UPDATE: Congrats to TheEarthSpirit and Harleen, our two excellent racers!
Due to conflicting schedules with a few of the racers we had a small turnout, just the three of us, but we had a time of it. EarthSpirit finished first followed closely by Harleen. More than the result however, it was the attitude of the two participants that impressed me, as both of them were committed to having a good time with friends while still doing their very best.
Well done to you both, and I hope you had fun!
Hopefully we'll get to see even more of the community at the next event! Original post:
Hear ye, hear ye, rock-climbers and runners! Come join the...
-~::[ Race to the Top ]::~-
of Ascension Island, restored by Kwibjo!
Sunday, October 2nd, 2-4 PM CST (3-5 PM EST)
A few days ago I found myself reminiscing about the old days of climbing up Ascension Island to reach the legendary portal that led into Sky's Rim. Now, thanks to the efforts of a user named Kwibjo and another user named Kitterr who reuploaded them, Ascension Island and the other old maps are available to visit again!
So, for old times' sake, I'm hosting a race! A grand and glorious race to the top of the Island to bring the community together. Download the map and come race with us, or just sit back and watch the fun! We'd love to have you either way.
HEADS UP: Once you install the map pack, the portal won't appear in the Cape of Distant Worlds like other custom maps. You MUST replace the default Lonely Cave map (the ReadMe will tell you how) which will add a small rocky den on an island in the default Lonely Cave. This den will take you to the Old Lonely Cave map.
From Old Lonely Cave, go around the outside, climb the platforms and go through the portal up above to get into Ascension Island (see reply below for pictures).
I realize it can be a hassle to download a map pack (even a good one) just for one race.
So... why not add a reward?
To those who conquer, I'll be giving out certificates of achievement!
There will be gold for first place, and a fluorite certificate for every racer after them who makes it to the top.
They aren't official FeralHeart prizes, just a small gift I made to congratulate you for finishing the race, and to thank you for investing your time into building up our community here.
Again, the plan is to gather at Ascension Island on
Sunday, October 2nd at 2:00 PM Central Time (3:00 Eastern)
Be there with your racing paws on!
The weekly meet-ups organized by TheEarthSpirit inspired me to host this fun run, so kudos to EarthSpirit! If you have any questions, please let me know, and feel free to reply to this post if you plan on coming!
See you there!
-= Serv =-