Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51169 times)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #80 on: June 28, 2015, 06:51:21 pm »

Jessamine Tarnberry

Lives: 8/9 remaining

After watching the other subjects play air hockey for a few minutes, Jessamine escaped to find something else to pass the time. Obviously she couldn't get to know the others if she wouldn't talk. It was times like this that she cursed herself for refusing to talk. She felt a stab of jealousy towards Simone, a girl that spoke so freely and always seemed to know what the right thing to say was. She didn't have anything against Sim, she admired her in fact, but she wished that she could be so open and confident with her thoughts as the other girl was.

The only place that Jess could find real peace these days was in the courtyard with a book. Not many people bothered to venture out there, preferring the entertainment inside the centre to amuse them and for them to actually socialise with each other. Picking up her favourite and only book, Animal Farm, on the way to the courtyard, Jessamine absent-mindedly flicked through the well-thumbed pages. She loved the simple portayal of the controlling capabilities of propaganda; she always thought of the pigs as the scientists in the sanctuary and the poor farm animals that only notice that they are even worse off than when they started once it's too late as the subjects.

The courtyard was seemingly empty as Jessamine entered the space, finding her favourite tree to sit against. As she opened her book to the page she had last read to, the sound of someone shifting their weight at the other side of the courtyard caused her to start. As she almost jumped out of her skin, she felt a prickle of energy pass through her hands into into the book she was holding. Looking down at the novel, she sighed at the smell of burning paper and the now scorched parchment. The passages were still readable, but the size of the pages were irregular and misshapen. She needed to get this under control. Her gentle gaze lifted to the person that had made her jump, she recognised immediately the business-like stature of Thomas and she shot a small smile in her direction. Tom, she felt, was one of the only people that didn't seem to mind her silence. Most found it awkward or annoying, but he seemed to be comfortable with her quiet self.

Jessamine lowered her head back to her book and was just onto the first sentence before her mind registered something different about the fellow. Glancing back up, she furrowed her brow and raised a small hand, pointing to first her fingers then his own. It was clear she was thinking of his new gloves in which didn't seem to be the most comfortable kind, hugging his hands as if they would never come off. Jess paid little attention to the cigarette in one of his hands; she didn't mind smoking. Perhaps in her old life it would have bothered her, but everyone had their ways of coping. Jess' unnactractively torn fingernails and unused voice was her way of managing the stress of being in the sanctuary, but she failed to pick up some of the others' habits that helped them get through the seemingly endless days of testing and monitoring.
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #81 on: June 28, 2015, 07:47:32 pm »

Thomas Gales

The silence of courtyard brought peace within Thomas' wandering mind. Flicking his cigarette free of its ash, he released a cloud of smoke from his lips before licking them free of their dryness. Sitting comfortably against the concrete wall, his head rested back against it's hard surface, his eyes drifting closed and his chest slowing as he began to fall into a gentle hum of relaxation. Right up until the sound of electricity traversing about snapped his crystalline eyes open. In any sense of normalcy, he'd assume the intruder was meant to bother him and he'd instantly heat up. Yet, when he gazed down at the girl from afar, she seemed just as surprised to see him there as he was her. It was obvious she was searching for the Same thing he was; Peace, for the time being at least. Slowly, she seemed to relax, sending him a small smile before gazing down at her charred literature. He watched as she continued reading, taking another hit of his cigarette. Her large optics traversed the words in a way he had never seen. She was quiet, but her eyes were loud when she read. Suddenly, she gazed up, meeting his eyes before motioning to her hand..and then his. Furrowing his brow, he glanced down to his fingers before sighing in remembrance to his annoying accessories. With a single motion, he dropped his cigarette and stepped on it, before approaching the tree the girl sat against. Finding support against a tree a foot or two away from hers', he leaned on it's base, "Doctor's orders..maybe you need a pair as well." he replied, his deep tone and intricate accent slipping off of his tongue. He gazed at the burned pages of the book, a sudden wave of anxiety filling him once again and quickly he slipped another cigarette out. Without lighting it, he simply held the addictive stick between his fingers. "You're far smarter than you allow us to believe." he stated bluntly, "Out here..earlier. I noticed what you did to Will, with that Energy of yours'. You didn't think, you just did it." Of course he expected no reply, which is why he didn't bother to look at the girl as he spoke, and instead gazed up to the sunlight that danced between the leaves of the two trees. It was just that, that made Tom not particularly mind being in Jess' company. She wasn't a nuisance, and even without speaking, the girl could listen better than most. You could see it in her visage, in her eyes. Finally, he gazed back down to her book. "Animal Farm." he muttered, "There's an extra copy in the sitting room. I was reading it this morning, seems you need it more than I do,..incase you get bored with your charred bits." He added, before lifting the cigarette to his mouth. He still didn't light it, and instead simply laid his head back against the tree.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #82 on: June 28, 2015, 10:54:25 pm »

Remington Crosse

Status:Amused, Playing Air Hockey
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

"Yes, Remington would be correct." He commented with a light snicker, before tucking a few loose strands of black hair behind his ear. It seems as if his indigo tinted circle glasses- which were placed atop his head- weren't doing their job of holding his hair back. "Remmington Crosse at your service." He added lightly with an amused smile, just as his navy blue eyes had glanced up from the air hockey table. At the doorframe laid Finn, a tall attractive lad who seemed to possibly dislike Remington. However, that didn't stop Remington from shooting him a big, cheesy smile. He waved him over with an inviting demeanor, just as Teddy, Finn's younger sibling had appeared; clinging to his older brother's physique. "But by all means, call me Rem, if you'd please." He added, commenting lowly to Simone, however, he remained focused on the two brothers a the door; seeing if they would accept Simone's invitation.

"I disagree, Subject 666 is actually quite funny, but Takhar sure does suit him." Hitting the puck back and forth a few times, and almost getting it in his own goal a few times, Remington bobbed his head back and forth, as if listening to some inaudible music, as he kept the same tact as Simone; seeing as hitting the sides was a much better idea than just going straight for the opposite goal. "There's a demigod spirit named Takhar," Remington said with a soft chuckle before continuing, noticing that the big feline turned to examine Remington as he called his name, "He's worshipped in very desolate forest tribes as the son of the god of righteous judgement." Spewing random knowledge, he looked up for a moment, an apologetic smile on his face. "Sorry, I know, nobody really cares about that stuff."

Glancing between Finn, Simone, and Teddy, he offered them a soft sympathetic smile. "Whoever plans on winning can join my side." With a cheeky, playful smile, Remington patted the spot next to him encouragingly. Even though he was joking, he had a playful demeanor about him, although too odd to be anything childish. It wasn't everyday that the subjects socialized with one another, and Remington, at that.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 01:55:55 am by -Killjoy- »

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #83 on: June 29, 2015, 03:15:19 am »

Simone Howey

Simone would focus on the table once more, jumping around like a big kid as she tried to stop the lad from getting a point. She'd always loved air hockey, one of the games she'd play on a daily basis, and if she remembered correctly she also had one of these at home. Now and then she'd give the puck a powerful bat hoping to send it in her opponents goal, some of her attempts to stop him from scoring seemed to work. Listening to the lad quietly, Sim would simply nod her head with a smile "Yeah, call me Sim, or anything you wish ..." she'd shrug, remembering the many nicknames she'd had over the years; some funny and cute and some damn right inappropriate, to an extent that is. Raising her free hand from the table now and then the lass would flip her hair back over, narrowing her brows a little as it fell over her face blocking her view. Despite being focused fully on the game, she'd cast a glance towards Finn as Teddy grabbed his brother and dragged him over. Smirking she'd chuckle "Looks like you have no choice ..." she'd mock, before smiling at the young lad nodding her head "Teddy! Aye, we've just started. Pick a team" she'd speak in a louder tone, yet her rasped voice would show through.

Biting her lip in concentration she'd watch Rems hands carefully, trying to judge where he'd be hitting the puck next, she was also listening to what he was saying with interest. "Yeah, not much of a devil though ..." she'd chuckle, '666' supposedly being the sign of the devil, as she'd heard, something Takhar wasn't, which was something they'd probably try him in to. Casting a gaze towards the cat who now seemed to watch them, then continue with his ball as well as recklessly climbing on the bandit machines and such. "Really? Never knew, though it was just an interesting, unique name ... Ye learn something new everyday then." she'd chuckle "Nah, it can get interesting" the brunette quickly added, offering another smile. Raising a brow at his next comment she smirked and shook her head, giving off a sarcastic laugh "We'll see.." she'd smile, moving aside awaiting one of the lads to join her. However, now she had to stretch across the table and almost leap to catch the puck as it moved in to the centre.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #84 on: June 29, 2015, 09:20:40 am »
I will also be going on vacation tomorrow for three weeks. The apartment in which I will be staying at doesn't have any internet, but the restaurants and other facilities me and my familiy will be using should. I definitely won't be as active, but I'll try to post as often as I can. If any of you find yourself waiting a while for me to post, feel free to take over Jessamine to interact with others but please keep in mind her original personality. Summer is a pain to have a roleplay as great as this taking place, since many are going on vacation ect. So, if this roleplay does die [touchwood] I hope that we could pick it up some time in the future? Here's hoping that would never happen of course ^,^
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #85 on: June 29, 2015, 11:13:43 am »
[Okay, thank you for informing me and I appreciate rhat you'll be attempting to post still!^-^ Im going to do whatever I can to avoid allowing this to die, its such an interesting roleplay, but have fun on vacay! ]
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #86 on: June 29, 2015, 03:37:12 pm »
Thank you!]]

Jessamine Tarnberry

Lives: 8/9 remaining

"You're far smarter than you allow us to believe." The words sent a shiver of shock running over Jessamine's skin, it was not at all what she had expected Tom to say. Not many were close to the man, as he kept to himself, much like Jess, but with a far colder exterior to him. He seemed to say things like they were, without worrying about impressing people or hurting them. She decided that this was a good thing, since more lies was the last thing anyone needed right now. She followed Thomas' gaze to watch the midday sun as it filtered through the leaves, giving everything a greenish hue beneath the shifting canopy.

Without thinking about it, Jessamine's hand automatically found the last page of the novel and flicked to it. Looking down at the page, she felt an unexpected surge of emotion which she quickly pushed down. "There's an extra copy in the sitting room. I was reading it this morning, seems you need it more than I do,..incase you get bored with your charred bits." Shaking her head at the suggestion, the girl pushed the book towards Thomas, revealing what was on the last page. A tattered, slightly torn photo of a little girl of about 10 years old was tucked neatly in an almost unnoticeable fold between the crease of the last two pages. The girl had blonde hair falling in soft curls completely different to Jess' thick brown locks. Her eyes were a light crystalline blue colour, holding the same gentleness that was in Jessamine's gaze. Although the two girls were completely different, it was easy to tell that they were sisters. Their smiles had similar dimples in them, and their features the same delicate proportions.

It hurt Jessamine to realise that her sister, Cecily, would be growing up without her. But it was the thought that she would one day see her younger sister again that kept Jess going through the torments she and the other subjects endured. She was both hesitant and anxious to show Thomas the closest thing to her heart, but he seemed trustworthy. More trustworthy that any of the others seemed to be, at least. Her emotions had been building up, adding more and more pressure to her actions and what she really needed was closure. Everyone else is going through the same thing as you. You don't see them moaning about it. Stop being so selfish. The cruel voice at the back of her mind contradicted her earlier thoughts, causing her to bite her lip nervously and erase the self-pitying feeling in the pit of her stomach. Toughen up and face it. Prove to them that they can't break you.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #87 on: June 29, 2015, 05:15:16 pm »

Teddy Collins

Teddy grinned, taking a paddle and planting himself next to Simone. He watched as Finn groaned, dragging his bare feet towards the other side of the table where Rem stood. While he  knew his older brother didn't like Remington, it was a good opportunity to make Finn socialize. Teddy listened with a small smile as Rem spouted some facts about the name Takhar, he had always found name origins and native tribes interesting. "So Sim, Rem, what do you think's gonna happen now?" He inquired as he batted the puck away from their goal. The future was something Teddy always looked forward to, he waited for a normal life with his friends and fami- Finn. Sighing, he smiled looking up at his brother, who looked extremely uncomfortable next to the shorter Remington. Finn's tattoos were quite distracting, his left arm completely covered with various designs, his right spotted with a few others, and a few more scattered across his ribs and bare chest. Teddy never like the tattoos, but it seemed to make Finn happy, so he had never said anything about them. He shook his head slightly and returned the puck to the opposite goal. After a few moments Teddy looked back up only to find Finn staring intently at Simone, his ice like eyes fixed on her with an unreadable expression.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #88 on: June 29, 2015, 07:05:15 pm »

Thomas Gales

Health: 9/10

Her reaction was more than affected. Her already wide, dark optics grew as the breeze picked up, carrying her waved coffee-like hair along it's length as she returned her gaze to the book in her lap. Watching as she fumbled along the pages, her fingers tracing the book's edges, her flawed nails teasing the paper until she found the last pages, Thomas slipped his lighter out of his pocket, flicking the switch and igniting the small flame. The breeze swayed the fire into a small dance-like state, as he cupped his hand over the cigarette before lifting the lighter to his addiction.

Yet, just before he could light the cigarette stuck between his thin lips, the girl's sudden movements caught his attention instead. She held the book around, pointing at a small picture hidden between the pages. His crystalline eyes studied the small photograph, taking in the girl's image pictured in the small frame of a moment. Slowly, his hand fell to his side, as he slid the lighter back into his pocket, his cigarette still unlit and his eyes never moving from the picture. "She's beautiful.." his accent dripped from his words as he muttered through his lips still latched tightly onto the cigarette.

His eyes flicked back up to Jess' own, a sudden realization washing over him and in a single, small huff of a laugh, he broke the stare, gazing away and sliding the cigarette from his mouth. Thomas' smile was fake, made from disbelief and remembrance, and quickly faded into a small frown as he fumbled with the cigarette between his fingers before flicking it, unused, to the ground. "Family,..Yeah, that's not in particular my strongest suit." he muttered. He gazed towards the shortly cut blades of grass painting the yard in a green hue. Jess wanted to see this girl again, she wanted to be reunited, it shone in her eyes and that was something Tom wasn't familiar with.

But he was, however, familiar with getting what he wanted. He felt pity for the girl, perhaps he didn't want to see his family again, but she did, and he could help. "The others see innocence in your eyes. They see your wide gaze and they assume weakness, but I know. You want something then you have to take it. In this world,.." he paused, as an intercom came on.

"Attention, all subjects of test 420, Powers initiative, report to the sitting area." As it fell silent, he gazed back to Jess, "If you know what you want, and know who it's with, then find it and take it..and never let it go." He paused once more, studying the girl further, "That shyness of yours..Even now, your eyes are avoiding mine, you're turning your face away. You want this?" he waved at the book, "Then put you gloves on, little brave, because there's courage in you, like I said, i know better. I see it in your eyes and sometimes.. you have to take care of things yourself."

He reached into his pocket, sliding out a small, worn photograph of his own picturing him as a younger boy, around 15, a blonde boy a bit older, a mother who smiled beside a father who held his two boys' shoulders, his eyes gazing at it with a certain longing. The back clearly read in personal handwriting, "Family Fishing with Michael, Thomas, Mom & Dad." "Good talk.." he muttered, his voice quiet as he gazed back at Jess, "We'd better get to the sitting area." Turning on his heels, he took a mere three steps towards the doors before tossing the picture he held, now crumbled into a ball, onto the grass. Without even hesitating, he continued on through the double doors.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #89 on: June 29, 2015, 11:03:20 pm »

Health: 9/10

After having briefly sat down in the waiting room, Rylee had gotten up and wandered to her room. Quickly she changed out of her burned shirt and put on a new one that looked nearly identical, for her, Rylee had only a few selection of clothes but the suited her well. After having put on a clean, non-charred shirt, the girl ventured out of her room and down the hall. With a peek into the game room she could see Remmington, Simone, Teddy and Finn playing a game of air hockey. Swan passed by without much more of a thought. She would just go back to the waiting area and sit there. That was her plan for the time being, sure it was boring but Swan wasn't going to jump on the -let's-be-social-train, it wasn't her thing at least.

When she arrived back in the grey room, Rylee walked towards the back of the room to the area that she'd sat in that morning while everyone was waiting for their shots to activate their powers. Just as Rylee sat down in a seat she heard a doctor or some authority figure speak over the speakers;
"Attention, all subjects of test 420, Powers initiative, report to the sitting area." Swan didn't pay much attention to the speak, as she was already there and was just sitting and staring at the blank wall.
