Author Topic: Voyagers of The West Star ~ Marine to Land Animal/Sci-fi Rp (Open and Accepting)  (Read 20401 times)

Offline rainbow lion

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This is my first attempt at an rp. :) Enjoy!

It is the year 2596, The earth's oceans are now populated by giant floating cites. Marine animals have been causing a problem to the colonies floating in the vast waters. A planet similar to earth has been located to move the sea animals and other land animals. Star Ship specially designed to carry the animals to the new planet, Uranus 7, nicknamed The West Star. Ship come regularly to deliver animals or transport humans to care and record their progress. The planet is mainly water but a few large islands are able to support eco-systems large enough for vast forest, frozen tundras, colorful rain forests, and large grasslands.

You choose, land or water, frozen or burning.

The five islands:
Serrepia: a forested island with a few cold spots. Suitable to wolves, caribou, bears, eagles, and dogs.

Ferrdora: A bright rain forest island filled with lush flowers, birds, leopards, snakes, fruit bats and many more tropical animals.

Gengor: A frozen place few dare to survive on, though under it's cold and harsh blizzards in it sea a giant community of sea life thrives.

Maepallia: A giant savanna full of life, a place closest to the old Africa decades ago. It is second closest to the equator next to Ferrdora.

Mayarie: The human island, similar to earth's human cites. Star ships constantly arrive to drop off cargo, humans, or animals. If an animal chooses to live here it would be the hardest to survive on.


All animals are accepted, though marine animals will be able to travel across the planet in a few months to any island. Land animals must stay on their island unless relocated by a ship. No power-playing/god-modding. Maximum of five characters. You may start rp on a star ship moving you to the new planet if you wish. Please no swearing. No powers, try to keep your animal realistic. All usual Feral Heart rules.


Info on Species if not widely known:
Age: (Human Years)
Family: (Mate, offspring, siblings, ect.)

My Characters:

Name: Angorra
Species: Orca
Gender: Female
Age: 3 human years
Family: None on the planet
Appearance: Average Orca Markings

Personality: She is often curious of the humans and the star ship that brought her to the planet. She lives with no other orcas and was the only one of her pod that was captured.
Island/Location: She lives near Gengor's waters.

Name: Moath
Species: Timber Wolf
Info on Species: It is a subspecies of the gray wolf
Gender: Male
Family: None, he was a lone wolf on Earth
Appearance: He has rusty fur and a black tail which is unusual for a timber wolf. He has a paler underbelly and yellow eyes with flecks of orange.
Personality: He has the most common personality of a lone wolf, uncomfortable around other wolves, shy around humans, and a small disliking for packs.
Island/Location: Serrepia

Name: Mina
Species: Miniature Bengal Tiger
Info on Species: A cloned breed of tiger. Scientists have yet to figure out the size for the clones. They are the size of a large domestic cat. Other than that they are basically tiny tigers. x3
Gender: Female
Age: 1
Family: She has two brothers currently being tested on a space station orbiting Uranus 7.

Personality: An exited cat always chasing after something. Mina is very talkitive but she can't find any others that speak her language, just humans and cities. She has a disliking for water.
Island/Location: Mayarie
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 08:54:24 pm by MyCatMeowed »

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Voyagers of The West Star ~ Marine to Land Animal/Sci-fi Rp
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2013, 05:45:25 pm »
Hmmm, interesting!)


Name: Nekoda

Species: Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin

Gender: Male

Age: 2

Family: Doesn't know them. Split from them as a pup.

Appearance: (Photo)

Personality: Nekoda is young and rather immature. He loves playing and harassing schools of fish. He's extremely friendly, and will openly swim up to strangers, even creatures he's never seen before. He's rather brave and protective and always open for an opportunity to goof off. Though he's immature, he's extremely intelligent. He is very adventurous, and tends to get in trouble when his crave for adventure gets a hold of him.

Island Location: He tends to stay just off the coast of Ferrdora, but often travels to the warmer waters of Serrepia.

In-Game as: Jackkdaw
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Offline rainbow lion

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Accepted! You may start rping whenever.))

     Angorra's great tail beat through the water to propel he forwards. A few schools of silver fish flashed by. They were hurried and didn't seem to stick together much. The fish must be newly imported. Opening he jaws she snapped at them but only caught one tiny fish in her mouth. The fish were too panicked to hunt right now. Maybe she might have better luck closer to Mayarie.
     Changing her course she swam towards the human island full of flashes and many star ships floating down from the skies and leaving back up to them. Angorra was still a few hours off from the island borders. The scientists there were kind to her and fed her a few fish whenever she appeared. A tracking device on her dorsal fin beeped as she got closer. Maybe by nightfall she would reach the island.

Offline Jackkdaw

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((Yippie Skippie. x3))

     The young Bottlenose clicked happily to himself, swimming quickly to the bottom of the shallows, then instantly veering upwards, shooting vertically towards the surface. At full speed, Nekoda burst through the clear water, arching his body as its full length flew out of the ocean. Clicking his jaws together, he nose dived back into the sea. Though he was alone, unusual for a dolphin, he had ways of entertaining his easily amused mind.

    Doing a couple playful barrel rolls through the water, the small male pumped his tail slower, slowing his momentum to a gentle swim. Now that his quick outburst was over, he sloshed to the right, slowly making for a small reef not too far from the southern shore of Ferrdora. Slowly drifting between the coral and sea fans, he nosed around in small crevices between rocks occasionally. Not to hunt, but to quench curiosity.
In-Game as: Jackkdaw
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Offline rainbow lion

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Yay! x3))

     It was starting to darken by the island of Mayarie. The sun was burning down to and orange. It was a younger sun than Sol. (Our sun. x3) Lifting her head out of the water, light reflected into her small eyes. Diving back below the water she swam on, exited about her soon treat from the humans. The ocean had started to turn into a black liquid as the sun seeped over the horizon. The lights started to glow in the colony. Angorra thought it was beautiful underwater.
     Sticking her head out of the water again she breathed through her blowhole sending a mist of water up high like a geyser. Swimming over to a bridge she knew it belonged to the scientists. A few humans watched her. Then they threw out something into the water. It was like a floating ball that smelled like food and made noise like the voices of her kind. They pulled it and Angorra followed, her tracking device beeping constantly and loudly.
     The lure floated into a large cage. Piles of fish lay inside it but the orca didn't like the look of it. It was similar to the one that had brought her to The West Star. Hesitating she swam in slowly. Once her great mouth was opening to snap up the fish a door clanged behind her. Shrieking in surprise she turned to try and escape but banged into a wall. Something clanged on the out side. The water inside the cage began to swish. She was being moved by a ship, for the second time in her life.

Offline Jackkdaw

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Pumping his tail again, Nekoda swiftly darted to the surface, surfacing only his top half to blow some air from his blow hole. Arching back downwards, he spiraled a bit back down to the barely thriving reef. Swimming low, he glanced back and forth, this time searching for something edible. A silver glare flashed before him, and he instinctively dashed after it, gaining on the small fish quickly. Clamping his needle-like teeth down on the wriggling fish, he quickly chomped it back and swallowed, whistling in satisfaction.
In-Game as: Jackkdaw
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Offline JGree

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(I must say...this looks very good. Mind if I RP an insect?)

Name: Wyretta
Species: Giant Weta
Info on Species if not widely known: The Weta is a largest insect native to New Zealand. It resembles a brown cricket with large and spiny back legs used to give a nasty kick. They can be up to 10cm long and weigh 35 g. They eat flowers, leaves and fruit. If you want to see what it looks like, you might want to google it. My computer spazzes out when I try to post pictures on any site.
Gender: Female
Age: 1 (max lifespan is 5)
Family: 50 other siblings, but most have been eaten by predators
Appearance: She is an adult weta. She is solid Brown, with long, spiny back legs. Her other legs are spindly but can support her. Her antennae are very long, almost as long as her body itself, which is 10cm. There is a dot of white on her head which makes her stand out from other wetas. She has two large Simple Eyes(insect term) near the middle of her oval-shaped head. She has never seen any creature before, because her eyes can only tell between day and night. She can learn what animal species you are through her antennae. Because she moves a bit slow on her own, she needs to be carried by bigger creatures.
Personality: Gentle, caring, trusts others a little too much
Island/Location: Ferrdora

Offline rainbow lion

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Accepted, you may start rping if you want. ^^))

     Blue lights flashed on at the ceiling of the Marine Transport carrier. It was half full with salt water. Sadly whistling the confused orca swam in small circles of the enclosed space. The fish were still there. Swimming down they tasted different from wild fish. They were cold and frozen. Some started to thaw and she ate the warmest ones. Sticking her head out of the water again Angorra looked around the space. The water swished back and forth and her with it. She floated as the ship moved higher.
     It wasn't a star ship, just one for relocating. The orca was successfully lured into it. There was no windows in the container, just the water, lights, Angorra, and the frozen fish laying in a head at the far end. Maybe they were going to move her anyways, the tracking device started to beep more slowly as they got farther from Mayarie.

Offline OreoHeroz

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((Bloop. Never roleplayed as a leopard in my entire life o3o Seems legit.))

Name: Amise
Species: Amur Leopard
Info on Species if not widely known: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Family: Mate: N/A - Siblings: Deceased - Offspring: N/A

Personality: Amise is outgoing, willing to take risks. She can be a little stubborn at times with a attitude towards you. She is distracted easily, but her loyalty towards you is strong. Otherwise, Amise can be understanding and gentle towards you.
Island/Location: She was captured and shipped to a rain forest, also known as the Ferrdora.

Offline rainbow lion

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Accepted! ^^ Thank you everyone for joining!))