Author Topic: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING  (Read 6195 times)

Offline Saylor156

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2013, 05:36:22 pm »

Accepted. x3 I love how hidden that is.


I await your app completion. :3

Offline iceheart999

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2013, 08:37:40 pm »
Thank you! I cannot wait to get started roleplaying!

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2013, 08:52:59 pm »
Dragon Knights

Blanaid | Siobhan |  Clodagh
"They start to yell...And the fighting starts."

Blanaid Siobhan Clodagh, meaning 'River of Blossoms'.
She prefers to be called Blanaid, but she is sometimes addressed as Siobhan (pronounced 'Shivon')
She is an Adult at the age of 396 years old.
Kemen Noore.
Blanaid has the ability to control the speed of the growth of many plants, she can normally control where they grow and how they look. But sometimes, for particularly tough plants, she can only control the speed of the growth. Whenever she uses this ability, the crystal on her forehead faintly glows the colour of the plant she is controlling.
Blanaid is a very quiet, intelligent dragon. She is understanding and is very good at 'socialising', as her mother used to call it. At times, she can be quite aggressive when she needs to be but she prefers to discuss matters. When around strangers, she is very formal but once around the dragons of her clan, she is humorous, daring and always up for a laugh.
Blanaid has a particular talent in self-control. She knows how to keep calm and not stress out or worry about certain matters. She is also quite good at calming others and understanding their emotions.
At the worst of times, Blanaid sometimes sees 'pictures' of what might happen in the future and it puts her off her duties, a weakness she hates.
Love Interest:
Lord Ard'Rakka (If that's okay)
None, at the moment.
Sadly, she has no brood of her own.
Her mother, Ferdenarii. Her father, Raven. All deceased.
When she was born, Blanaid's father left with no warning and her mother was left to care for her alone. Blanaid had a normal dragon childhood, until her mother died of an unknown illness. Luckily, by then, Blanaid was old enough to look after herself and lived a life on her own until now.
Blanaid's white colour was from her mother's side of the family, some of her distant ancestors were from the Alu Noore clan and had the same colour as her.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 08:01:46 am by DarkPetal »

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3

Offline Saylor156

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2013, 08:54:19 pm »

Accepted. :) Also, that is fine with her love interest. :3

@All Accepted Dragons

We can begin roleplaying whenever you are all ready.

Offline Saylor156

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2013, 12:21:59 am »

Lirima Malda'Elen

    A brief but powerful blast of air flattened the soot-filled grass below Lirima's expanse of wings. She beat them once, twice, and was off into the air, turning slowly at first but then arching her neck and gaining altitude quickly. The queen's eyes glowed in the red light and her scales were painted gold by the rays of the dying sun, glimmering neatly in the sky. Lirima swooped and wheeled over the crater she'd just been in, wings curling as they caught the air and scooping it into eddies and currents. She'd just been in the young dragons' favorite training place. It reeked of charred flesh and rotting bones from previous kills of prey, but that didn't particularly bother her at the moment. Usually she'd snort and pinch her nostrils closed, but she'd grown accustom to this spot just because she landed there often.
     Lirima gazed at the expanse of gray grass and soot. It was about half-a-mile long, a short distance on wing. She could see a couple of adolescents sparring nearby, leaping and fluttering their wings for balance in the dusty atmosphere that was the hollow. She shook her head and beat her wings in a circular motion, keeping her body in a relatively still hover. The young dragons glanced up, the male's scales rustling in a way that showed he was feeling self-conscious. His partner, obviously his sister by their similar traits, lowered her skull and looked away while her brother tried to look gallant for the queen. Lirima chuckled wryly and twisted away, pounding her wings against the air to move herself away from them.
     She soon broke into a cloud bank, ignoring the soft mist of water that glistened on her scales and made twisting trails off of her wings' leading edges. She slitted her eyes and peered down through the white mass of sky and allowed herself to slide lower, gliding easily on the currents of air. She was heading for her favorite place to relax: a large boulder nestled conveniently on top of a large hill. It soaked up the sun's heat nicely, providing a comfortable spot for a dragon filled with fyre to warm her belly.
     Lirima's wings angled themselves automatically as she aimed lower in the sky. Her striped tail lowered itself to absorb the impact first, and then her wings rotated quickly to slow her descent. She dropped her hind-feet onto the rock first, then her  fore. Stretching out her neck and settling her wings against her flanks, the queen allowed herself to lie regally on the boulder. The day had been peaceful, and the sun's warm setting was starting to lull her into a sleepy state. She arched her neck and crossed her forelegs, lowering her eyelids halfway. Perhaps she'd be able to relax for a while before she returned to the cave she slept in.

Maksa Nim Losa

    A small gleam of white appeared at the mouth of a cave. A waterfall curtained it with both its glittering swirls and the noise that it created as it tumbled into the pool below. Maksa Nim Losa was the occupant here. She lifted her crested head silently and sniffed the air, cautiously passing under the veil of water and sliding into the deep, cold pool. She could just touch the bottom, and she stood still for a moment, checking her surroundings. The tall trees provided excellent cover for this place, but she was a bit worried that anyone could show up at any time.
     Satisfied that she was alone, the female dragon lowered her head and drank deeply from the water. The liquid slid down her throat and filled her belly, contenting her. Maksa looked up again, her jaws dripping, and scanned the trees. Huffing with the effort of her feet sliding on the loose rocks below the surface, she gained the bank and let her scales drip-dry. She glanced back at her cave. It was safe now, but who knew what would happen. Some dragon could come along and chase her out, or worse, destroy the place's beauty. Maybe someone would even poison the water while she was gone and she'd die at her return.
     These were the paranoid thoughts that ran through her head. Shaking her skull, the young dragon cleared her mind. That stuff is silly. Nobody would do that, she assured herself. Clacking her teeth together, Maksa slipped between two tree trunks, off in search of some medical plants she'd wanted.

Lord Ard'Rakka

    "I'd better get out of here before the Empress comes along. Fine fix I'd be in if she, or anyone caught me in this state." Lord Ard'Rakka's entire body and wings were coated in dust. He'd been excavating a trench that he wanted to use for water-diverting. A nearby river had started to create a deep well that was approaching his lair. That wouldn't do to have muddy water on his cave-floor. Sighing, the male shook his dirt-heavy wings and lifted them. He leaped upward and flew off silently, whirling in the air to go in the right direction. The wind brushed off some of the dust, but most of it still stuck between his wing-feathers and caked along his mane. The fur was draped along both the front and back of his long neck, ending between his shoulder blades and forelegs respectively.
     Diving nearly straight down when he spotted his cave-mouth, Ard'Rakka narrowly but cleanly missed an outcropping of jagged stones. This cave had once just been a shallow gash in the rock wall, but Rakka had used his ability to dig deeper. It was now a spacious cavern large enough for three dragons his own size.
     Yawning, the dragon set his frame down onto a pile of smooth, rounded pebbles in an alcove at the back of his chamber. His claws clicked dully against the stones as he shifted about. "Better clean myself up," he groaned to himself. Closing his eyes momentarily, he allowed his ability to flow. Focusing, he elevated a flat stone and forced it to defy gravity and logic by fanning a powerful gust of wind towards him in the cave. The dust flew off of his whipping mane and swirled out of the cave, chased by  the fanning stone. Sighing happily, Rakka allowed the stone to rest once again, partially blocking the entrance. The sun's dying rays filtered in, lighting some of the chamber. But most of the light came from his own glowing crystals. They were fading quickly as he relaxed his power. The purple glimmer flickered out, leaving Rakka in a room of half-lit stone. Stretching his jaws in a yawn, he settled down to rest.[/font]
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 12:37:53 am by Saylor156 »

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2013, 01:24:11 am »
OOC: You know I can't seem to think of anything for my other App... Can I just have one? If so i'm finshed now.... I think
Life is just a loop, untill you get too tiered to continue

Offline iceheart999

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2013, 04:30:47 am »
Kirya Nao Mineaii
'The Calm Strike'

'I'll be there when you need me
I'll be there when you call
Yeah I'll be there to catch you when you fall
Know that I'll never leave you
Out here on your own
I'll be the lights that guide you home '

    Azure-blue eyes cast their gaze ouside of the cave, her claws tapping against the stone floor. She was terribly, utterly bored. Many classes had finished earlier in the day, and others were being held that didn't exactly need her. The sound of a voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and she turned to see the yellow juvenile who fequently visited. He was a runt, like herself, yet had larger wings. The dragon, like the others in her personal class, often visited the empress, each having gained a somewhat close bond to her. "Hello little Nignet, I see you have brought me a gift." Her eyes glanced to the fawn in which he held in his jaws.
     "Ah, erm, yes. Here you are." The fawn was pushed towards the emperess, and she happily began to tear shreds from it. Her tail lashed happily. "Did you have anything to tell me? Of not, you are dissmissed. Class will be late tommorrow. By the flapping of wings, Kirya only huffed, once finishing the fown shoving the bones out to and off the cliff in which her cave resided. Annoyance was clear in her azure-blue eyes as she rose up and walked out onto the cliff.
     The cave she made home might as well have been the entrance of heaven itself. The mountain pierced the sky, and usually clouds protected the carvenous place she called her home from sight.. At least, until they were ripped though by the boredom-fleeing emperess. The caren extented deep into the mountain in a winding slope, not too deep and not too shallow. Gems often found in the walls were there one day and gone the next. At the moment, however, Kirya was allowing her body to soak up some of the last rays of sunlight before taking off in her mission of finding entertainment to cure her boredom.

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2013, 09:56:54 am »

Blanaid | Siobhan |  Clodagh
Blanaid traced swirling patterns in the earth with her claw. She raised her head as some dust fell over her wings, and looked up into the glaring sun. She saw a small dark silhouette in the sky, but could not identify who or what it was. She slowly stood up, shaking her body to relax her muscles. The sky looked so beautiful today, so clear and blue. She couldn't resist it any longer and stretched out her wings, shaking them a few times to release the dust from her barely visible feathers. She used her hind legs to push off the ground of the entrance to her cave and took off. At first, she started plummeting to the ground, her wings folded neatly at the side of her body and at the last moment she outstretched them, she was soaring freely, the wind ruffled some of her white feathers but she loved it that way. A few birds flew along side her, but she simply beat her wings a few times to pull ahead of them, twisting and turning and laughing at the same time.

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3

Offline Saylor156

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2013, 02:23:29 pm »

Lirima Malda'Elen

    "Aah, what a wonderful day it has been," Lirima remarked, largely to herself. The queen's voice was deep and alluring, giving off a mysterious but also beautiful feeling to those who listened. Well, at least several, but not all. It could sound cold to others and almost frightening.
     Lirima's belly was warmed by the stone below and the luxurious fur that covered her spine was comfortably heated by the few sun rays that hit it. She lifted her head towards the sky and breathed out a small wisp of fire just to watch it coil briefly in the air before going out with a little flicker of gold. One had to admit that the day had not been eventful, nor had any day recently. She couldn't help but think about a battle between her clan and Alu or Kemen Noore. What she wouldn't do to have her claws tearing some dragon's wings apart. Although, that was a brutish thought and she soon cleared it from her mind. It would never do to have a bloodthirsty queen.
     With her tail curled around the enormous boulder, Lirima could almost be posing. She smirked at a passing female dragon who looked at her with an envious glare. Many of the females would do this each day, wanting to be queen and given 'special treatment'. Any dragoness who became queen somehow seemed more beautiful. Lirima watched the younger dragon fly out of sight, her mind calmly picking over idle thoughts.

Maksa Nim Losa

        "Not this one... no... Not this one either..." Maksa searched laboriously for the right leafed plant. It was an elusive thing that only bloomed in during certain hours of the day; she was hoping she'd make it in time. The crown-like crest upon her brow suddenly tangled with some branches above and the young dragoness paused warily. Once she was sure that it was a harmless tree, she shook herself away from it and continued on her little journey through the woods. She was bound to run into her plant-quarry sooner or later. -short :T-

Lord Ard'Rakka

    Rakka lifted his head after a moment of relaxation. He shook his vast body as he stood, swatting his wings forward and down to clear them of pebbles. Murmuring something incoherent, he allowed the jewels on his flanks to burst into life once again. Bathed in the purple light, Rakka turned to his wings and preened them swiftly, like some magnificent bird.
     Once he was finished, the male strode out of his home to greet the last fading glimmer of sunlight as it settled in the horizon. Perfect timing. He could work on his trench now without fear of being spotted.
     Lifting his wings proudly, he inhaled the familiar scent of the earth before leaping into the air and working his muscles to gain height. As he was rising, he narrowly escaped from being rammed into by a bullet-like shape lancing through the sky. "What the-" He cut himself off so he could dodge the whipping tail and turn in the sky, wings quiet on the updrafts. Seeing it was a female dragon, he couldn't help but show off his glimmering crystals and how they lit up his lacing markings. Realizing that he was being distracted, Rakka shook his head roughly and twisted away, aiming back for the trench he was working on.

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2013, 03:28:52 pm »

Blanaid | Siobhan |  Clodagh
Blanaid had been flying for while and she was still soaring through the sky, her eyes closed. Her flying was interrupted by a sudden voice, inches away from her "What the-" Her eyes flew open as another dragon narrowly dodged past her. She flicked her tail out of the way before it could do any damage to the unfamiliar dragon. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, hovering mid-air. She just had time to inspect the make dragon's glowing crystals before he flew away, his long feathers rustling in the wind. She debated in her mind wether to follow the dragon to properly apologise, but she was embarrassed enough so she plummeted back down towards the ground, her wings folded neatly against her streamline body once more. At the last second, she unfolded her wings and gently sailed down to the ground. She noticed a river near by and slowly walked towards it, ignoring the water. She had her eyes set in some half-grown water lilies that floated gracefully above the surface of the water.

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3