Hope submissions are still valid.
2015 player here, made a new account to start fresh. 3D animation has been a hobby for years and I figure it's worth a shot to see if it may be of some use here. I created FH animations years ago but the spark has returned because dissecting the syntax of skeleton.xmls is the closest brush to the feeling of game development I'll have for a long while (computer sucks and I'm broke). And it's just fun.
I chiefly use Blender 3.0 but use 2.79b for FH things. I've managed a cheap IK system for the rigs that can be converted to Ogre-friendly FK, so no more stuttery feet clipping through the ground or floaty movement due to zero cooperation between pelvis and limb. Doing FH animations is good fun and practice for when I plan to graduate to a more intensive game engine for personal projects, so with the free time I have maybe I can make a contribution.
I mostly stuck with movement as it's easier to get good animation because the hardcoded playback speeds aren't extreme - what you see is close to what you get. Harder to achieve an appealing idle or something when the keyframes are stretched waaaaay out in game and any secondary motion gets destroyed. Maybe that can get changed in the source code, but as it stands right now as a non-recruit I'm not too concerned with showing off sits and idles and the like. There's some weird deformation in some areas (ex. the rump on the canine crouch) as I'm still learning the limits of these models (and in all honesty the models themselves aren't great but more on that in a bit).
I kept a barebones semi-realistic animation style for demonstration but I can make more expressive stuff if desired.
Canine locomotion (newest)Feline locomotion (oldest)
This one isn't very good and shouldn't be representative of my best but I'll include it anyways.
The canine has better animations than the feline because the canine rig has (mostly) even weights and bone rotations. Feline poses don't mirror correctly because of uneven rotation and it's not as pleasant to work with. I am looking to fix this however.
The feline also includes a shoddy idle and stretch not pictured here as I was testing playback speeds, in addition to a crouch and crawl done as a test to see how much I could deform the mesh before it starts to look like a Half-Life model. You're welcome to see for yourself but they're not included here as I'm not fond of them.

I encourage you to download these because the gifs butcher them a bit. Dances, curl transit and idle, roar + howl, and stretch (except for feline) are not included, so don't try playing those animations, or you'll crash.
cbody download fbody downloadAnd this 30 minute interpolation experiment. Not entirely relevant but I think it looks neat.
Thanks for checking me out.