Author Topic: If you could be anything, what would it be?  (Read 1642 times)

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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If you could be anything, what would it be?
« on: May 30, 2012, 02:49:41 am »
 As the title says.

    If you could be anything, what would it be?

          It can go anywhere from real wild animals, fantasy creatures, people in your favorite films/books/movies/series, Pokemon,  anime, a creature made up in your head, an object, a friend/relative/celebrity, any person, or even a LAMP!! You decide :)

        If I could be anything, I would be...

 A tiny kitten with a family because then they'd be all, "IT'S SO CUUUUTE!" And would huggle me.

      Plus, I never have to go to school 8D

 A Sage. Yes, I made it up. It looks sorta like a giant bird with five heads, one long tail as long as a seven story building is high, impenetrable scales, long mane that flows off it's long, furry ears, tail, forehead, and neck. It has long, metal spikes on its back and metal teeth as sharp as the sharpest sword. Its eyes change color depending on mood, and it can disguise itself as a simple human being walking among us. By the way, did I mention it has four legs and each leg has super sharp, metal claws that are three feet long, eleven nails on each claw.  TADA!! No srsly, I am one...>:D