Author Topic: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)  (Read 6124 times)

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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2014, 02:09:18 pm »
(Okay, sure. Do you want to post first, or shall I?)

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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2014, 10:50:32 pm »
((Whoops sorry I had to go out and I forgot to log off FeralHeart on my phone, but go ahead and post!))

Kennedy Pattinson

Kennedy had been on the boat for a day now-just like everyone else aboard. Although her first day was spent settling in and exploring the ship she had a feeling she would enjoy this cruise. Since she arrived Kennedy hadn't really seen her friend Jasmine who was in the room next door, but today they were going on deck to the pool. As the boat lightly bobbed up and down on the easy sea-causing her to wake with a smile as the sound of the sea relaxed her. Opening her eyes she looked around her luxury room for a moment before pulling her arms from under the cover and opening them for a large stretch, which was accompanied by a yawn. Pulling off the quilt she lifted to her feet and turned-pulling the cover back over the bad. Letting out a groan she shuffled across the floor, her large, white, bagged shirt hanging down loosely over her thighs. Walking out onto the balcony she glanced around watching as few people began merging onto the deck, when suddenly her door burst open. Turning around she smiled realising it was Jasmine. "You still not ready?" she questioned with a chuckle, entering back into her room Kennedy raised a brow "Um...not yet" she mumbled as Jas took a seat on the table and chair on the balcony "Hurry up girl!" she encouraged "I'm going om going!" she giggled as she headed to the drawers. Opening them up she began looking through at her many bikinis, one catching her eye. Grabbing out the aztec patterned one she headed into the bathroom and pulled it on-putting her shirt and underwear in the basket. Grabbing a cerial bar from the kitchen she grabbed her sunglasses and a pnshow.

Exiting her room the two slowly headed towards the pool-having a friendly conversation as they venture through the halls then up the large, spiral like staircase. Raching a large arch a sun shone brightly through as they exited-the sun instantly beaming onto the two sun kissed girls. It only took five minutes for the two to reach the pool, and instantly found a sun lounger at the pool side. Pulling off her ponshow she put it on the floor beside her as Jasmine arrived back with their cocktails. "Thanks Jas!" "No problem" both were now laying on their sun loungers with their sunglasses on. Not far away was large speakers which played music for those at the pool side, one of Kennedys favorite songs came on Avicii-Wake me up. With her legs spread slightly apart and her arms down by her side, her shades blocking out the sun she began quietly singing along to the song.

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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2014, 04:17:54 am »

A D R I E N  M E R C I E R

Adrien squinted as he and his two best pals from college casually crossed the top deck of the the cruise. Summer had finally arrived and a break out in the open sea from the busy life at home was just what he needed. It was a good thing he signed up for that raffle a couple months ago back at school, or else he'd be stuck in his hometown bored out of his mind. The group eventually stopped when they came across one of the air hockey tables. "Yo! I haven't played with one of these since I was like 17," said Ivan who was a tall dark haired man around the same age as Adrien. Ivan walked around to the opposite side of the table and picked up one of the navy blue air hockey mallets. "You up for a game?" Ivan asked the two other guys in the group. Adrien exchanged glances with Matt, who was blonde and blue-eyed before reaching down and grabbing the other mallet. "Game on, brother," Adrien said before hitting the puck towards a prepared Ivan. "Twenty on Ivan," Matt said moving towards the middle of the two boys to get a better view of the match. The two competitors whipped the puck back in forth several times before a quick flick of the wrist from Adrien sent the puck into the opposing goal. "Best out of three?" Adrien called over to Ivan with a grin on his face. "Hell yeah," Ivan responded slamming the puck into Adrien's goal and catching him off guard.

Long after the boy's tiring match and Ivan spending several minuets gloating about his victory, they traveled down to the pool side area for refreshments. The bar seemed rather empty, though he supposed it was because it was still slightly early. The three males took a seat on the bar stools reviewing the morning specials. "You know what, lets do shots." Matt had finally said. "Wow, day drinking already? Do you plan on getting wasted?" Adrien said jokingly to his friend, who elbowed him in the shoulders before responding. "C'mon Adrien. Look where we are? No textbooks, no essays. Its time to get the party going." Matt turned away from the two boys and ordered three rounds of shots for the group. "Three? He's totally lost it," whispered Ivan who was sitting on the stool to the left of him. Adrien rolled his eyes and grabbed the shot glass that Matt placed in front of him. "To vacation," he said raising his glass. "To vacation," Adrien and Ivan said in unison while brining the shot glass to their lips and drinking the liquor. "Woo! That's strong," Ivan screeched loud enough for most of the people around the pool to hear. "Got that right," Adrien agreed scrunching up his face as the last of the alcohol exited his throat. "Next round!" Matt called down to the bartender as Ivan and Adrien shook their heads laughing.

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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2014, 10:24:17 am »

Kennedy Pattinson

Kennedy and Jasmine had been around the pool for atleast an hour now and had already worked their way through three cocktails, one pint and two shots each. They had already begun drinking, but keeping it easy until later. Hearking a sudden screech Kennedy raised her hand and lifted her glasses from her eyes, looking towards the bar where three young males were sat, shaking her head she let out a chuckle then took off her glasses and turned to look at Jasmine. "You coming?" she questioned as she lifted from the chair "Coming where?" "The pool of course!" Kay chuckled "Alright!" Jas replied. Bending over slightly Kennedy pulled Jasmine out her chair as she slung her glasses onto the cushion and the two ran towards the pool.

Suddenly, Kennedy was pushed into the pool causing her to let out a scream-but having quick reactions she grabbed Jasmines arm which also caused her to fly into the water with her. Pushing herself up Kennedy chuckled as she pushed her hands against the water sending it flying into Jasmines face. "You little bitch!" the blonde chuckled as she done it back. "Here!" Kennedy shouted as she grabbed a blown up ball, the two stood an equal distance away, beginning a game they batted the ball towards one another using their hands. Chuckles coming from the two along with loud splashes and shouts.

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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2014, 11:38:36 pm »
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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2014, 02:10:48 am »
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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2014, 04:19:10 pm »
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Offline Oakfrost

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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2014, 06:02:11 pm »

A D R I E N  M E R C I E R

Matt continued to pass drinks down to the company of three, though Adrien declined most of them. Shrugging his shoulders, Matt drank the abandoned drinks while going on about some trip he took to Brazil about a year ago. Adrien tapped his fingers on the bar in boredom and resting his head in the other hand, supported by his elbow. He and Ivan continued exchanging looks and shaking their heads until a sudden snoring came from Adrien's left. Chuckling to himself, he realized Matt had passed out from all the drinks he had drank. "Ha! Perfect opportunity!" Ivan said, pulling a black marker from his pocket and passing it to Adrien. The brunette grinned as he uncapped the marker and began doodling things on Matt's face. "Karma's a bitch," Adrien snickered, passing the marker back to Ivan. They both laughed and walked over to the pool. The sun was getting higher in the sky and the temperature was rising. The boys thought it was best to cool off and be in an area close to Matt so they could see his reaction when he woke up. If he ever woke up, that is.

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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2014, 08:01:01 pm »

Signature By: snowdonice
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Re: |Cruise| Open&Accepting (Mature Role-play)
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2014, 10:35:29 pm »
((You're accepted! Feel free to hop right in))

Kennedy Pattinson

The two girls continued hitting the multi-coloured ball across the pool, smiles across their faces as the giggled and batted the ball back in forth in a rally. Turning she noticed the two males hat came from the bar and sat at the pool side, their other mate seeming sluched across the bar. But before she could turn something hit her, raising a brow she glanced as Jasmine who seemed to be laughing "Haaaa! I win bitch!" Jas giggled as she pushed herself back through the water ready for Kennedys go. Chuckling she shook her head and grabbed the ball, lifting her hand getting ready to bat the ball. "You do realise I'm going to kick your ass at this?" the dar-haired female grinned. Not giving Jasmine a chance to mutter another stupid comment she swung her hand forward and batted the ball, sending it a short distance across the pool to the blonde. The song had now changed onto another familiar song Sam Smith- Money On My Mind.  A smile slowly crept onto her face as she began singing along to the all to familiar song, her head slowly waving side to side as she sang, jumping up a little and batting the ball back to Jasmine. The sun continued to beam down onto the deck of the cruise ship, causing a summer feeling.  

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