Author Topic: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)  (Read 41193 times)

Offline Jackalfur

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|| The Land of 'Hoole ||

Long ago was the Battle of the Ice Claws. The Guardians had been pitted against the Pure Ones, and many owls were injured, many lives were lost in that one war. That battle is still known, told as stories to young owlets.

Many, many months back, the Battle of the Ice Claws came, and went. But now the Pure Ones are back, which will not put any owl to rest. Training for the apprentices has begun, but little tension has swamped anyone's mind... that is, until they realize what danger is lurking upon them.

|| RULES ||

- Do not do anything they wouldn't do outside the movie/books.
- No "Jay hopped into a tree. She caught a mouse. Jay ate the mouse. Her feathers were beautiful."
- None of this either "Tiaka hoppd nto a tre, her eys gleming beutifuly."
- And, none of this "Irina flyed throu the are, skreetching at anothor owl."
- Literacy is a must.
- Wait for others after a few posts! I don't want anyone feeling left out because everyone moved on without them.
- Please have good grammar when roleplaying. Typos are okay sometimes, just not when it's constant. No txt tlk either.
- Please roleplay in one color for each character. It'd be hard telling them apart if none except spacing them apart with enter.
- As said in the first rule, keep it to NO swearing whatsoever. Not everyone likes it.
- Romance is allowed, just please keep it at a level fit for everyone.
- You can have as many characters as you want, just try to keep active with every single one of them.
- Hate the character, not the roleplayer.
- No OOC arguing/fighting! Take it to PM if needed.
- Please use real pictures for your character. No fanart, no cartoons, no fantasy. This also means no zombie owls or laser-eyed owls.
- You do not have to be an ally, you can be with the Pure Ones, or a loner. But remember, the Land of 'Hoole is uninhabited by humans.
- No godmodding, Mary/Garysuing, or powerplay.
- Be descriptive on your posts-- one-liners are not tolerated. A small paragraph of three-four sentences is okay if it's for a good reason.
- Real owl species, please! No wereowls, coyotebats, kittenhawks... You know what I mean.
- Spam is not tolerated-- use the Modify button to edit your post if needed.
- Use the application format to apply.
- Please know at least a little about Guardians of Ga'Hoole before joining.
More rules may be added if needed



Credit goes to whoever made the map, and whoever colored it.


Credit goes to original artist.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 12:47:21 am by ~"Temporal"~ »

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Offline Jackalfur

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Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (WIP, DO NOT POST)
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 09:09:47 pm »

COLLIERING CHAW Once categorically feared by creatures of the forest, wild, fires are now considered both friend and foe to owl kind. Studying forest fires is crucial to harnessing there power. In this class, owls will take the first step in the study of colliering. We will learn about the elements of fire, how forest fires start, the properties of thermal drafts, coal types and there formation, and fuel ladders. Different types of fires - crawling, crown, jumping, and smoldering - will be covered and observed, opportunities permitting, of course. And at the end of the course, all owls will be ready for fire penetration and coal retrieval.

NAVIGATION CHAW In this class, owls are taught to look to the sky to plot their course of travel. Students will be asked to recognize key stars and constellations in the Hoolemere region, and how they relate to landmass locations at different times of the year. The course will present opportunities to go on as many night flights as possible. Owls will also fly with the navigation chaw for observation and to participate in simple tracing exercises.

SEARCH AND RESCUE CHAW Strong flight skills are crucial to search-and-rescue efforts. This course will teach advanced flying skills, including effective high-altitude and low-altitude circling, diving, emergency landings, and in-flight object retrieval. Owls will go on real reconnaissance missions and deliver oral and written reports to their Partner work will also be covered, as all search-rescue operations require owls to work in pairs. With the ryb's approval, some owls will be introduced to battle claws, and be taught how to fly with them.

WEATHER-INTERPRETATION CHAW Wind and flight are intricately linked. Knowing how to fly in different types of wind and how to use wind to ones advantage are two things that set the owls of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree apart from other owls. In this class, owls will be taught to fly in turbulent winds and harsh weather conditions. The structure of a storm, including thermals, gutters, scuppers, swillages, and baggywrinkles will be covered. Everyone in this class will be required to fly in at least one small storm.

GA'HOOLOLOGY CHAW The Great Ga'Hoole Tree has been home to hundreds of thousands of owls during the lat millennium. It is our duty as Guardians to make sure it continues to thrive. In this course, owls will learn how to maintain a symbolic relationship with the tree. A significant part of the course will be devoted to practical exercises, including pellet-burying, vine-trimming, and pruning. Each owl will also be required to write to essays, and pop quizzes will be given at the ryb's discretion.

TRACKING CHAW All animals, including owls, leave tracks. Events are almost always recorded in the tracks of an animal. Tracks can tell you a lot about an animal: where it was headed, its speed of travel, even its size, health, and age. This course will teach owls how to identify the tracks of birds and small land animals, and how to piece together clues that tell us about an event that occurred in the past. Owls in this class will work with the tracking chaw on tactical tracking operations to develop proper groundwork skills.

METALS CHAW The Guardians depend in various types of metals in their day-to-day activities. This course will introduce young owls to the metals that can easily be found on or near the Island of Hoole. Books used in this course will include: How do Identify Metals and Its Implications for Magnetics; and Metal-Shaping with Fire. Owls will also be introduced to the forge. There, they will be asked to identify the basic tools used by blacksmiths. At the end of the course, owls will take the F.A.S.T. (Forge Acumen and Safety Test). Those who pass will receive their Forge Safety Certificate and be allowed to being work at the forge.

HEALING CHAW From the founding of Ga'Hoole, guardians have been committed to helping the sick and injured. In this course, the owl would be taught to identify symptoms of minor owl sicknesses and the technical names of the body parts of an owl. Owls are instructed on the procedures of an emergency situation. As they exit this course they would be able to observe sickness in another owl and identify that illness.

COOKING CHAW Many owls in the owl kingdoms do not have the ability to learn how to prepare such foods like cakes and roasted bat wings. The ability to make such dishes is one that the Great Tree cherishes for this reason. It is one of the most famous arts the Ga'Hoole tree has, so why let it go to waste? In this class students will learn about the most basic types of ingredients that you can find in almost any dish. They will also learn how to prepare simpler dishes that do not require cooking. With special permission students may cook food, as long as they are being supervised.

ALL CREDIT GOES TO FOR INFORMATION. I take no credit whatsoever; it was thanks to this website for knowledge.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 09:27:37 pm by ~.Christina.~ »

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Offline Jackalfur

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Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (WIP, DO NOT POST)
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 09:09:59 pm »

{Picture here, not too big or too small}
Name: (Name of your character)
Gender: (Female or Male?)
Age: (Owlet, Tween, Teen, Adult or Elder?)
Species: (What species is your character?)
Rank: (What rank is your character? If trainee/apprentice, choose one from post above and list "in-training" after - Example; Blacksmith In-Training)
Clan: (Pure Ones, Guardians, or Loner?)
Personality: (How does your character act? 3+ sentences required)
History: (What has your character gone through in the past? OPTIONAL)
Siblings: (Who are your character's siblings? If none, put N/A, or none)
Crush: (Who does your character like? If none, put N/A, or none)
Offspring: (Who are your character's offspring? If none, put N/A, or none)
Mate: (Who is your character's mate? If none, put N/A, or none)
Extra: (Anything else you'd like to list about your character?)


Code: [Select]
{Picture here, not too big or too small}
History: (OPTIONAL - Erase if not doing it)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 10:14:19 pm by ~.Christina.~ »

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Offline Jackalfur

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Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (WIP, DO NOT POST)
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2012, 09:10:29 pm »

Name: Athena
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Short-Eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
Rank: Collier In-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Athena is rather prissy, with a sassy attitude. Besides the fact she's being trained as a collier, she's surprisingly well at fighting, even if it's just when using practice sticks. She may be a little on the rude side when you first meet her, but after you get to know her, this owl can be pretty kind. She's slightly hotheaded and quick to judge, but if you're respectful to her, she's respectful back. She loves play-fighting and prefers that over sitting in her hollow and daydreaming.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Sawni (Saw-nee)
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Barn owl
Rank: Tracker In-Training
Clan: Guarians
Personality: Sawni is a very shy owl, she doesn't like to be put on the spot. She would rather be in her nest, then out in public, though she has to, to help out her Clan. But when you get through her shiness, she can be a very tough cookie.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Hedwig
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Snowy Owl
Rank: Healer in-training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Hedwig is a very wise, and intelligent young owl.  She is very loyal, and brave.  She is a tom-boy and isn't one to flatter herself in the presence of boys.
Siblings: none
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A

Name:  Apollo
Gender: Male
Age: Tween (young adult/adolescent)
Species:  Eurasian Eagle Owl
Rank: Tracker in-training
Clan:  Guardians
Personality:  Apollo is a very brave owl.  He isn't much of a casanova, but he loves to impress the ladies. Apollo has a real sense of humour.  He loves flying at early morning, and likes the feeling of the sunlight warming his feathers.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Shion (Short for: Fuyu No Shiro Yuki)
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Rhodoan owl
Rank: From loner to search-and-rescue
Clan: Ex-guardian to guardian
Personality: Silent and serious. She holds rage inside for her past and now it makes her ice-cold. She's resourceful and honestly this is all I need to say.
History: She was actually once a guardian before this. Back then, she was a natural search-and-rescuer who successfully found every owl she looked for. One night, she was out on an urgent mission with 2 other search-and-rescue owls, Spiny and Quill. They were ambushed, taken down with a powerful blow that knocked them to the ground. Spiny and Quill were struck dead, a sharp rock spar held them like a single kabab. Shion struggled to get out of the water and onto land, a red scarf caught on a branch giving her something to grip. She wore the red scarf since that day to symbolize her revenge. Shion argued with the Ga'hoole owls to allow her to hunt down the murderer, but the storm was too strong and it was too dangerous to go alone. So she just up and left to hunt the murderer as a rogue owl, never to be seen by the Ga'hoole owls again. Since then, the owls have made a legend of her, a white young warrior owl with a red scarf, the last of the Rhodoan owls.
Siblings: Spiny and Quill (diseased)
Crush: None yet
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: She has a scarlet scarf made of silk that flows in the wind when she flies and has a sheem to it.

Name: Brair
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Barn owl
Rank: Tracker in-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Brair is a very strong-willed, brave owl.  She is quick to learn, and picks up on the slightest things in an instance--she is very observant.  She isn't the one to flirt, and gets very akward near a boy she likes.  She has a very high respect for authority.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Shinitagari (Sometimes just called 'Shini' or 'Shinigami', 'Shinigami' got started when an owlet misprounced his name.}
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl [Tyto Alba]
Rank: Do you the Pure Ones have these? .3.
Clan:  Pure Ones
Personality: Shinitagari is often sometimes rude and ignorant, often picking on younger owls wich train with him or throwing uneeded comments to elders, this excludes Kludd and Nyra though. He actually hopes they may choose him to be the heir of they're role when they pass on, rather than the current choices they have made. Though, despite Shinitagari being rude and iggnorant, he's a head-strong and determined owl ready to fight to the end for his friends and the rest of the pure ones. He can be extremely kind and inspiring in hard times. Shinitagari is ready to do anything to make the Pure Ones win this war.
History: Shinitagari and his brother, Megami were captured by the Pure Ones. Of course, this was all praticly Shinitagari's fault. In order to join the Pure Ones, your required to make a sacrifice, and Shinitagari happened to want to sacrifice his parents, and take his brother as a 'gift to Nyra and Kludd. Megami usually avoids Shinitagari as much as possible because of this.
Siblings: Megami [Brother]
Crush: No one, but this may change.
Offspring: N/A.
Mate: N/A.
Extra: Unlike the picture shows, his feathers are actually a bit whiter. Though the bottom set of feathers on his wings are a dark black.

Name: Megami [Often called 'Megi']
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl [Tyto Alba]
Rank: Navigator if the Pure Ones have this
Clan: Pure Ones, may possibly go rouge or join the gardians though.
Personality: Mgeami is often shy for a male owl, he hates getting into action and is actually quite useless on the battlefied. He's usually respectful to older and younger owls, though he only acts this way because he's afraid of them. Despite how timid he is, when navigating he's quite the adventerous type.
History: Megami was taken by the Pure Ones because of Shinitigari, his older brother. This happened around the time that he was a mere hatchiling, and when Shinitagari was learning to fly. He always actually just doubted those tales his parents told them about the Pure Ones. He just figured that they were nursery tales to scare little owlets, so they wouldn't mess around and fall. Even though he hates and regrets everything that happened, he loves being a navigator. He tries to avoid Shinitagari as much as possible.
Siblings: Shinitagari [brother]
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Tacita
Gender: Female
Age: Tween (Adolescent)
Species: Guatemalan Pygmy Owl
Rank: Rogue (loner)
Clan: none (loner)
Personality:  Tacita isn't one to be judged by her size; her life's philosophy is 'never judge a book by it's cover'.  Taking Tacita's size into account, you would somewhat expect her to be timid and shy.  She however, maybe very quiet both verbally, and aerodynamically--she's one tough and brave cookie.  She is very loyal, and has a very high-respect for herself, and others.  She has a very strong, sympathetic, and caring heart, and if she could--she would help everyone.  
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring:  N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Aimi
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Saw Whet Owl
Rank: Cook In-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Aimi is friendly and outgoing, but she knew from the start she was never cut out to be a fighter. Her heart was always somewhere she could have friends all around her and she felt safe. Though she's not cowardly.
History: Her parents were both Historians of the Ga'Hoolology Chaw. They raised Aimi to be one like them, but she was more on the creative side and decided to go with cooking.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: Aimi loves to make art and will often pick up interesting things too add to her 'art supplies', as she styles them.

Name: Rei
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl
Rank: Um... Heh... I dunno
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Rei is a particularly girly owl and will spend a lot of her free-time just cleaning her feathers or adorning herself with little jewels that Pure Ones often take from their victims - and happen to have an abundance of. She gets impressed easily (especially by males her own age, of course) and will give out praise freely. But when she's in a serious mood - like, for example, on the battlefield - she is focused and swift with her movements.
History: Rei was one of the scattered few owlets who were taken as eggs. Her parents were murdered by the Pure Ones, for they protected the unhatched owlet with their lives and wouldn't surrender. A sad story, but one among thousands that happen all the time in the claws of the Pure Ones.
She grew up in training and believes she has no parents.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: N/A (Will probably come up with something later)

Name: Braith
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Tasmanian Masked Owl
Rank: Collier In-training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Braith is a brave young owl. He is loyal and merciful as well. He isn't exactly good at speaking with others, so he's more quiet than some.
History: His parents were mistaken for Barn Owls by the Pure Ones since they noticed them first from a distance. Four of the Pure One fighting owls dove out of the sky on the two Tasmanian masked owls. At that time, Braith was but a hatchling just learning to flap his small wings.
The Pure Ones realized their mistake and turned on Braith, but a patrol of Guardians rescued him from sure death. He is always thankful of the valiant warriors of Ga'Hoole.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: He gets a little snappy if other owls call him something like a "Red-faced Barn Owl".

Name: Araflame
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl (Tyto Alba)
Rank: ? ? ?
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Araflame is one that usually won't bite unless she's thoroughly aggravated. She may be cold and ignorant on the outside, but deep inside she's a softie. If accused of being kind to one, she'll quickly snap back something along the lines of "How could you think of such a thing?" She's stubborn and most likely will only listen to the higher ranks, such as Nyra and Kludd, but sometimes she won't listen to anyone at all and instead go for a fly to clear her jumbled-up mind.
History: Stolen as an egg from the Guardians, Araflame was raised as an owlet in St. Aggies. Of course, she wasn't an orphaned owl, but the Pure Ones kept her anyways. As she grew up she steadily learned about what the Pure Ones stood for and accepted them, approving their lifestyle without knowing even a tiny bit about the Guardians and her original home.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A, though this may change
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Fioralba
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Species: Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus)
Rank: Nest Maid
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Fioralba is calm with a soft voice. She is loved by owlets since she is known to tell stories of heroic acts, some made up purely for storytelling. But she's not a liar, and she is extremely trustworthy. She uses her enhanced senses (other than eyesight, of course) to her advantage, and can move around like a flash when she wants to.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring:  None
Mate: None
Extra: She has a tight strand of silver material just behind her head that she traded some things for a long time ago.

Name: Tyra
Gender:  Male
Age: Teen
Species: Australian Masked Owl
Rank: Dunno o3o But he's a good flyer and good on the battlefield!
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Tyra has a somewhat similiar personality to Shinitagari's, only while being rude and iggnorant, unlike Shinitagari, in hards times or when one is wounded and could need encouragement, he usually scolds them for losing. Tyra's main goal in life is to surpass Shinitagari, who is the only one that can beat him in anything. Although Tyra is a Masked Owl, which would usually be second rank if reffered to the Pure One's laws,  he managed to earn the title of a First Rank due to his amazing skills.
History: Tyra, also like Shinitagari willfully joined the Pure Ones. In order to join them, as mentioned before, you are required to make a sacrifice. He chose his older sister and brother, along with his parents to go. It really didn't hurt him to lose his family though, considering most of the time he was ignored by his parents and his siblings managed to make good fun out of him.
Siblings: Kurjaki (Brother, Deceased) Baki (Sister, Decased)
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate:  N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Artemisia
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina)
Rank: Weather Prediction Chaw (In Training)
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Shy and gentle, Artemisia is not exactly the most outgoing of owls, but she is rather intelligent and spends a lot of time reading up on scrolls and tales by legendary guardians both alive and dead. She knows almost all about the story of Hoole, the first king of the tree and perhaps the most legendary in all the land; it could be because of the rumors that he too was a Spotted Owl.
Artemisia, however, hesitates from showing pride, and is more likely to pick at her own flaws than boast about her skills. She shows great potential in manuevering storms, and is currently practicing an ancient skill known as "The Fall From Grace."

History: Artemisia was born in the forest of Ambala to Catherine and Tybalt, a pair of Spotted Owls who lived happily with their new hatchling for the first few months. However, it wasn't long before word of Pure One Attacks spread, and they especially came to the alert of the family when owlet disappearances included. In fear of losing their dear daughter, Artemisia was taken with her parents, and the three travelled far to the Ga'Hoole Tree to live. There, Artemisia learn to fly and hunt on her own, but took a special liking towards the duty of a guardian as well.
To her parents chagrin, Artemisia decided to enroll in the Weather Prediction Chaw, where she soon showed her potential as a great flyer. She is currently training to become one of the best in the chaws, a primary goal in her life.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: None

Name: Matthias
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner

Personality: Matthias is a very stern and serious goshawk, as well as worriesome, although he usually hides it. It's hard for him to take a joke, and there has been more than once that he had made a very serious lecture towards pranksters. He, however, has proven himself to be a great ally, as he has a great affinity for communicating with other animals, and has been able to fight off an owl or bat or two without much effort. This is only been achieved through his special methods of one-on-one battle strategies, which can only be applied correctly when fighting a small number of opponents; making them inaffective if he is greatly outnumbered.
Matthias will have his lesser serious days, which he usually spends hunting and tending to an empty nest with his mate, Dahlia. On rare occasions, he travels to the Ga'Hoole Tree with reports on enemy whereabouts or events in his homeland, the Forest of Ambala.

History: Born and raised in the Kingdom of Ambala, Matthias was always very worriesome as a young hawk, and dared not stray from his hollow, even when he was old enough to fly. He was always very timid of his father, who was always serious and scolded him often, but shared a strong bond with his mother, who was very kind and gentle. Eventually, Matthias's father forced him out of his hollow, and did not allow him to come back until Matthias had proved that he could survive and live well on his own.
For a whole year, Matthias lived alone, wandering the forest and the nearby Desert of Kuneer, slowly conquering his fears, and becoming rather centered around proving himself worthy of his father's wishes. He also became close to some species of animals, such as the local elf owls of Kuneer, who taught him how to speak in Hoolian, and even a Coyote named Nimrod. After a whole year of training, Matthias had become a skilled survivalist, and soon travelled back in hopes of being welcomed by his parents.

But, to Matthias's horrific dismay, he found his old hollow ruined and his parents dead. He later learned from the local owls of Ambala that a Pure One attack had struck shortly before his return, and his parents were both killed in an attempt to fight them off. Since then, Matthias has been constantly honing his hunting methods into attack methods, hoping to one day seek revenge for his parents' death, and pledged to assist the guardians whenever they needed him.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: Dahlia
Extra: Matthias has a scar above his chest. He recieved this when assisting the guardians against the Pure Ones.

Name: Teo (short for Teodora)
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn owl
Rank: I would like to be a solider if possible?
Clan: Pure Ones

Personality: Teo isnt very friendly to those younger than her, mainly owlets. She often picks on them for their size and strength. She is brave and a quick learner, her fighting skills are pretty good, shes also fast flyer and very agile. Teo is very respectful and loyal to her leaders, she will do anything to catch their eye. As mean as she is to younger owls, she still has some manners towards those her age.

History: Teodora has never really got along well with her family, she was teased by her older brother and ignored by everyone. One night in a fit she pushed her brother out of the hollow where he drowned in the river below, with her mother there to witness it she was kicked out of the home. That is when she was captured and brought to the Pure Ones, there she knew this was her true home.

Siblings: Dead
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: She wants to kill her parents when she gets the chance.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 12:14:48 am by ~.Christina.~ »

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Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (WIP, DO NOT POST)
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2012, 10:02:05 pm »

Name:  Zendaya
Gender: Female
Age: three years
Species: Bald Eagle
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner
Personality: Zendaya is a very hard-working, and strong-hearted.  She doesn't agree in foul-play and will fight for what she believes in,  being alot bigger than the owls, she has a greater advantage against them, if she ever had to duel.  When fighting, she attacks the parts, one wouldn't expect to be targeted.  She has a pure rage and wrath pin-pointed on the pure ones.  She has a maternal instinct, and has been known to drive owl pairs into hiding, and then sit on their eggs, or guard their hatchlings when news of the pure one's starts to spread.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra:  I was wondering if maybe, she could be a friend of the Guardians, an Ally.

Name: Eirian
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl (Tyto Alba)
Rank: Collier In Training
Clan: Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Personality: This owl is determined to prover herself and will stop at nothing to finish a task. Sometimes she can get carried away, but she always means well. Eirian isn't a very smooth talker, but she is extremely well-versed in the ways of maneuvering and working with coals. She can't stand being still for long (of course, not including sleep) and always looks for things to do. Her favorite is to go out on important missions or errands with the other colliers.
History: Eirian was taken from her parents at a very young age and brought to be trained as a Pure One. Her name was 'Silver' because of a thick gray splotch running down her back, starting from her brow. She was perfect material for one of the Pure Ones and was just beginning to fly when something in her gizzard switched. From then on, she knew she could never join their ranks, and she somehow managed to escape with the help of a group of sooty owls working in the Canyons and some luck. The king and queen of the Ga'Hoole tree renamed her, since most young owls from the Canyons hates their name, as it reminds them of the place.
Siblings: None, she was an only-hatchling
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: The dark gray feathers down her back have always been there and always will be. Some might think they're ugly, but she doesn't care. She works with coals and fires anyways, so she has ash in her feathers a lot, just like other colliers.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 12:01:00 am by ~"Temporal"~ »

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I'll apply later, this will be edited into my application BDDDD.

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(I love the books and movie. o3o)

Name: Sawni (Saw-nee)
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Barn owl
Rank: Tracker In-Training
Clan: Guarians
Personality: Sawni is a very shy owl, she doesn't like to be put on the spot. She would rather be in her nest, then out in public, though she has to, to help out her Clan. But when you get through her shiness, she can be a very tough cookie.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 11:12:29 pm by Wolfie »

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I'll change this post to my applications.
After all this time?

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Accepted-- though the picture is a tad bit too small. Is there any way you could resize it, or find another picture? ^^; I hope you're not offended by me saying this.

@Soul & Theo
Yaaay! I can't wait for your applications! 8D

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Fixed it.