Author Topic: tales from the neighbor....1/13  (Read 2923 times)

Offline Goodneighbor

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tales from the neighbor....1/13
« on: January 14, 2017, 03:34:23 am »
heyy. figured i might as well share more of my stuff with ya'll as i do love to roleplay/write/all that jazz in my free time...anyway, i hope you enjoy this stuff. probably all weird but you can't say i didn't try. some of these are from roleplays i've actually had in-game as well, heh.

welcome to the grounds, fry-guy.

characters: goodneighbor / fry [one of my main characters], and some random people
setting: the grounds
what its about: fry wakes up in a strange place, as is with a bunch of stories- but this time it's the grounds! time to see what this place is all about!
extra extra: i wrote this a while ago when i was really tired, reread it, and i just...i have no idea man.

oh man, oh man, oh man. goodneighbor stumbled out of the cave, eventually faceplanting into the ground as he had seemingly tripped over what? why were there cats everywhere? why were there wolves everywhere? why were there.....just....a bunched of random animals...everywhere? aside from repeating everywhere 15,000 times, goodneighbor felt as if he'd had a really bad night last night. so be it. things happen. fun happens. good times happen too. shoving ridiculous nonsense aside, the man scratched his head and ran a hand through his frizzy hair. "bleeding with joy i am..." it was only an exaggeration as he was definitely annoyed and wanted to find his way back home, but that wouldn't be so easy as he didn't know the way.

after a few hours of roaming around and going in complete circles, fry collapsed in the same grassy area he'd started in. he was going to get fired from his job, but what could he do? he wasn't even there in the fist place so he could deliver his pizzas....eugh. what snapped the guy out of his thoughts was this bright neon lion that had run past him a moment ago. it left his teal eyes wide in shock, as he hadn't seen such a creature before in his lifetime. guess many things are possible! some cats across the pathyway seemed to be meowing and hissing to eachother, while there was some other chatter up on the hill. no, he didn't understand. it was already made clear enough anyway.

"what...." something had ran directly into his back, knocking goodneighbor completely over, only to have him faceplant in the ground. "oh by the pink palace!" he shouted, turning around to see the same brightly colored feline from earlier staring directly at him. ".....oh. h-hi there." fry's eyes were wide once more as the lion took a step forward, sending the man scooting back  on his behind. "woah, a human! i haven't seen a human in a while! there's more of ya'll here, don't worry. how'd ya get here?" goodneighbor blinked multiple times....this wasn't a dream, was it? hopefully it was because he just didn't have anything to say.

"i don't know. but i think someone knocked me out and left me here...." the lion tilted his head, then slowly shook it. "interesting....why don't you come with me? i'll show you around." goodneighbor pondered, but then thought for a few moments. he didn't exactly wanna stay by himself because...he'd get lost again and wouldn't know where to take the next turn. "alright. okay. lead the way." mr. lion man jumped up and down, heading down the split pathway with the acacias. "aand here we go!"

neighbor snugs
characters: goodneighbor and fleeting
setting: the endless lake [a map of mine]
what its about: just some nice snuggs by a lake that is really really big.

goodneighbor had been sleeping in the grass with his favorite deadpool blanket, a cup of tea, and a good old doggo friend named fleeting. he couldn't understand anything she'd said, but it was just nice to have someone who liked cuddles just as much as he did! at least not with very many folks. but she was a wolf so apparently now it's okay.

fleeting had stirred a bit, making fry jump up like that. "oh. you just had to shift, didn't ya." he grumbled, and got up before heading on over to the small bridge that had stretched across a small ways to stare at the sun setting on the horizon. the place felt extremely lonely now that some of the people'd he'd met who lived here left it due to moving, but he thought it was nice so whatever, right? the man's eyes moved back down to find the  canine standing behind him, holding his blanket in her mouth. "heh. thanks, fleet." neighbor sat down, soaking his feet in the water. thank the heckin' flying fish he didn't have his shoes on or else we'd have a problem...since he forgot a lot. "mmm....this is nice, ain't it?"

he didn't receive much of an answer aside from flee staring up at him with wide ol' blue eyes. "heh. nice to see you like the place too, fleetin'." fry sighed, a large smile appearing on his face as he sipped his tea that was also apparently next to him. someone must've been really careful to nudge it over! "this too? wow. thanks." goodneighbor continued sipping tea, laying back against the wood. it seemed that fleet had decided to roll over as well, joining your friendly neighborhood pizza delivery guy in staring at the sky.

"soo....this is nice. really nice. if only someone was here to see this. even better than in the city....since there was a lot of light pollution." that had nothing to do with this...well kinda, but still.

cartwheelin' with facepeeler
characters: facepeeler, andie, and many other folks
setting: somewhere in fh
what its about: facepeeler and a bunch of friends cartwheel and talk.
extra extra: no idea what this was for but i do know it was for fun and it turned out badly

"there's something about you, baby, so right!" the cloaked man yelled, cartwheeling across the area just like that. the man hadn't the slightest idea of who could be joining him in his doing right now, but it for sure was fun. one time he'd gotten like fifteen other people to join in, but they ended up knocking a bunch of them over. "oh my, oh MY!" face exclaimed, stopping, and staring at who had been behind him this whole time. "ANDIE my dear!" he tipped his top hat to the woman who had apparently joined him in his cartwheeling fun. "hello....facepeeler." she didn't seem to like saying his name, but they shook hands anyway. "so how are you doing today?" face asked, tapping his cane sword on the ground once again. "fairly well."

"ahh, yes, very good." the man nodded. "glad to see you're holdin' up. might i ask why you're here with us today?" she didn't answer right away, but did take to it a few moments later. "oh why can't i cartwheel?" you caught him! "i never gave you a reason as to why you couldn't but hopefully you do find this fun?" facepeeler nodded slowly and started pacing as he thought of something else. "mmmhm." andie replied, mimicking his movements.

"very well."

[this is so bad i'm dying these are all bad i'm dying even more]

say hello to poe and goodbye to headaches

characters: poe and whoever else [it's not that great punch me]
setting: somewhere in fh [again]
what its about: idk self-insert my friend requested one of these so i decided to post it here for you if you wanted to read it as well. keep in mind it's pretty bleh.

there was nothing but silence as you had awoken with a throbbing pain in your head. "hi there." you didn't exactly know what this creature infront of you was, but he seemed to be a man with....wolf legs, a tail, ears, and weird eyes? "so how are you feeling? i found you laying outside" it wasn't exactly a house but it looked as if it were one on the inside so it worked anyway. "i don't even remember." you replied, as not even you could recall what had happened. it seemed to be a common occurrence of people getting bonked on the head lately, hmm?

"well, have this, erm, ice pack. i'm not sure if that'll help with easing the pain." you took it from the wolf man, resting your head back on the pillow. "i'm sorry if i'm not much help here. it's not every day that you'd find someone such as yourself laying on their doorstep." the adlet's smile may've been as awkward as all heck, but at least he was friendly compared to some of the creatures that'd been lurking around at the time. "so, what can i get you?" poe asked, his feathery ears perking forward just to wait for your answer. you didn't have the time to think about what you wanted. what you really wanted was to get home...and away from this guy.

"nothing, that's fine. thank you for asking though." the adlet nodded, turning to look at the light up on the ceiling. "i see. so, what's your name?" you questioned whether or not to tell this guy your name, but went with it anyway. "[enter name here], what's yours? it's only fair to exchange." poe stared back at you with wide eyes. "uhhh, poe. yep, name's poe." by the way he was talking, you couldn't tell if it was the truth or not, but it was better not to question as you never know how some people are going to react. may it be something silly or not. "i see. so i think it's best if i get going now, it looks like the sun's setting and i wanna get home before midnight." you sat up and headed straight for the door as you somehow found it.

"no no, you shall not leave until you are rested." the adlet stared at you with narrowed eyes. "what do you mean i shall not leave?" what was this guy doing? he shouldn't even be worried about you in the first place because you two didn't even know each other. whatever. "do you not consider the fact that something happened and you don't even know why your head's hurting you?" oh joy! "do you not consider the fact that i'm just someone you picked up on the porch and i'm going to leave right now?" poe's gave you a really, really dirty look. "just because i picked you up doesn't mean you're going to leave."

he stood in front of the door for the longest time, up until you had surrendered to the adlet. "okay, fine. what exactly should i be doing now that you're not staring at me like you were before?" the wolf guy shrugged. "well, all i can say is sit back, relax, and make yourself at home. do some digging in the fridge, maybe find some movies. i 'dunno. but i'm going to's already late." just how long did that go on? whatever. "alright." suit yourself adlet boy! you had went to do whatever. pretty good stuff, woo!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 05:27:41 am by Goodneighbor »
sunbathing on the shores of a nightmare.

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Re: tales from the neighbor....1/13
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2017, 04:33:14 am »
these are comedy gold my dude! i got a real kick out of reading these (i laughed when fry got knocked over by that lion lmao the poor guy), please continue making these you have a lot of potential


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Re: tales from the neighbor....1/13
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2017, 05:14:53 am »
These are so funny but cute at the same time.

As a somewhat writer, I personally like the way you write.
Thanks for sharing, Goodie. c:
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Offline Goodneighbor

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Re: tales from the neighbor....1/13
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2017, 05:28:54 am »
oh why thank you. much appreciated, made my day.
sunbathing on the shores of a nightmare.