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Topics - Neonzii

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Help please?
« on: November 05, 2019, 01:40:26 am »
Hello, I am just looking for help because I have some issues with the game. If someone knows how to fix this, please tell me.

So, I used to play Feral Heart for a long time and it worked fine on my laptop. However, one day I had a problem with the game and it didn't wanted to open, so I decided to uninstall and install the game again. When I went back on this page, the torrent download wasn't there anymore so I used web setup. When I did that, my laptop freezed and later I got a ''screen of death''. It took me a while to fix it, but I finally did. Then I realized that everything on my laptop was gone. All my apps, pictures, games and so much more. I am NOT saying that Feral Heart is a virus, but I am really not sure why did this happened to me. I would like to play this game again but I am scared that the same thing will happen :(

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