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Topics - Jango_Fett

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Praise / Happy Memorial Day
« on: May 24, 2015, 05:21:15 pm »
I'm not sure if this is the right thread or if this is allowed, but, here it goes.

It's Memorial Day weekend.

And, for my country, that means a lot.

It means we get to celebrate and remember those who have died, whether they were in the Marine Corps
The Army
The Navy
The Fire department
The Police department
Emergency personnel
Air Force
Special Operations

Or any other branch
I just want to say:
Thank you.
Thank you so much.

My heart goes to their families, their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends and other relations.
I pray for their well-being, and that they did not die on vain

No matter where and how they served, whether they were sent to fight, protect, or for who they were to protect.
They were sent, they fought, and they died to protect us.
Doesn't matter what country they were from, where they were born, or anything of that.
They are to be remembered, respected, and never, ever forgotten.

Happy Memorial day
And God Bless.

Stories / The Revival
« on: May 19, 2015, 07:04:54 pm »
Chapter One: Rejection

The time was mid-day, and Ajabu was busy arguing with the Council.

"... What do you mean you won't help?! These people were two thirds of the population!" The scatterbrained hyena hollered, looking at each member in confusion and anger.

They were in a stone circle, all sitting or laying on pedestals made from the same material. Most of them looked bored, and a few were asleep.
One of the Bonfirian members was taking interest though, and was staring intently at her odd fur.
At least one was taking something seriously.
She continued with her rant, "We don't know how they died, where they went, or what even happened. Or if they're even dead!"

One of the black she-wolves, a Fluoritain, raised her head, and replied boredly, "A dull looking femora such as thyself should not meddle in the political affairs of such highly held regarded brutes, faes, and literates such as us. We have no concern of the ravel  that live outside the borderlining illustrious boundaries of the Bridge of Stone, the Portal to Cape, or the hole to Ficho. They can take care of themselves. They are little more than peasants in the illuminaries of this femme." She then lowered her head, as her fellow council members murmured their agreement, all in the same tongue of wolfspeak.

Ajabu was flustered, and was about to launch herself at the arrogant wolf before a gentle paw was rested on her shoulder.
It belonged to a large white lion, and he murmured calm words into her eat, and she let out a defeated sigh. She then raised her head, and bared her teeth at the council members, and let out a loud growl.
Her parting words were, "I will be back. I will not stand for this injustice."


"What did you think would happen, they'd welcome you and start an immigrating and breeding program?"
A light colored bunny-cat thing drawled, her dark eyes staring directly into Ajabu's eyes.
It was disturbing, but the frustrated Brown Hyena took no mind.
"This is outrageous! There is literally, no one around. And what does the council do? NOTHING!"
She stomped the ground angrily, tail swishing in agitation.
Eat was lounging next to the bunny-cat, his dead eyes watching her pacing in his own concerned way.
"Careful.... You'll end up spraining something." He said, and she just snorted, and swung her head around in anger.
"They allowed your bother and a bloody Huldra to go explore, and take notes about what they saw. And I inquire about shipping some of them over here to help out the population? Too much work for them! What is this mess, who made it, and who'll clean it up?!"

The bunny-cat got to her oddly shaped paws, and smacked Ajabu across the face.
The hyena let out a yelp, rubbing her muzzle.
"Get it together, you over-fluffed daughter of a Hyena!" She hollered in her face, headbutting it.
Ajabu growled, and reluctantly sat down, muttering something about Cancer needing to stop hitting her face.
"If you want to get this thing done, do it yourself. You can start your own program, Lorde's Royals. Even if they don't endorse it, you still can. Bonfirians will probably line up to immigrate to Fluorite, considering that they don't have much land to begin with."
The Hyena nodded, slowly starting to calm down, fur de-fluffing itself.
The cat-bunny, 'Cancer', continued, "Hell, even without their permission you could still do it. So go and bloody do it!"

Ajabu then slowly nodded, a spark hitting her eyes as she slowly grinned.
She looked at Eat, and then said, "I think... That might be a good idea."
The brownie then scampered off towards Stone Bridge, to try and ask other animals to help a sister out.


I hope you enjoyed.
I am accepting character cameos of various people, so if you want in, let me know.


Chapter two: Meeting

There was a small group of animals gathered on top of a forested rock in the southwest peninsula of Fluorite, chatting with one another. A few Warriors were 'Sharing tongues', some wolves were speaking with Packs about some territory disputes, and a few Fichoans were present, sent by their own Higher-Ups to be there.
The gathering had been issued by Ajabu, who had sent Cancer, Eat, and a few other friends to get as many people as they could.
Not many came, feeling it was not their problem and that it'd all blow over.

Now, Ajabu was talking in hushed tones with Eat, worried expressions on their faces. It was not the mass army they had hoped for, but it would do.

"Ah... Thank you all for coming on such a short notice, I wish there were more people, but, we'll have to start now." The Brown Hyena said, nervously looking around. "I just want to start by saying that I-" One of the wolves piped up, "Can someone please tell me why the Hell an education faction member like you called a meeting? Didn't know it was in your jurisdiction." A few lions chuckled, giving the Hyena sly looks.

It was true, she was merely a 'Teacher' of sorts. Belonging in the Exotic Animals Division. And it wasn't normal for people of that status to call meetings on such serious matters.
"Well, I just felt like it was my d-"
"And for that matter, did you get the support of the Council on this matter?" Came in a loud voice, coming from below the rock. This made everyone turn, to see a large grey tabby, the size of a cougar, appear in full view on the rock.
"Or, rather, did you get it from me?" She said, eyeing the Hyena and her companion with a glare that made a few lions look away.
"Ah... W-w... Well... No..." Ajabu then sat up straight, "It's not another rebellion, if that is what you were getting at. It's just an expression of my concern for the population of Fluorite." A Fichoan perked up, and he glanced at his fellows, and they all nodded in silent agreement.
The cougar then growled softly, and rolled her blue eyes. "We shall see." She then stalked off, jumping off of the rock and sprinting off in the direction of Stone Bridge.

"... Well, you kept the watch dog at bay, nicely done." Said a small warrior cat, an apprentice by the looks of it. "It takes a lot of spunk to stand up to someone like that."
The hyena smiled weakly, and then continued with the meeting as if nothing had happened.
The end result was everyone had gotten on board, and was listening to her ideas about how to solve it.
"... All we need to do are import some animals from Ficho and Bonfire. Bonfirians won't notice a thing, and hopefully we can breed out the short lifespans and low intelligence."

A fichoan interjected, "We'd gladly give you some Wolves that pass by from Lonely Cave to Bonfire, or South Pole to Bonfire if you want." He paused, looking at his other monotone colored friends.
"... But then we'd need a favour in return. Our population by itself isn't doing that well either. We need some help with our own issues in the future."

The brown hyena waved a paw, "Alright, sounds fair enough. Now, we just need to see if some Mappians and Bridge Residents will be on board, and we can start the immigration process."
What Ajabu hadn't seemed to notice, or refused to acknowledge, was that the Fichoans had suggested something borderline on kidnapping. But considering who they were offering up, they themselves wouldn't notice.

Soon enough, everyone dispersed, having all been assigned a job.
A coyote whispered something in Ajabu's ear, and pointed in the direction of the Bridge. It was Recruiting hour, and she nodded. She began the trek towards the Stone Bridge, with one person in mind.
That coyote had suggested her speaking to someone of a similar mindset.
He was only seen around Stone Bridge at recruiting time.
And that animal, was Enoki.


Woot woot, got another segment done~

Chapter Three: Under a Bridge

Ajabu was flat-out sprinting to the Bridge, her obnoxiously fluffy coat moving in a sporadic manner as she ran.
Recruiting hour only lasted for so long, and she knew she had a small window to get their attention, and possibly the attention of other recruiters.

Eat had since gone off with a few wolves, showing them around the northern end of Fluorite trying to find more survivors.

As the Brown Hyena reached her destination, she let out a gulp as she saw just how busy the Bridge was today. It was insanely so, with Clans shouting left and right, small Packs attempting to recruit in understandable Wolf Speak, and a few melanistic looking Prides trying to convince people to join them.
She was sad to see that yet again there were no Hyena Groups about, but she tried not dwelling on it. There was a dog pack though, and a rather big one at that. She made note to possibly speak to them about the situation at hand and maybe even get them to help.

But as of now, she trotted on over to the large Dryphon, her tail in a relaxed position as she sat down a yard or so in front of the large, yet pretty beastie, and cleared her throat. "Ah, you are, Enoki, yes?" She inquired, trying to keep her ears perked and not flat against her head. She was a very anxious little yeen and had trouble speaking in busy places such as this.

The Dryphon glanced down and lowered his head, blinking curiously at the fuzzy little thing. "Good ev'nin' m'dear. What can I do for you?" Ajabu relaxed a little bit, and, rushing over her words a tad, began to explain the situation. "WELL.... The population of Fluorite is going out and only a small handful of anything is alive out there and most people who go out there never come back and or return here with nobody else and we have no idea what is going on out there and as of right now the height of the population is here and nearest to Cape-" She took a deep breath, "AAAAAAND I've started to get an immigration program in so that we can import people from Ficho, Bonfire, and so on if they wish to come here so the population can start to boom again."

The little hyena was out of breath, and was gasping a lot as Enoki processed what she said, and brightened up. "'Tis a wonderful idea, ma'am! It sound like a wond'rful thing to do for a wonderful plain such as this. I would happily help out a young Parahyena such as yourself." Ajabu started smiling, and let out a huge sigh. "Thank you, so much, mister Enoki! You shan't regret a thing."

So the two began to have a rapid conversation back and forth, using words bigger than me and using a lot of head and foreleg movement, making charts and whatnot in the dirt as Enoki recruited.

Though, unbeknownst to them, something else was going down, at the Northern edge of Fluorite....


Alright, got another one done. This one was a lot harder, and I tried to get Enoki as in character as I could! Enoki just let me know if anything needs changing, alright? Alright.


Chapter Four: Discovery Channel

It was midday, the sun beating relentlessly on the plains. It was not as hot as it would be down south, but even up north the small patrol led by Eat was panting by the time they reached the hill border. The zombie had gathered a rag-tag group of Canines and Felines, with a few neons scattered throughout.
One of them was named Trust. She had an odd pink mane, with a strange skull for a face, though she seemed pleasant enough.
Then there was Eem.
Eat thought Eem was an innocent cinnamon roll.
Because she was.
Anyhow, they had made it to the hill-border of Northern Fluorite, and were just about to make it to the North-Eastern corner when one of the neon wolves picked up a scent, and quickly called out to the others, "Got something! Lot of scents all mixed together, leading downwards."
The zombie's lopsided ears perked up, and the group then raced behind the neon, not wanting to waste a single second.
Though a few seconds into the chase, the Neon stopped dead in his tracks, and quickly mounted the tall rock that rose above the little depression that was the Northern corner.
He was silent, tail not moving and ears pinned back against his head.
Little Eem wasn't paying any attention, and was content with playing around with one of the lions' 'tassles'.
Trust however, jumped onto the rock as well, about to ask why he had stopped before she too saw what lay beneath them.
The pair was silent, and Eat had to literally yell at them to ask what was going on, having lagged behind to make sure that no one was being left behind.

Trust just pointed downwards with her nose, and Eat quickly clambered up the rock awkwardly, the other two shuffling to make room. What lay before them was a terrible sight. It was the remains of a Clan camp, all of the bushes trampled and a bunch of scuffle marks covering the dirt. There was a small body to be seen, looked no bigger than a kit, laying next to a trampled bush. One of the Warrior Cats quickly sprinted for it, yowling in fear and anger, and quickly pushed at it with a paw, frantically trying to wake it up. The other three Warriors started looking around for more of their brethren, crying out in anguish as they found more still cats.
It was not a pretty sight, and soon they gathered the remaining fallen in a circle, heads lowered.
The entire patrol was silent for a while, before a wolf got up the nerve to sniff one of the kits, and licking it's face.
Then the unthinkable happened.
The kit mewled, and pawed at the wolf's muzzle.
The Warriors let out surprised yowls, and quickly moved it away from the bodies, frantically grooming it and cleaning it.
The kit was no more than two weeks old, so they were trying to act quickly.
Eat was just about to give them a command to go back to the Bridge and get help, when Eem piped up, "Who's making all the heavy breathing sounds? It's really loud." Everyone paused, and looked at each other.
None of them were breathing especially heavily, if anything they were rather quiet with it.
Even the Neons looked around in confusion, heads tilted to the side.

That's when they heard it.
A rustling in the nearby bushes. They all immediately circled around, backs facing one another. The Warriors had circled around the kit, sort of like how elephants would do with a calf when danger is near. Soon a pitch-black small she-wolf came out, strange bright purple slitted eyes staring directly at the group. She had all the looks of someone who'd be ready to mock some innocent creature, and quickly sauntered over to the rag-tag group, turning up her nose at a few of them. The Warriors' pelts fluffed up aggressively, getting especially defensive when she approached them. The she-wolf paid them no mind, and instead walked right up to the zombie dog, squinting at him and shaking her head.
Then, she spoke, "What are dull colored brutuses and faemoras such as the likes of you doing here?" She murmured something about her illuminaries fluttering, and banner raising in question.
Eat barely understood what she said, and slowly blinked, processing.
"I stated clearly, what are dull colored brutuses and faes such as you all doing here? Do you not know that this belongs to the Syndicate of United Shade Tactical Night Pack? It is our territory, you mustn't be allowed near here."

Trust replied, "Isn't that... Territory claiming? Correct me if I'm wrong but.... Pretty sure we can all be here." The she-wolf shot a glare at Trust, and the skull-wearing canine silenced herself, quietly glaring.
Then Eat stepped in, "We were just investigating something, miss. Most of the Packs, Prides, Clans, and other groups of different animals have gone amiss, and no bodies were to be found. Well, until now. We were about to be going on our way. We did not mean to intrude on your.... Territory, ma'am."
The she-wolf just let out a laugh, murmuring something about her auditories flicking and banner swishing from side to side, and maw exposing her ivory daggers.
"We do not accept trespassers here, you undead brute. This is the Syndicate of United Shade Tactical Night Pack. Your crimsonic liquid will be spilled this cycle, for all who trespass upon our fine borders will taste the cold slice of our daggers."
The lions all looked at each other, and tried to hold back their laughter. She was a tiny thing, below-average on the scale in fact.
"For I am the Alphaess Empress Supreme, you peasants will put yourselves at my treads and will pin your auds to your craniums!"
Soon another sound of rustling was heard, this time from behind. And then more rustling, and soon the little patrol was surrounded by other dark-coated wolves, about fifteen in all, not including the Alphaess Empress Supreme.
They all murmured something about irvoy daggers baring, banners flicking upwards, and auds pinning. Most of the group couldn't make sense of it, though Eem just gave them a weirded out look, as if she understood what they said. Who knew if she did or was just staring at their strangely dark colored pelts and red scars.
Eat started glancing around nervously, shuffling his paws. "Look, ah, ma'am... We don't... Need a warning... We'll leave now..." One of the brawnier lions, all white and with a rather handsome looking mane stood beside Eat, and looked down at the Alphaess Empress Taco Supreme. He was silent, but just simply rolled his eyes.

The taco supreme was having none of it, and loudly shouted out, "THE SYNDICATE OF OF UNITED SHADE TACTICAL NIGHT PACK OF DEMONIC DARKNESS, ATTACK THE INTRUDING FAES AND HESSIANS! THEY WILL BE SLAUGHTERED UPON THE DARK CLAY BENEATH OUR TREADS!" And she proceeded to attempt at tackling Eat, and only succeeded in clinging to his foreleg and mutter something about her ivories and jade nails. Eat just kind of looked at her funny and started walking around trying to get her off. It was more of an annoyance really.
The lions weren't having that much trouble, as there was no giant Alpha male and most of the other wolves were rather small. The fellow wolves and the Neons didn't have trouble either, and just ran around the Pack members, nipping at them and bowling them over.
The Warriors were getting the short end of the stick, as they were much smaller than the wolves and were trying to fiercely protect the kit they had. One of them actually got knocked over by two nearby feuding wolves, and had trouble getting up as another wolf-speaker suddenly pounced on them and screeched something about carcasses, craniums, pelts and ivories. The Warrior let out a yowl, and little Doctor Eem quickly flung herself at the Wolf Speaker, screaming something unintelligible, scratching and clawing at the bigger wolf, and shortly thereafter clung on for dear life when it started running around, screaming something about it's pillars and treads moving quickly across the earthen grounden.
The whole skirmish lasted a good twenty minutes, with each side flip-flopping who was going to come out of it in best shape. Eat was still dealing with the Alphaess Empress Taco Supremo Midget, and was just helplessly flailing his legs trying to shake the annoying burr off.

The Warriors had since started to move the wolves away from the kit, and the kit was absolutely terrified of what was happening around it, as time after time a wolf tried to make a violent grab for it, only to have a warrior or a neon smack it backwards and send it running back into the thick of the fray.

But soon enough, it was all over. A few Wolf-speakers had fallen in the battle, and the rest turned tail and ran, the Alphaess Empress Queen Taco Supreme had been bucked off and was high-tailing it after them, all of them howling about their wounded carcasses, auditories, daggers, treads, banners and so on.
The patrol was breathing heavily, and quickly gave each other a look over. Trust had sprained a paw but it was nothing major, Eem had small scratches over her torso and around her face, but the worst ones off were the Warriors. A few of them were bleeding profusely around the face and along their necks, but nothing terribly life-threatening. The white lion had gotten his ears clawed, and one of them had a nick in it. The neons were bleeding rainbow colored blood from their torsos, but they showed no worse for the wear.
Eat was mostly unscathed, except for the tiny marks the Taco Supreme had left on his foreleg.
The kit was fine as well, just incredibly shaken up.
They were silent for a few moments, licking their wounds and nervously looking around.
"... Well, I guess we know now what happened to the Clan cats." One of the Warriors said, her green eyes sadly looking at the line of dead warriors a few yards away.
Eat shook his head sadly, and nodded his head towards the southern part of Fluorite. "We need to head back. The others need to know what we found out... And who we found."
The patrol all nodded in agreement, and the Neon who had originally found the scent quickly scooped up the kit and they were all off, heading towards the N/Z Lake.


Wow that was a lot. My hands... My poor hands.

Chapter Five: Relaying

okay i had an idea for this and then i lost it give me a few years

Introduction / Stacy's Mom
« on: May 18, 2015, 10:44:30 pm »
stacy's mom
is at home now
and she is tired
somebody be my pillow
i went into a withdrawal
i ned my sb

anyway im back

Leaving / Small Trip/Break
« on: May 07, 2015, 03:35:45 pm »
Bet you all were wondering when I'd post here.

But yes, anyhow, tomorrow, I'm going on a roadtrip from Wisconsin to Illinois, and then I'm going to be heading to Kentucky.
That means no more FeralHeart until the 18th, when I return.

I'm going to take the advantage of this and rest my eyes from the forums, and take a much needed break.
I've, lately, been detached from my family when I should not have been, and have been having passive aggressive and upset thoughts, due to some discussions and observations from here.

Now I'm not saying the community is bad 'cause of that, I'm just saying I need a break from everything.
I may pop in from today and the 18th, but, since WiFi will by spotty, I probably will not.

I will return though, I won't be gone forever.

Until then.

Stories / The Disappearance
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:28:59 pm »
This story contains rather dark humor and potentially ideas.
It is also based on a discussion I had with a friend, and a min-adventure we had
I will not be at fault if you are disturbed with our/my/their theories.

"... Eat, this bridge is starting to scare me." The Brown Hyena stated, covering her ears with her paws, and pressing her face against the cold stone bridge.
The reason she said this, was because the residents of the bridge were all being rather rude to one another, and fighting with words, and it seemed like it'd come to claws soon.
What was it about? Who knows, but whatever it was, it was very petty.

Eat, raised his head, and blinked his dead eyes at her. The zombie dog just shrugged, and nudged her to get up.
"I know a safe place, from all this." He made a gesture to the squabbling animals, were it seemed a long-haired lioness was attempting to step in, but was seemingly ignored by the immature folk.
Ajabu looked at Eat gratefully, and got to her paws, and followed after him while they went to a nearby cave, on the west side of the river.
They stayed there for about five minutes before realizing the whole damn place was dead, and then the yeen let out a sigh.
"... L Island?" She asked, after a long period of silence, and the zombie nodded his head, and the odd pair scampered off, the hyena's radiocollar blinking it's small red light.

To their surprise, they did not encounter anyone on their mad dash to the Island, not even a single Clan.
No soul was to be found.
Once they had swum across the waters, they climbed up the Island, and started running around, looking for the signature prides that always abounded, or even the packs that hung around.
It was dead quiet, 'twas just the two were there.

The two looked at each other, rather confusedly, and sat down, trying to think as to why and where the other groups had gone.
Surely, a Pride would be here right about now, bouncing around, with their tiny lionesses.
"Eat... Where are they? I can't even pick up the faintest scent..."
"Well.... Wait, how long has it been since either of us has left Stone Bridge. To, ya'know, explore and run around?"
"Uhh.... Not for a while." The hyena responded, her long fluffy pelt puffing out just the slightest.
It was still wet, so she really just looked like a very angry bush.

Eat hesitated, and then went on, "... What if... They just, died?"
The Brown Hyena paused also, and then nodded her head.
"What if they all died to a plague, or worse, killed each other off. Starved, died of thirst, malnutrition, got killed off by a larger, ferocious, despicable monster!"
Eat then gave her a worried look, "Ajabu, you're scaring me."
She looked at him sheepishly, "Well... You get the point. We have no idea where they are, and there isn't any kind of sign of decomposing bodies, much less scavengable corpses."

The zombie nodded, and added, "Plus, there's no one walking around, or calling for help. Not even the mewl of a kit..."
That made them both fall silent.
Most groups did have offspring, and if they were indeed all dead....
They tried not to think about it.

"Well... I think, well, maybe.... We should look around some more, to see how empty it is."
He nodded, and the two started swimming back to the mainland, passing the Northwest corner's cave, and the North cave.
Not even a wolf was found.
They soon made their way to the Northeast corner, and stood upon it's 'Highrock'.
"Not a single damn Clan anywhere!" Ajabu said, stomping the rock beneath her and growling a bit in frustration.
Eat creeped up the rock behind her, "Not a Pride either."
"Nor a Pack." She finished, looking around worriedly.
"The Y river?!" The frantic hyena said, and they made another mad dash for the River, looking around fearfully.
Not even a loner of any species could be found.
Ajabu looked at Eat, and gave him a worried frown.
Eat just started looking under rocks, as if a lioness would be under there.
"... The Plus then?" The zombie said, and the brown hyena nodded her head, and they were on the move again.
They made it to the plus, not encountering a soul, and were about to lose all hope, when suddenly...

They saw a pair of wolves, a grey wolf and a black one with slitted eyes.
Ajabu let out a whoop of joy, and Eat just gave out a glad holler, and they raced up to them.
It was a male and a female, and the scents were too confusing to tell whether they were apart of the same pack.
"We found survivors! Finally! The last wolves of Fluorite!"
Ajabu started peering into the She-wolf's eyes, and examining her, to be sure she was healthy.
The Shewolf in question was a little startled, and put off by the strange hyena.
Eat just stared into space with his tongue sticking out.

"Who are you... I am a Guard of the Dust Moon Rivers Pack!"
"Good good, a breeding pair... Must be..." Eat murmured, looking at the male wolf, who seemed to be a mute.
"Oomph, that might pose a problem." The hyena said, commenting on the male's apparent silence.
The Shewolf was just too confused to understand what was going on, and said, "Uhhhhh.....?"
Ajabu started babbling again, "We'll be able to bring back the Wolves to Fluorite! Although they might end up like those Island Wolves..."
"True." Eat replied, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
"So then we'd have to import some of the Wolves from Bonfire. And since they have shorter lifespans, incest won't be that much of an issue."
"Goodie..." The zombie said, staring at the Shewolf, and then giggling at the odd expression on Ajabu's face.
"And maybe, some of the more intelligent wolves will come. Though, that also means we'll have to bring some of the Bonfirian lions here, since we have no real population to work with here. As for the Clan Cats.... Gonna have to bring some Ferals together, and bring them back to their former glory. SkyClan style."
Eat could tell she was happy planning out these recreational/preservation efforts, and added, "We'll have to make sure it all works though, one slip-up and we're back at square one."
Ajabu turned her head to the Shewolf, and said, "I'm sorry to say, but you two must make babies. We need the pups."
The Shewolf looked at her, and slowly processed that.
Though, Eat and Ajabu were already trotting away, discussing their plans.
"We should probably try and figure out what killed the others off in the first place... Maybe see if there are more survivors. Better yet, see if it made all of them disappear, and not die totally out."
"You're a genius, you zombie brained doberman you!" Ajabu said, grinning.

And so, the two walked back to Stone Bridge, where Ajabu would tell the residents of the tragedy, and begin making a plea to the Elder Council.

Member Bio & Journals / JuJu's mundane biography(Added pictures)
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:05:25 pm »

WarKat finally made a bio
Let's celebrate!


Oh wait.

Hallo there

Okay.... Uh... Where to start... Uhmmm....

I am... No....

I have been on FeralHeart for over two years, and you might've known me in my early forum days as 'Brenda Lee'
That is not my name, it was actually something else and I decided to use it for whatever reason.

I am a female, born that way and staying that way
I am... Hmmm...
No gonna say my age, but I will say that my birthday is on June 29th

My 'sexuality' is....
I'm actually asexual, and demiromantic.
Funnily enough.

i'm straight and demi doesn't exist.

I'm a huuuuuge fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, Halo, Wargs from LoTR..... Ju-On: The Grudge.....
Yeah I like everything let's just go with that.

I'm a hobby artist, and not-so-regularly upload some of it to my dA, Naturalfur.

You can check it out if you wanna.

Time to see what issues I have! Yay!

deleted most of this because it has private information, and i was a stupid stupid fifteen year old.
also i want none of you to know anything about this.

Request a Preset/Marking / Ju-On: The Grudge request
« on: March 19, 2015, 10:51:29 pm »
Note: I'd prefer it if it were for the Feline model, just a personal preference.
Though if it needs to be Canine, that is totally fine.

If you haven't noticed, I now have a HUUGE obsession with Ju-On: The Grudge.

And I decided to make a character.
So I dig through my Aug.22, and try to make a good looking character.
And I cried.

My inner perfectionist sees all the flaws, since I cannot do a very good recreation.
Then I wondered,

'Why not Preset?'

Well, my Preset making skills are nonexistent, so that's why I am asking YOU!
-Uncle Same point-
If you'd kindly make me one.

I cannot pay you back, since I am currently saving up what little money I'm getting for a drawing tablet and a headset.
Unless I can pay you back with randomly stated facts and or hugs, yeah.

Here are a few reference pictures in case you don't know who Ju-On is:

Please let me know if any of you are able to do this, it'd mean the world to me.

Ask Me / Ask WarKat
« on: March 13, 2015, 08:31:06 pm »
Totally had no idea this board existed wow I'm stupid.

So I decided to open up an ask, mainly to socialise with the community again.

Anyway, all bets are off, and you can ask me anything.

Awkwardly shuffles feet as I wait

Forum Discussion / Ever go back and read your old posts?
« on: March 12, 2015, 06:14:03 pm »
I can't be the only one who does this.

You know, you got the time, and you're on the forum, and you decide to look back at your old posts?

Well, I know that I do, and well......

I end up cringing. A lot.

I wasn't that bright in my early months of Feral Hearting..... Sigh.....
Though now that I'm older, I did pick up some things my younger self didn't in certain threads I participated in.
Lot of hypocrisy and insults that went over my head

But enough about me, what about you?

Ndutu Clan

Ndutu Clan
A mapped
Moderate - Advanced
Semi realistic - Realistic
Active daily(Or when possible)
Hyena roleplay

Hello, wow, it's been a while since I've advertised for a group, yes? Well, I am back on the job, with this wonderful group.

This is a revamp of my old hyena group, 'Cimreh Cackle', which fell into inactivity and neglect, mostly my fault.

But, I have decided to start over, so that means: New people, new site, and possibly even a new map sometime!

Anyway, this is a rather long-term Hyena roleplay, that accepts all four of the hyena types(Spotted, Striped, Brown, and Aardwolf)
And has rather strict rules on how you treat fellow members of the group

Such as:
Don't make fun of character design
Don't insult them if they use Wolfspeak
Be patient with one another
And do not say you're better than one another, it's rude, pompous, and unkind

Also: No bullying of any sort.

The site link is here, as is the map download:

I am typically recruiting at Stone Bridge in the afternoon-evening!

So, please give me a PM on here, or a whisper in the game if you can catch me!

The Clan awaits my friend


Hyena Type(Brown, Striped, Spotted, Aard):
Rank(To start):
Can you install maps(Y/N):
How active are you in-game(1-10):

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