Author Topic: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))  (Read 52718 times)

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2014, 07:54:14 pm »
Just as she was settling down in her reading chair next to an industrial work lamp, Maddi tensed once again as warning signals began to go off in her head. Outside was the hoot of a creature that she had never heard before and she slowly stood before grabbing the pipe next to the door and navigating through the corridors and back to the surface.

"Is that a monkey?" she grunted to herself when she saw the primate lumbering through her construction site. Maddi then shifted into her wolf form and began to trail the Gibbon, her paws stepping lightly on the soft ground silently.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2014, 07:58:58 pm »

[[Before I make my application I was just wondering how many different shifter forms are we allowed?]]
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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2014, 08:06:10 pm »
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki
The lesser-ape blinks her chocolate eyes at the wolf approching her. She lets out a bark as she scales the lamp and sits on top of it. She looks down at the wolf, scratching her arm with her other arm.
"Mind telling me who you are?" She asks, knowing there was no way the canine could get up here and at least she wasn't in darkness as the area was lit with lamps.

A breeze ruffles her shaggy fur as she grips the lamp with her hand like feet and swings upside-down, dangling her long arms, subtly mocking the wolf for not being able to get her if it did want her as a meal.

Tomoko ?

Offline seopard

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2014, 08:30:18 pm »
((one is recommended, but 3 is the limit i guess))


The brown wolf watched as the ape easily scaled the lamp post and growled to herself. She was a good climber, but even in her human form it would take at least a minute for her to scale the smooth sides. "Who am I? Who am I? I should be asking you for it seems that you are the trespassing monkey. Come down from that lamp so we may talk like normal Metas." she called up to the Gibbon, and then backed away from the lamp post and sat down just inside it's circle of light, adjusting her red scarf.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2014, 08:39:33 pm »
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki
Cry growls under her breath, that was a huge pet peeve of hers.
"Ok first off I am an ape not a monkey! No tail, see?" she swings a little, revealing the absense of that appendage which seperated monkeys and apes.
"Second, I didn't know this place was yours." She crosses her arms, still hanging like a bat so the canine was upside down.  "I just wanted to get out of the dark." She adds with a little shiver, it wasn't fun having that phobia.
She scrambles down from the lamp and stands in front of the wolf.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 08:43:01 pm by ?_? »

Tomoko ?

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2014, 08:54:46 pm »
Ezekiel Jebbediah Crosse

It was night time now. A dangerous time for anyone- especially a Meta with a bounty on his head- like himself to be outside. The sky was a dark navy pigment, and the star's chromic hue stood out against the sky like a knife's shimmering blade cutting through the darkness. A gust of wind rolled by, flapping his dark leather jacket, and his dark waves rustling against the turrent's current.

His striking blue eyes flickered across the road up ahead. It seemed to be some wierd construction site of some sorts. A devilish grin soon spread across his pale and sharp features: he looked like a predator, it was just in his bone structure and aura. His dark combat boots crunched against the gritty concrete floor as he made his way, manuevering around the contrustion site. It seemed like a pretty decent place to hang out for the night.

Ezekiel stopped as there were concrete stairs leading down into dirt-compacted rooms. Ah, intruiging. The Meta quickly descended the steps, and his boots landed with a light thud on the earthy floor. Corridors lined the walls, an the young male sifted through them until he found a nice room with a door swung open. A chair was in the far corner, with a book placed  hastily upon the arm rest. He gave a delighted chuckle before leaning back in the chair and picking up the novel.

He soon cringed in disgust at the boring feel the book gave off, and he tossed it across the room with a light huff. Zeke kicked his feet up on the opposite arm of the chair and threw his arms behind his neck for comfort and support. His stomach was full for the night, and he'd found a decent shelter to reside in. But the Meta wasn't tired just yet, so he whistled tunes of songs to help pass the time. He preferred to sleep during the day, after all. Ezekiel was quite the night owl.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2014, 09:11:28 pm »

Aimee-Leigh Fletcher

22 years old

As you can see from the picture Aimee is a pretty young woman who stands around the height of 5'3/4 and weighs around 8/ 8 1/2 stone. Despite being pretty small and on the slender side she is rather muscular. Her skin is sun kissed and rather smooth from the moisturising she does on a daily basis and takes good care of her skin. Aimee's teeth are fairly pearly and straight from having braces when she was younger, her eyes are hazel. She has long, silky dark brown hair that reaches just above her hips when straightened.

These are her two shifter forms:

Aimee is a very easy person to read as her emotions seem to be easier to read than most people. Her emotions are shown pretty clear with facial expressions although sometimes they can be hard to read. At times Aimee is a happy go lucky person who often has a smile on her face, but as soon as she's angered her lid pops. When angry she isn't really a nice person to be around and often says things that she will later regret. She is quite a bubbly person and can have a good time with certain individuals. She's stubborn, sarcastic, feisty, loyal, brave and protective. Aimee is quick at thinking in tight situations and is good at leading a team.

Aimee had always been a shape shifter ever since being a child. Her parents thought she was un-normal and often kept her indoors so the world was unable to see her 'power'.  Although when she was younger she had difficulties controlling her powers and she would transform at any time of the day. as she grew older how powers did grow more stronger but she was able to control herself over the years.

Her parents soon moved from the city and left their 17 year old child to fend for herself in her own apartment. But before they left they left a lot of money and sent it in weekly for her as they are wealthy. She now lives on the outskirts of town in a fairly large two story house that consists of three bedrooms, a large kitchen, large living room, large dining room, conservatory, two bathrooms and a fairly large garden. Her house appears wooden, which it is as it lean closer towards the forest.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 10:53:08 pm by Taylor »
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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2014, 09:16:25 pm »

"My apologies Miss, I'm afraid the only education I got on primates was from the dollar novel that I stole a few weeks ago..." she gave her a soft, yet wolfy smile and then jerked her head towards where her home was "If you're afraid of the dark, you're welcome to stay with me until you find it the suitable brightness to continue on your way."

Without waiting for a reply, Maddi proceeded to stand and shake the dust off her fur before heading back down the hard stairs. Thinking back, she hoped that she had actually remembered to mark her page in The Princess Bride before heading out to investigate. The wolf then proceeded to turn human once again, fixing her hair as she walked through the dirt halls of her underground mansion.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she had not seen the slight impressions in the dust at the entrance to the hide away, and the fact that there was a light whistle floating from her room, and so when she walked into the room her eyes widened and she held back a scream. "W-Who?! What are you doing here?!" she hissed at the boy, her hand inching towards a bat that was leaned up against the wall in the corner of the room.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2014, 09:27:50 pm »
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

Cry blinks and pauses for a moment, considering this. She very quickly decides to oblige as she also shifts into her human form and follows the girl to her living area. A sociable being, she was glad to have some company even if it was for one night. But she too is startled at the male who seemed to appear out of no where but she doesn't say anything as this wasnt even her home in the first place.

Tomoko ?

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2014, 09:43:35 pm »
Ezekiel Crosse

Ezekiel rose from th chair as the two young women emerged from the concrete stairs that led into the dirt-compacted corridor. His devilish grin grew, his eyebrow shooting up with sudden interest. The young woman with the dark brunette hair hissed, only adding fuel to Ezekiel's fire. "Darling, darling." His deep choppy voice said in an amused tone, raising both his hands in a "surrendering" demeanor, as he pulled off his most innocent looking contortion possible for his angular and predatory-resembling features.

"I mean no harm, especially to a fellow Meta." Ezekiel Crosse said cooly, before forking his fingers through his black mess of hair. His striking blue eyes narrowed a touch upon the two female's, especially the one who seemed to run this joint. Not a very good host, eh?

The Meta gave a relaxed chuckle before lowering his hands to his side, giving off a casual stance. They could examine him for weapons or merely for his handsome attributes, either way, Ezekiel wasn't going to move until told otherwise. His backpack was at the foot of the chair, which contained his small "home" within a bag: It contained two of his most prized possessions, as well as a half-full water bottle and several bags of chips.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."