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Messages - PandaPie23

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((Aha, thanks! I wish I could take credit for her, but I found both pictures on the website Flickr. It helps me find pictures that I can use for my characters without accidentally stealing them. ^.^))

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:00:08 am »

((I assume that dogs are allowed, seeing that you used the word 'canine', but if they aren't I'd be happy to use another character of mine.))

You can't define who I am,
Or who I'll become.
You can try to define me,
But you can't because I define myself.

Name:: Blair Hamilton
Nickname(s):: Snaps, Bree, BeeBee
Age:: Two
Strong: Blair comes off very confident, it's no question to whether or not she's comfortable in her own skin. She acts as if she can take on the world, even if it's sometimes a bit too much for her. For even the smallest of feats Blair is proud of herself, whether it be jumping onto the couch in one try or surviving that trip the the vet.
Independent: Blair isn't influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion. She acts and thinks for herself and doesn't let anyone control her. Blair refuses to be under obligation to others, and she rejects others' aid and support. Many see her refusal of help as her being snobbish, but Blair is far from it. she just doesn't like to be pinned under obligation or controlled.
Ambitious: Blair has a very strong desire and determination to succeed. She has an earnest desire for some type of achievement and she's willing to do whatever she can in order to obtain success. Though, she'll often take on goals that are too much for her, and usually only ends up half-way there.
Daring: Blair is audaciously bold. She does what she wants without thinking about it, and while it can be dangerous, the thrill makes up for it. She's willing to do the most difficult things, sometimes doing things even the most physcotic of people wouldn't. Many are intimidated by her lack of self-preservation and will often dismiss her as "that crazy chick". Blair isn't crazy, though, and she makes sure to nip at those who think that, which earned her the nickname "Snaps".
Backstory:: Blair's life has been, for the most part, uneventful. She was born on the streets under an abandoned house. She was brought into this world with three other siblings, all four of them wiggling hungry masses of fur. Her mama took exceptional care of all four puppies, making sure they each got enough milk and would lick each of them until her tongue bled to keep them warm. They aged well, and once they were developed enough to walk around and play all four of them marched straight from under that house and into the yard. Only to find themselves in the back of Animal Control's van minutes later. One of the neighbors had seen them, and reported them to the pound. It wasn't bad, though, and within weeks Blair was adopted to a nice family, the Hamiltons. The family was a great one, and they loved her unconditionally. But then disaster struck. It was sudden, one day everyone was happy, smiles on their faces, and the next.. They were all gone. Walkers had broken into the house and eaten her family. Blair had barely squeezed out the doggie door before her beloved girls almost succeeded in having a dog dinner.
Crush:: None
Mate:: None
Siblings:: Unknown names and location
-Blair has a very feminine, american accent that has a striking resemblance to Keri Russell

Finished Maps / Re: Dog Park Map!
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:13:28 pm »

Finished Maps / Re: Dog Park Map!
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:01:26 am »
If you don't know how to download maps, you would click on the link. Then when the page loads you would click download. Then SAVE  the file into  some part of your  computer. After that you find the file, and put the stuff into exports (or wherever the read me says to). Then you restart FH and go to the cape.

Finished Maps / Re: Dog Park Map!
« on: April 26, 2012, 01:07:41 am »
You may use the map, but since its public if anyone is there you can't like... Chase them out of an area unless they themselves are roleplaying.

Finished Maps / Dog Park Map!
« on: April 25, 2012, 01:00:26 am »
Welcome! This is my first map, and obviously its for dogs. I hope you like it, also I would add pictures but my computer is acting weird so I cannot. If you do not download things without pictures, Oh Well :/.


Map Rules:

1.No cussing
2.Mateing is allowed but do it in whisper and an area in the park away from everyone.
3. No powerplaying or godmodding.
4.Please stick to your breeds certain sections in roleplay, such as pedigrees near the pool and mutts near the mutt tree.
5.No claiming parts of the map except in roleplay.
6.Have Fun!

Forum Games / Re: The Animal Explanation Game
« on: March 16, 2012, 11:18:45 pm »
A fish is a small or big marine animal, that is slippery and scaley. Oh and it breathes in water through gills.

What is a hyena?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: January 29, 2012, 08:10:01 am »

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: January 27, 2012, 12:16:13 am »
(Accepted)Sector looked down at her paws. If she joined them her chances of surviving, but she might not be able to leave if the walls open. She looked around at the wolves. "I..I..accept." Sector said uncertainly.

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