Author Topic: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}  (Read 18850 times)

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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2014, 11:13:38 am »

"This isn't something I love to do, this is something I live to do."

Analyse Tobin


32 years old

Bronco Buster (owns a ranch with many animals but mostly broncos/mustangs)
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Shows

Father - Ian
Mother - Karina
Brother - Adrian
Friend - Elizabeth (lives at ranch also)

Accompanied By:
She's accompanied by Stanton, a horse who is the breed of a Mustang. He was captured from the wild and tamed off Analyse after two years of work - he is 5 years old. As you can see his coat colour is that of chestnut and the markings he had is a blaze down the centre of his face and three white socks - one at front and two at back. He shares a similar personality to his owner apart from being a little more protective and loving - towards her. He's a muscular horse who is fully owned by her and helps out when working.

These are the two dogs that are well known around the ranch, Fletcher the German Shepherd, Reina the Australian Kelpie, Hobson their English Bullmastiff and Maggie their Border Collie. Both participate as working dogs and are also entered in local shows around the west. Able to venture around by themselves and sometimes visiting the town and even the native people. Both loyal and loving dogs but also great guard dogs who do scare off bandits and what not.

Shot Gun

She's skilled at using all of her equipment, but the main one being her lasso and shotgun. Since being a rancher and competeing in shows using a lasso becomes a regular skill - this helping her skill increase more. Also, she has used a shot gun many times to fend off bandits and prey that visit her ranch - this making her rather skilled.

Analyse is an outgoing young woman who strives in her work - there isn't a day that goes by where she isn't working her socks off in her fairl large ranch. She's a hard worker and rarely puts a foot wrong it what she's doing, having a lot of experience with animals her job is fairly easy but something she loves. Since many people visit the ranch buying off live stock and even a pup from the one or two litters that are born a year she has managed to work with people rather easily but also this has made her quite a friendly citizen. Despite mostly coming off as cheerful and happy Anna does sometimes have her off moods, and boy can you tell. When angered she's rather snappy and harsh - biting most peoples heads off if she's angered enough, although she is pretty tolerant. Mostly she's happy, loyal, bubbly, hard working, sarcastic, straight forward, dominant, feisty and outgoing.

Ana doesn't really have much of an 'interesting' back story compared to most, although in her eyes its the best she could of had. When younger her father owned - one that had been passed down many generations by her older family members, so she had always grown up around live stock - horses being the main on. She spent many years helping out and helping catch and handle some of the brumbys. Which she enjoyed a lot. Analyse had a close bond with all of her family so growing up was rather easy.

As the years moved on and it was time to fly the nest her brother - Adrian, was handed the ranch - like her ancestors done with their sons - although she wanted it she didn't mind. Leaving home at the age of 20 Ana got a job in the saloon for a year, then at a black smiths for two years. But this didn't fit the type of lifestyle she wanted. So at the age of 23 Analyse ventured off into the open fields and built herself a ranch. Her ranch holds many animals - but the only horses are ones that have once been wild or a mix of the breed.

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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2014, 12:24:58 pm »
[[Fantastic app., Tay. Accepted!
I'll put up my first post when I get some free time today
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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2014, 01:57:38 pm »
[[Thankyou Jim!]]

Analyse Tobin

"This isn't something I love to do, this is something I live to do."

The sun had slowly begun to rise in the wild rugged west, golden sands covered the state along with the odd fields of grass that surrounded the area. Fresh river and lakes continuing to flow as the sun reflected upon them giving it a shined immage. Shadows slowly formed from the houses and hills - the shadows and animals and people growing darker as the sun moved up. It all looked so beautiful, an untamed wilderness with a small city to top it off. But the main focus was a ranch atop a hill - a rather well known one at that.

As the sun rose a bright light shone through the brunettes window, this causing her to stirr in her sleep and her lids soon lifted - revealing her odd coloured eyes. Eyes half squinted Analyse glared around the wood based room, the sounds of farm animals echoed in from outside on the ranch causing a smile to form across her lips. Drawing her arms from under the covers Anna pushed the blanket off, and shuffling around she stepped out of bed and headed towards her dresser.

Analyse wasn't one to waste time, it was rare she would wake and lay in bed for several minutes - she preferred to get up and get dressed so she could wonder out onto the place she called home. A large mahogany wardrobe sat infront of her, extending her arms she pulled open the wooden doors the glance in. Filling it were many checkered shirts and many plain, many pairs of jeans and shorts along with her cowboy boots - Ana only had a few dresses. She wasn't like most women around the town wearing dressed, you would often see her comfortably in her checked shirt, vest top, jeans or shorts and of course with cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. This was the only way she dressed - apart from the odd occasion when a dress would be relevant.

Brushing her hands through the clothes Analyse finally found some ideal clothes to wear - a red checkered shirt that she would roll up the sleeves, a pair of dark denim blue jeans, black cowboy hat and a pair of black boots. Easily she slipped them one, after going throught her routine of washing herself of course - but, her hair fell neatly in place so not much was done there. Now she was ready she couldn't finally head on outside, her friend Elizabeth was usually still asleep at these early hours, so she left her in her slumber as she slipped out the doors and headed down the dusty trails, all dogs following her ready to tend the animals.

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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2014, 03:50:30 pm »

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2014, 03:51:35 pm »
Will [William] Iero

Gender: Male

Age: 24 Years Old

Occupation: Bounty Hunter & Bookstore Owner[ Iero's Novels ]

Family: His father is Frank [Frankie], his mother is Rosemary, and his late sister is Elaine.

Accompanied By: William owns a peppery gray ex-racehorse named Whiskey. Whiskey is about fifteen to sixteen hands high, and he's a stallion. Whiskey had a hairline crack in his back leg- which  he props a bit off when standing still, but still runs like just a perfectly healthy stud; and was scratched from the racing world, and bought by Will for a drastically low price. He also has a young German Shepherd named Bandit; that has a red bandana tied around his leather collar.

Equipment: A hunting rifle, and several hunting and throwing knives- as well as a fish filet knife. William owns dual hangduns, but those normally remain at both of his sides- in their holstiers.

Skills: William's skills include shooting, hand-to-hand combat, horseback riding, motorcyle riding, and his witty personality.

Personality: William is a very confident and outspoken young male. He says what's on his mind, and normally acts on his first thought or gut instinct. He'll be the first to make a snide remark, or insult someone- and he doesnt really know  the meaning of fear. However, when it comes to work- he's normally blunt, straightforward, and ready to go in and get the job done with precision, skill, and determination. He is also a major flirt, and uses his charms, look, and witt to get attention.

Backstory: William was born in the small town of Ridgewood. It's that sort of cliche "small town" where everyone knows everyone else, and there's no escaping the disapproving eyes of the peers around a growing up Will. His mother, Rosemary, and his father Frank (or Frankie, as Will likes to call him), owns the town bookstore; which Will was precieved to own when he got older. But his younger sister, Elaine, had a much bigger love for reading and novels themselves-as well as literature and poetry. Will wouldn't want to crush his younger sister's heart, so he refused to take the bookstore when he was at the age of twenty. Elaine was one of the only people who Will showed such affection and protective mannerisms towards. So it was important to keep her happy and safe, aye? Well, that was up until Elaine was walking home from school and several sumbag's in one of those town gangs held her captive until the family would cough up some dough; and if they got the police involved, they would kill Elaine Iero. That drove William absolutely mad and he was working jobs around the clock, but it just wasn't enough money in the end to save his sister. Even though the outlaw's took the money- they still killed her. Apparently it just wasnt enough. Whatever Will did wasnt enough? After Elaine was killed, William found out about the Bounty Hunter's that killed uncultuered swines- like the people who killed her sister- and decided to join them. It was intensive training, but it was all worth it to avenge his sister's death. However, with Elaine gone, and his parents now retired, Will must also look after the bookstore. So, by day, he is the charming and witty William Iero who runs the local bookstore, but by night he is simply Will, the bounty hunter with a taste for revenge.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 05:36:19 pm by Jane Doe »
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2014, 04:02:24 pm »
(Yeah, she was.)

Bonnie "the Drifter" Burrows

Bonnie listens to his answer, still massaging her temples. She lets out a huff as he hands her the laudanum.
"Thank you, son." She says before she puts her hat back on. His body language gave off the inidcation that she wasn't really wanted in his presence. But that's fine.

"Cheers." She says before she walks from the shop and back into the town. There was now a small buzz of activity as the day came into the afternoon. She spots the saloon further up the street and starts walking towards it. She was actually quite glad that the male wasn't interested in her. She did want some time away from being the nutorious 'Drifter' and from bounty hunters hungry for their fistful of dollars.

She pushes the doors open as she walks into the building. It didn't look overly busy. Also a good thing. Only a small clutter of men and the girl behind the counter. She makes her way to the counter, only partly ignoring the men's interested comments towards her. Maybe later.

She sits at the counter, still chewing on the laudanum. She looks at the young woman behind the counter. "Scotch, please." She grunts as she takes her hat off and ruffles her hair, picking out some straw still stuck in it. How did she get in that stable in the first place?

Tomoko ?

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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2014, 04:23:57 pm »
On my phone so no picture.))

Sky had put the horses in a trot long ago and she could now see the town in the distance. She soon had slowed them down back into a walk as she entered the town. The town was clearly stirring, with people on the porches of some buildings. She nodded and smiled at them in turn when she passed usually replied woth a tip of a hat or a wave. Sly brought the horses to a stop outside the general store. She climbed down oike it was nothing and walked inside with a usual bright smile on her face. She walked to the counter where the store keeper was and nodded to him. "Mornin' Mr. Anders(Made up name. IDK)" She said to him. He sent a smile back at her and tipped his odd rounded hat. "Morning Sky. How's the ranch holding up?" He questioned. She smiled sliding a list over to him from her pa with the things he needed before she replied. "It's holding. No problems with cattle rustlers or gangs lately so that's good." She said with a shrug. He nodded whilst getting the stuff on the list prepared. "That's deffinently not a bad thing. And your father? How is he? Haven't seen him town in a while." He said walking back to the counter. "Oh, well he's troubled right now. He's worried the rustlers and bandits are trying to make plans to steal his cattle or rob us blind." She sighed. Mr. Anders shook his head. "Makes ya wonder." He said. "Well here ya go Sky. Tell your father to stop worrying so much." He teased chuckling lightly. Sky chuckled and began to walk to the door. "I will. Thanks." She said waving behind her. The shopkeeper and put her things in a sprt of bag you could say. She slid the bag on the seat of the wagon and climbed up.

Her eyes drifted around the town woth a sort of sigh. She clicked her tongue and moved the reins to get them moving again. She ended up stopping in front of a store she knew fixed anything with gears. She untied her apron and left it on tye wagon as she climbed down. She pulled a pocketwatch from her dress pocket and stepped inside. The watch had long ago stopped working and she wasn't positive how. Sky slid up to the counter and smiled at the man behind the counter. "My father has been here before and has told me you can fix certain things." She said sliding the watch on the counter. "Could you fix this watch? It hasn't been working.." She said with a raise of a brow.

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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2014, 04:55:40 pm »

Christine Abernando | Chrissie | Silver Heart
"You have one shot. Just one. So make it count."

The stream of sunlight coming from the small parting in her shutters wouldn't have woken Chrissie if she hadn't heard the long howl of a wolf outside. She let out a quiet moan and screwed her eyes shut, letting her mind wander. Just as she began to drift, the same sound, only louder, echoed through her tired head. "Alright, alright. I'm awake." She muttered, flinging the covers from her body with her eyes still screwed shut. She swung her legs over the side of her bed, pushing herself off of the mattress and stumbling over to the shutters. She pushed them open to a warm breeze that caused her to finally open her eyes. She took a deep breath of the morning air before looking down at the source of the howl. "Shut it, Bella." She called down, silencing the wolf. Turning away from her window, she quickly undressed out of her night garments and into her working dress. It was a simple white garment with laced sleeves that reached down to her elbows. She tied her long, light brown hair into a neat bun with a daisy perched just above her right ear.

Before leaving the house, Chrissie always drank two glasses of water. It was a healthy habit to prevent dehydration. She always filled the empty canister from the day before with water to put in her satchel; just in case. With a short sigh, she opened her front door to the bright sunlight and whistled Bella over. With a bark the canine loped towards her owner, bouncing up and down in front of her, but not leaning against her as not to ruin her dress. "Mornin', girl." She said with a chuckle, closing the heavy door behind her. Chrissie sauntered over to Barley's stable and leaned over the door, patting the stallion's strong neck. "I'll be back before you know it. Love ya." She waved a farewell with a whinny as a reply. She pulled out her pocket watch from her dress and checked the time, she was late for opening time. Muttering curses to herself, she briefly considered riding Barley into town, but pushed the idea aside. She could make it just in time if she ran, so she hitched up the skirt of her dress and quickened her paces with Bella close at her heels.

Rounding the last corner, she slowed down to a fast walk past the 'gear place'- as she liked to call it- next door to her small tailor shop. Waving a brief hello through the window to her marketing neighbor, she pulled out a singled key from around her neck to open the door. The soft sound of the bell as the door opened bounced off of the walls of the shop. She flipped the 'CLOSED' sign to 'OPEN' and took a seat behind the counter. Bella padded her way over to a pile of torn fabrics and made herself comfortable. It was going to be a long day.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2014, 05:07:27 pm »

Nathan sighed, as Bennett walked around briefly on his desk. He felt a gust of wind blow in from the front door. Could it be that girl again? What did she want now? Nathan flicked his bright blue eyes up and his throat almost went dry. This definitely wasn't the girl from before. He swallowed, listening to her speak. He stood, carefully taking hold of the shiny watch that she places on the counter. The cold metal felt nice and comforting on his hand. "Certainly, miss." He mumbled. Nathan walked into the back, pushing around searching for his tools. He grabbed a few tools that would certainly do the trick. He came back out from the back, running a hand through his hair. He gave the girl a small smile before picking up the watch again. Finally something he was good at.

Nathan grabbed a few tools and took off the back of the watch. His fingers and tools glided around the watch's inside. He thought of it like art. Needed to put all the right things in the right places. Make it look right. He screwed up a few loose areas, fixed the hands. Nathan flashed a small smile at the watch as he finished. It then vanished as he closed the watch and looked up at the girl. Nathan pushed the button on the side of the watch, and it began to tick once again. He handed it back to the girl, nervous. Running a hand through his hair he spoke, "There you are miss." He swallowed. Giving a small wave to the girl outside the window. She worked the tailoring shop next door. He'd never met her, but she seemed nice enough. Anyway, who was this girl. He'd never seen her before, at least he didn't think. Bennett hopped up on Nathan's shoulder, making a few little noises. He sniffed the air towards the girl. Bennett tilted his head then leaped from Nathan's shoulder onto the girls. Bennett sniffed the girl, curiously walking from shoulder to shoulder.

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Re: {Young Guns: Wild West RP} -Remade and Renovated- {OPEN}
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2014, 05:40:56 pm »
might join this in the future <3 ))

MESH edition
Preset & marking edition

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