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Topics - xXCulur

Pages: [1]
Presets & Markings / Wolf Rain's Tsume preset + other info.
« on: August 28, 2011, 08:48:22 pm »
Hello people of feral heart! I have come to tell you of my newest and very first preset of Tsume from Wolf's Rain! I'll provide you with some screenshots and a link to the preset very soon, but may I tell you something frist?

click here to view a picture of tsume preset
Click here to download the preset

Im planning on making a wolf's rain roleplay with accurate versions of the characters, such as hige and toboe. Since Kiba and Blue are pretty simlpe to make i'll be leaving them alone for now. And Darcia as well...unless somebody knows how to make a preset with two different colored eyes, which I've seen done before. Im not sure whether to give cheza a preset since people have made pretty good versions of her without having to make one. Also, I wont be making the hige/toboe presets, i'll let anybody who wants to, or feel like it, to make them. But if people refuse, I'll see what I can do for the hige one, but Toboe might be a bit difficult to handle since he has the silver bracelets on one arm and not on both :/

Even though I see most wolf's rain roleplays done in the regular maps, having a special one for it would be really awesome, according to the series anyway :3.

Yes, this seems like a lot to do, but these are just Idea's im throwing out there ^-^". you dont have to make anything if you want.

But I'll definetly be making a wolf's rain roleplay group as accurate as possible ^^

Game Help / peoples presets ingame
« on: August 25, 2011, 02:43:20 am »

w00t! I made a preset! and now that I did i thought I could see other peoples presets, but I cant D:
Its happened before alot when i didnt know how to make a preset, and now that I do, well you get the point right? I just cant see other peoples presets. Whenever I do they turn out to be big white blobs in game o.o any thought as to why??

Game Help / (I think)the new patch is screwing up my computer!!
« on: August 06, 2011, 03:23:11 am »
Recently, My computer has been having glitchy problems, and I was incapable of using it and getting online. My father just fixed it, and all the files that infected my computer with a virus were deleted after 2 days of clearing all infected files. Then I went to play feral-heart, and found that I needed to download the latest patch of feral-heart. Here's the thing, I already downloaded the patch and I could play on it then. Could there be something wrong with the patch for the windows 7???

Game Help / The mysterious patch
« on: June 30, 2011, 02:14:34 am »
...that I dont know about, until now

So...whats this new patch I need to download? I saw one in the game news but that was from last, but i dont think that would account for this month though...does it?

Game Help / Trying to decipher a foreign language
« on: June 14, 2011, 05:29:11 am »
known as the MAP PACK...
well its all weird...

You see I downloaded torrent and then I downloaded the map pack. Then I put the FH map into the feralheart file and into the media file, then into the terrain with the other maps. Btw this is what mine looks like (If its unnecessary just say so plz)
PS> this is also in my exports folder. Is that where it belongs?
Also, when I click it it pops up with some sort of searching blog and .torrent thing.

Anyone know what this means?

Introduction / nuh nuh NEW NEW NEW!!!!!!!!!!!BRANDNEWCAR
« on: January 17, 2011, 05:40:05 am »
Hi! Im aqua! Im a brand new, fresh and shiny and ready to play the game! I've already downloaded it and when I went to get started, It says im not connected to the front server. I really wanna play and knowing that I downloaded it knowing that now I cant even play it sucks.

Anyone help me?

EDIT: uh nvm OwO' I just browsed through the forum and found my answer. So besides that Hi!

Im New!

How r u?

Aint this bland?? X3

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