passing by the n/z, there were tons of protesters around, and some mods I haven't seen on in a while. Is this what has become of the FH staff then? Suddenly coming on now and banning or ridiculing the community for their opinions?

 I highly object to taking the chat away, as it has led to nothing so far but drama, anger, and of course, heavy movie spam! And movie spam was something that seemed to bother so many people, and even upset some staff members. So taking away the chat that was primarily used for advertising is a good

And on the topic of advertising, sure people could use the forums to advertise. However, most members of FH, including myself, rarely check the forums, if not at all! And even the ones that do may not even check the role play section, but instead only come on for help or updates. Also, movies do not allow you to state all your role play's information, and it just leads to a lot of problems.

I could keep rambling on now, but surely I would just be repeating things that so many have said before me. I suggest that the staff actually LISTEN to the community, as we are indeed a voice. We are the other half that keeps feralheart going. If we are supposed to be so open minded, why can't the staff be the same way? Upset the community, lose the community. That will be all.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 06:37:45 am by Warriorstrike »


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Re: RIP General
« Reply #162 on: June 22, 2013, 07:51:34 am »
Okay, I need to say one more thing. Something that has been brought to my attention...
We ARE being silenced by the Mods.
Our voices are being muted by them because they've placed themselves above us. We ARE real people behind these computer screens. People with rights. The same rights as them.
I recently tried to speak out in-game to the Mods and express my opinion within a rather reasonable manor, which it started out as, but because of being cut off by the same old answers they've been shoving at us, and the name-calling, the smart-ass remarks... it all spiraled out of control.
I have, in fact, apologize for the incident, but it doesn't do anything.
A friend of mine was banned for a week because of this.
I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm just... sick of all this -Removed by moderator-. Really.
We're told to be open-minded and accepting of the Mods' "brilliant" ideas, but they don't do the same in return. It's becoming unfair to the community.

- Scarlett
I completely agree. It was strange, really. A few of my close, literate friends and I went into the plains a few days ago to express our opinions. We were calm at first, but as soon as we began to speak, we were met with aggressive attitudes, and were even called "uneducated" and taunted. And today when I was passing by the n/z, there were tons of protesters around, and some mods I haven't seen on in a while. Is this what has become of the FH staff then? Suddenly coming on now and banning or ridiculing the community for their opinions?

 I highly object to taking the chat away, as it has led to nothing so far but drama, anger, and of course, heavy movie spam! And movie spam was something that seemed to bother so many people, and even upset some staff members. So taking away the chat that was primarily used for advertising is a good

And on the topic of advertising, sure people could use the forums to advertise. However, most members of FH, including myself, rarely check the forums, if not at all! And even the ones that do may not even check the role play section, but instead only come on for help or updates. Also, movies do not allow you to state all your role play's information, and it just leads to a lot of problems.

I could keep rambling on now, but surely I would just be repeating things that so many have said before me. I suggest that the staff actually LISTEN to the community, as we are indeed a voice. We are the other half that keeps feralheart going. If we are supposed to be so open minded, why can't the staff be the same way? Upset the community, lose the community. That will be all.

I am one of these friends Star is talking about. The moment we mentioned something we were immediately targeted. At first I tried stating my case, views and opinions calmly, but then after having people keep calling me names I will admit it did get heated. How is it supposed to avoid being heated when you have people calling you ungrateful and stupid for simply stating your mind. It got to the point we were taunted even after we had gotten quiet. Someone came up to us and was all "So I head you guys were being really noisy.." Dude we were quiet, the fight was stopped. Leave us alone? If players are just going to get ridiculed and insulted for stating their minds how with anything get resolved?

I even got kicked out of the incident and told to be quiet. Why should I be quiet when the others firing insults at me and my friends weren't scolded? I was even threatened via pm. Not cool guys, not cool. This game is sinking way too fast. I hope when it does die a source code goes public. Maybe someone else will pick it up like IT servers floating around. :I I definitely feel a gap between the community and staff. More so then ever. I don't like it.

Why fix something that doesn't need fixed?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 06:37:02 am by Warriorstrike »


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Re: RIP General
« Reply #163 on: June 22, 2013, 11:31:50 am »
It will indeed be very different and quiet without general. For me the only bad thing is that now I won't have anything to do when I'm bored DX But still, it will be kinda nice without the spam and caps. Now we can tell everyone else who joins FH the stories about general xD We will be like elders telling grand kids about the olden days xD
In Warrior Clans they will now have a use for elders. XD

Offline YouheiSunohara24

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #164 on: June 22, 2013, 03:23:39 pm »
I aqm now not only mad about General being gone... I am now ticked at the way mods are treating the protestors. Standing up for what we believe in does not make us 'ungrateful brats' or 'uneducated'. Red literally called me that for calmly defending my opinion. The mods tell US to be open-minded, yet THEY aren't open minded themselves. All they do all day is sit on a rock calling everyone 'floofs'. When was the last time anyone saw that Godly red text? Two years ago? If an arguement is happening in General, the mods should step in and END IT, instead of removing the chat completely to avoid having to moderate. All the mods do now is throw around their power and think we, the community, are uneducated, ungrateful little brats. Apparently, our opinions don't matter at all.
For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you drive by in a car with a shotgun shooting a cops. Cuz... then you're gonna get in big trouble. Crazy is when you start screaming at the word "Shinigami". Crazy is when you support Kira. You're crazy if you touched my chocolate because that means you want to die. If you're crazy, put this in ur sig.XD

Offline Nemena

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #165 on: June 22, 2013, 04:17:08 pm »
I aqm now not only mad about General being gone... I am now ticked at the way mods are treating the protestors. Standing up for what we believe in does not make us 'ungrateful brats' or 'uneducated'. Red literally called me that for calmly defending my opinion. The mods tell US to be open-minded, yet THEY aren't open minded themselves. All they do all day is sit on a rock calling everyone 'floofs'. When was the last time anyone saw that Godly red text? Two years ago? If an arguement is happening in General, the mods should step in and END IT, instead of removing the chat completely to avoid having to moderate. All the mods do now is throw around their power and think we, the community, are uneducated, ungrateful little brats. Apparently, our opinions don't matter at all.

Although I'm not fond of some members of the moderation team for unrelated reasons, iMello, standing before them and constantly proclaiming that "they don't care for the community" despite everything they're telling you is-... Well. Insulting to say the least. Your protest wasn't really that peaceful (today's-- I'm not commenting on the one yesterday!); it was accusation after accusation, many of which made absolutely no sense and disregarded any responses you received. I'm not surprised that tempers were riled; I was waiting around the N/Z for a friend and even I started frowning! While it's undeniably wrong for them to respond in such a derogatory manner-- even if provoked by the protesters-- they wouldn't be moderators if they didn't care. I don't see how taking your frustration out on the team will solve any issues. The spat I just watched with Crin was anything but peaceful.  Many apologies for saying so-- just had to speak as someone present! I missed the large one last night-- it might've turned out differently.

Whilst I do support the removal of general (I personally couldn't stand the channel), it doesn't address the underlying problem; the reason why it degenerated to such an extent. The vast majority of my reports were from that channel, many of which were entirely ignored by those I PM'd. I even spotted an in-depth rape discussion that continued for quite a fair amount of time while three moderators were present and chatting at the N/Z. I even said ((Please look at general)) in local, in case they had the channel togged off. The people involved in the discussion were still around and online several days later. Yes, I can block them-- but that doesn't instantaneously remove the upset it caused. Sometimes, you read things that bring your mood crashing down entirely. This-... Isn't an isolated case, either. For a game with such a young community, I personally think it's wrong for general to be brought back unless these problems are tackled. I understand it's no easy feat, though! Something really, really did need to be done with general-- and I hope a solution will be found that suits everyone.

Just my two cents. Many apologies! :P
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 04:26:12 pm by Nemena »


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Re: RIP General
« Reply #166 on: June 22, 2013, 04:41:50 pm »
I'm sorry but this is the worst idea I have heard yet. I'm sorry if I'm not being open-minded, or rude, or annoying, or a sore loser, etc. I'm just saying, why make taking General away as an update? Why not adding hunting or something else? I use General DAILY and to see it just vanish right when I make a new Roleplay makes me seem hurt. We could have voted or something. I've lost three Roleplays in a matter of three days and it makes me sad and hurt. The movies give me a headache and that movie glitch is still out there [I have it o.o]. Anyway, I think if you were thinking of removing General, you should have put up a poll and gotten rid of the Movie Glitch for good.

I sat in Fluorite for three hours, clicking movie after movie to see if the Movie Glitch would go away. It never did and I never found a Roleplay. I'm sorry to say this but FeralHeart is dying and there will be no good Roleplays and every good member might possibly leave. I stayed because I had hope that you all would do something, but after hearing everyone talking about this and all the hurtful rumors going around, I lost all hope. I may/may no stay. That all depends on if I can even get members anymore. Sorry everyone, but I think this should be pointed out.

~<3 Dark

P.S. @iMello: You have a point, there were a bunch of green dogs with the name of 'WE WANT GENERAL' and the story is they got banned. If this is the way real life worked, life would be like the Hunger Games, before the Games even started. The MODs are acting like we have no rights! Let us protest for what we believe in, because I will gladly get banned and make new accounts just to keep protesting. If the MODs of FeralHeart are going to call us ungrateful brats, then lets see how they feel if they were ever exposed for their unfair ways.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 04:47:09 pm by Dark »

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #167 on: June 22, 2013, 05:04:47 pm »
I wasn't trying to be disrespectful today, but I was ticked off. Last night, I was trying toi be calm and collected about it, and quite peaceful. I tried getting my point through to Red's brain, but he wouldn't hear a word of it. He just waved me away as if my opinion didn't matter, and his supporters did as well. He called me an 'ungrateful brat' and 'uneducated'. He also stated that 'You kids have no idea what it's like to moderate a game'. Well, you know what? YES, I DO. I am a moderator at the Warriors MMORPG, Moonrise. In fact, not a mod, but an ADMIN. I know how to run a community, and I know that being a moderator means listening to the community and making them happy. ANd Red said this: "If you were really a mod at Moonrise, you'd be nicer." ....Um, excuse me? I /am/ nice! If I wasn't /nice/, then I wouldn't be fighting for what is right! And the mods aren't being nice by merely silencing us, and abusing their powers by banning us all for speaking our minds. I was calm. I was level-headed and peaceful, but it was Red and his friends who started throwing insults around. Hell, I even heard that Red and his friends cussed someone out last night! And if that really happened, then MODS were breaking the rules that THEY are supposed to enforce! I can tell you, next time I go on, I will screenshot my conversation and post it. The mods are acting like we have no say, and our opinions don't matter the tiniest bit. Now, I am not directing this towards ALL of the mods, mind you, I am mostly speaking of Red and his friends, the ones who unfairly ban, insult, cuss out, etc. If these mods really cared about what the community thinks, then they would LISTEN to us, and let us speak our minds without fear of being banned. I will take an unofficial poll into my own hands. The mods don't have to listen to it, but I want to see which side has the most votes. Maybe then, they will listen and see that probably 99% of us wants General back. There are definitely more "I want General back" comments than "I don't want it back" comments.  Really. The mods need to pay attention to us. We DO NOT expect to have everything given to us on a silver plate, as Red puts it, we just want rights, and we want justice. And, we just want to be able to speak our minds, and for the moderators to be fair. Sure, 'life isn't fair,' but you know what? FeralHeart isn't real life. The moderators could be fair to us.

PS. This is iMello, but I'm on Moon's account cuz she was logged in already... may delete and repost.
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Offline YouheiSunohara24

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #168 on: June 22, 2013, 05:09:40 pm »
I wasn't trying to be disrespectful today, but I was ticked off. Last night, I was trying toi be calm and collected about it, and quite peaceful. I tried getting my point through to Red's brain, but he wouldn't hear a word of it. He just waved me away as if my opinion didn't matter, and his supporters did as well. He called me an 'ungrateful brat' and 'uneducated'. He also stated that 'You kids have no idea what it's like to moderate a game'. Well, you know what? YES, I DO. I am a moderator at the Warriors MMORPG, Moonrise. In fact, not a mod, but an ADMIN. I know how to run a community, and I know that being a moderator means listening to the community and making them happy. ANd Red said this: "If you were really a mod at Moonrise, you'd be nicer." ....Um, excuse me? I /am/ nice! If I wasn't /nice/, then I wouldn't be fighting for what is right! And the mods aren't being nice by merely silencing us, and abusing their powers by banning us all for speaking our minds. I was calm. I was level-headed and peaceful, but it was Red and his friends who started throwing insults around. Hell, I even heard that Red and his friends cussed someone out last night! And if that really happened, then MODS were breaking the rules that THEY are supposed to enforce! I can tell you, next time I go on, I will screenshot my conversation and post it. The mods are acting like we have no say, and our opinions don't matter the tiniest bit. Now, I am not directing this towards ALL of the mods, mind you, I am mostly speaking of Red and his friends, the ones who unfairly ban, insult, cuss out, etc. If these mods really cared about what the community thinks, then they would LISTEN to us, and let us speak our minds without fear of being banned. I will take an unofficial poll into my own hands. The mods don't have to listen to it, but I want to see which side has the most votes. Maybe then, they will listen and see that probably 99% of us wants General back. There are definitely more "I want General back" comments than "I don't want it back" comments.  Really. The mods need to pay attention to us. We DO NOT expect to have everything given to us on a silver plate, as Red puts it, we just want rights, and we want justice. And, we just want to be able to speak our minds, and for the moderators to be fair. Sure, 'life isn't fair,' but you know what? FeralHeart isn't real life. The moderators could be fair to us.

PS. Please delete the post by Moonstripe, as that was me. I wanna post it on my own account, soooo... lolol.
For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you drive by in a car with a shotgun shooting a cops. Cuz... then you're gonna get in big trouble. Crazy is when you start screaming at the word "Shinigami". Crazy is when you support Kira. You're crazy if you touched my chocolate because that means you want to die. If you're crazy, put this in ur sig.XD

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #169 on: June 22, 2013, 05:14:29 pm »
I know I already posted and might be inviting disaster by posting this reply, but has ANYONE checked the statistics!?
You all are shouting that some 99% of the community want general back.
I will look at the number of replies here and subtract 19 from that number, for replies of the same members and for replies of the people who want general to remain gone.
So 169-19=160, right? So around 160 members (that we are aware of) disagree or are not very happy with general being gone.
Now look at the statistics page...
Total Members: 194974

Lets take 194974 and compare it to 160...

Equation time!

194974 = 160
 100%      X%

So, 100 x 160= 16000
Now, 16000/194974 = 0.082% <-- That's the percentage of people who have DECLARED their insatisfaction with general being gone.

100% - 0.082% = 99.918% <-- Percentage of people who either: Didn't see the change (weren't active), want general gone, are able to adapt or don't mind.

I'm not trying to rub it in your face and say: "Haha, you suck!" I'm only trying to prove that you can't sum up false statistics without concrete proof. I haven't seen ALL of the community in an uproar. I haven't seen ALL of the Fluorite users starting "General" riots and I haven't seen more than 20 people in-game complaining about this.

Razmirz thought you all mature enough to be able to calmly adapt and see this through without turning into teenage toddlers. He thought you all intelligent enough to be able to help him test this, who's to say he won't make a poll after the testing to see if the community enjoyed the change? Who's to say he won't ask your opinion? This is was declared for "testing".

None of you can see the future and I won't be surprised if they decide to keep general down after all these arguments.
Not only that, but MODS aren't bots, they're humans who feel just like we do, they have lives outside of gaming and computers. They have real social lives, which some of us seriously lack in. They have friends they want to see, etc...
It's not fair to call them lazy, corrupted and incompetent just because you didn't get something you wanted.

What happens when some of you will need to adapt in real life? Transition from high-school to college? Change in jobs? Change from your old boss to a new, stricter one? Are you going to sit and complain and start riots? No, you have to learn to adapt! You can't live all your life in a straight routine, you just can't and you can't constantly keep nagging someone because they WILL snap. And if you can't adapt in a game, then I am seriously scared for some of you out there.

It's okay to state your disagreement with something, but you have to give it a chance and try to live with it.
I disagree with the raising of the college price here in Quebec, did it change? No.
I disagree with the government forcing immigrants to learn french if they didn't graduate in English here in Canada. Did that change? No, I still had to learn french, but now I can go to Paris and understand french people.
I disagree with homework. Didn't change.

And so I adapted, I can't refuse to educate myself because I disagree with homework. I can't start blowing up schools and refusing to go to school because I dislike homework. I can't call teachers incompetent because I don't like homework. For all I know, they might think me uneducated, after all, people here work hard to keep the game going.

You think it's easy? Go ahead, get your "educated" self to get a game/server like FeralHeart up and running without server crashes or problems. It's not easy and it might seem fun at first, but it becomes boring after a few weeks.

Sorry if this post sounded rude and provocative, I really just want people to stop nagging the mods; it's always the mods fault if something goes wrong or if people aren't able to adapt... it's pitiful, really.

Besides, I think the society today is always on their phones typing stuff on facebook, I'm sure you all have one.

Adding one last thing here: No, FeralHeart isn't real life, but does that mean we don't have to respect others, that we can vent out on other people, that we can complain and troll others? No, just because you can't see the other person behind that screen doesn't mean they don't exist. FH might not be real life, but the members behind that screen, whether staff or not, are real people.

That's all, thanks for reading.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 05:22:16 pm by Thanatos||Soul-Eater »